NSFW is an odd, versatile internet acronym that’s found its way into internet articles and social media posts. But what does NSFW mean, where’d it come from, and how do you use it? Don’t worry—this article is SFW.
NSFW是一个奇怪的,通用的互联网首字母缩写词,已广泛用于互联网文章和社交媒体帖子中。 但是NSFW是什么意思,它来自哪里,以及如何使用它? 不用担心-本文是SFW。
The acronym NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” When used correctly, NSFW is a warning that indicates a link to a webpage, video, photo, or audio clip contains inappropriate content. Although the word is usually associated with pornography, it’s often used as a warning label for violent, foul, offensive, or even politically charged content.
首字母缩写词NSFW代表“工作不安全”。 如果正确使用,则NSFW是警告,表示指向网页,视频,照片或音频剪辑的链接包含不适当的内容。 尽管该词通常与色情内容相关联,但通常被用作暴力,粗暴,令人反感甚至具有政治指控的内容的警告标签。
Despite its literal meaning (not safe for work), the NSFW acronym is used to save you from any kind of public embarrassment (or, you know, from traumatizing your kids). You may see it in the title of a YouTube video, in the header of an email, or before an outgoing link on a website or news article.
尽管有字面意思(工作上不安全),但NSFW的首字母缩写用于使您免于遭受任何形式的公共尴尬(或避免给孩子造成伤害)。 您可能会在YouTube视频的标题,电子邮件的标题中,或者在网站或新闻文章的传出链接之前看到它。
In some cases, NSFW is used to indicate that a webpage may make you uncomfortable—that’s how broad of a word we’re dealing with. In these situations, NSFW is sometimes accompanied by a “trigger word” or “TW” label. A video that contains detailed images of war, for example, may be labeled “NSFW TW: War,” or something to that effect.
在某些情况下,NSFW用于指示网页可能使您感到不舒服-这就是我们正在处理的单词的广泛程度。 在这种情况下,NSFW有时会带有“触发词”或“ TW”标签。 例如,包含战争详细图像的视频可以标记为“ NSFW TW:战争”或类似的名称。
Avoiding inappropriate content used to be a relatively easy task. Movies carried an R rating, dirty magazines were marked as such, and The Maury Show opened with a warning that you should kick any children out of the room ASAP.
避免不适当的内容过去是相对容易的任务。 电影的评级为R,肮脏的杂志也被标记为“ R”,而《毛里秀》则以警告您尽快将所有孩子踢出房间的警告开头。
But in the age of the internet, anyone can create content. And as you’d expect, people rarely feel the need to mark their photos, videos, and webpages as inappropriate. (To be fair, people usually post their “inappropriate” content in communities where said content is actually considered appropriate.)
但是在互联网时代,任何人都可以创建内容。 而且,正如您所期望的那样,人们很少感到需要将他们的照片,视频和网页标记为不合适。 (为公平起见,人们通常将其“不适当的”内容发布在实际上认为适当的社区中。)
From this angle, NSFW looks like a modern incarnation of “This show contains scenes that may offend some viewers.” And while that may be how it’s used now, the word actually came about as a response to a very specific problem.
从这个角度看,NSFW看起来像是“该节目包含可能冒犯某些观众的场景”的现代化身。 尽管这可能是现在使用的方式,但这个词实际上是对一个非常具体的问题的回应。
As reported by VICE, the word NSFW extends from the culture of the Snopes.com’s forum. Back in 1998, a woman came on the forum to complain that users should label inappropriate posts as “NFBSK” — “not for British school kids.” Maybe she should’ve bought a copy of the Net Nanny software.
据VICE报道,NSFW一词源自Snopes.com论坛的文化。 早在1998年,一名妇女来到论坛上,抱怨用户应将不适当的帖子标记为“ NFBSK”,“不适合英国学童”。 也许她应该购买Net Nanny软件的副本。
Anyway, this complaint turned into a Snopes in-joke, which was so gosh dang funny that Snopes decided to create a NFBSK forum. (Don’t bother looking for it; it’s basically a yearlong South Park episode.)
无论如何,这个抱怨变成了Snopes的笑话,真是太有趣了,Snopes决定创建一个NFBSK论坛。 (不必费心寻找它;基本上是一年一度的南方公园剧集。)
NFBSK became popularized as a joke, but it addressed a serious problem that other words failed to describe. The internet is dirty, but it’s everywhere. Over time, NFBSK slowly made its way into myriad forums and chatrooms. It simplified into “NSFW,” and hey, now it’s in the Webster’s dictionary!
NFBSK开了个玩笑,但它解决了一个严重的问题,用其他词语无法描述。 互联网很脏,但是无处不在。 随着时间的流逝,NFBSK逐渐进入了众多的论坛和聊天室。 它简化为“ NSFW”,嘿,现在在韦伯斯特词典中!
Unlike some other internet jargon, using the word NSFW is very easy. You can use it as a label, or you can use it as a literal acronym in a sentence. That’s all there is to it.
与其他互联网术语不同,使用NSFW一词非常容易。 您可以将其用作标签,也可以将其用作句子中的文字首字母缩写词。 这里的所有都是它的。
As a label, NSFW is only useful if it comes before the inappropriate content you’re sending. It belongs in the header of an email, Reddit post, or website. And although websites like YouTube like to autoplay videos, adding “NSFW” to the title of inappropriate videos is still a good idea.
作为标签,NSFW仅在要发送的不适当内容之前出现才有用。 它属于电子邮件,Reddit帖子或网站的标题。 而且,尽管YouTube之类的网站喜欢自动播放视频,但在不适当的视频标题中添加“ NSFW”仍然是一个好主意。
And yes, you should do this for text messages, too. Just add “NSFW” to messages that contain links to inappropriate content. If you’re attaching photos or videos to a message, ask the recipient if they can receive NSFW content before you hit that send button. (If you think this will make them uncomfortable, you probably shouldn’t be sending them inappropriate content anyway.)
是的,您也应该对短信执行此操作。 只需在包含指向不适当内容链接的邮件中添加“ NSFW”即可。 如果要将照片或视频附加到邮件中,请在单击该发送按钮之前询问收件人是否可以接收NSFW内容。 (如果您认为这会让他们感到不舒服,则无论如何都不应该向他们发送不适当的内容。)
As a literal acronym, you simply use NSFW where it fits grammatically as “not safe for work.” If someone sends you a link, for example, you could ask, “Is this NSFW?”
作为字面缩写,您只需要在语法上将NSFW用作“工作不安全”。 例如,如果有人给您发送链接,您可能会问:“这是NSFW吗?”
We mentioned the phrase SFW (safe for work) earlier in this article. Like, NSFW, the word SFW can be used as a label or as a literal acronym. You can label messages, emails, or links as SFW, and you can ask your friends questions like, “Is this SFW?”
我们在本文前面提到了短语SFW(工作安全)。 像NSFW一样,SFW一词可用作标签或文字首字母缩写词。 您可以将消息,电子邮件或链接标记为SFW,并且可以向朋友提问,例如“这是SFW吗?”
Now that you know how to recognize and use the word NSFW, why not expand your internet vocabulary with some other freaky words? Like NSFW, acronyms like TLDR and FOMO are regularly used in news articles and on your favorite social media outlets. They’re worth knowing, and don’t worry, they’re SFW.
既然您知道如何识别和使用NSFW这个词,为什么不用其他一些怪异的词来扩展您的互联网词汇呢? 与NSFW一样,新闻文章和您最喜欢的社交媒体上也经常使用TLDR和FOMO之类的首字母缩写词。 他们值得了解,不用担心,他们是SFW。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/438957/what-does-nsfw-mean-and-how-do-you-use-it/