
  • 1.逻辑综合
    • 1.1 查看CPU核心数
    • 1.2 启动DC
    • 1.3 set_svf STOTO.svf(formality用于做逻辑等价性验证)
    • 1.4 read、link、check design
      • 1.4.1 read_verilog STOTO.v
      • 1.4.2 current_design STOTO
      • 1.4.3 link
      • 1.4.4 check design
      • 1.4.5 list of designs and libraries in memory
    • 1.5 source and check the timing constraints
      • 1.5.1 source STOTO.con
      • 1.5.2 check_timing
    • 1.6 source STOTO.pcon(物理约束/物理综合)
    • 1.7 report_clock
    • 1.8. 设置spec1、2
      • 1.8.1 report_path_group
    • 1.9 设置 spec3
      • 1.9.1 get_attribute [get_designs "PIPELINE INPUT"] ungroup
    • 1.10 spec4
    • 1.11 spec5
    • 1.12 设置 spec6
    • 1.13 保存为unmapped/xxx.ddc
    • 1.14 enable multi-core optimization
    • 1.15 Compile
    • 1.16 list licence
    • 1.17 report_hierarchy -noleaf
    • 1.18 Generate a constraints report and timing report
    • 1.19 保存mapped/ddc
    • 1.20 Stop recording design changes in the SVF file for Formality
    • 1.21 get_cells -hier *r_REG*_S*
    • 1.22 report_cell -nosplit I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE
    • 1.23 get_cells -hier *z_reg*
    • 1.24 report_timing -from I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE/z_reg*/*
    • 1.25 get_cells -hier R_*
    • 1.26 report_cell -nosplit I_IN
    • 1.27 get_cells I_IN/*_reg*
  • 2. DC LAB5基础知识
    • 2.1 Open aLayoutWindow from the DesignVision GUI(物理综合)
    • 2.2 设置的hard blockage
    • 2.3 port
    • 2.4 standard cell
    • 2.5 standard cell overlap
  • 3. Formal Verification
    • 3.1 fm_shell
    • 3.2 source -echo ./scripts/fm.tcl


1.1 查看CPU核心数

DC LAB5_第1张图片

1.2 启动DC

dc_shell-t -64bit -topo

DC LAB5_第2张图片

1.3 set_svf STOTO.svf(formality用于做逻辑等价性验证)


1.4 read、link、check design

1.4.1 read_verilog STOTO.v

DC LAB5_第3张图片

1.4.2 current_design STOTO

DC LAB5_第4张图片

1.4.3 link

DC LAB5_第5张图片

1.4.4 check design

DC LAB5_第6张图片

1.4.5 list of designs and libraries in memory

DC LAB5_第7张图片

1.5 source and check the timing constraints

DC LAB5_第8张图片

1.5.1 source STOTO.con

DC LAB5_第9张图片

1.5.2 check_timing

DC LAB5_第10张图片
对于setup只设置了max delay,min delay不用管,这里可以不管warning

1.6 source STOTO.pcon(物理约束/物理综合)

DC LAB5_第11张图片
DC LAB5_第12张图片

1.7 report_clock

DC LAB5_第13张图片
DC LAB5_第14张图片

1.8. 设置spec1、2


DC LAB5_第15张图片

group_path -name clk -critical 0.21 -weight 5
group_path -name INPUTS -from [all_inputs] 
group_path -name OUTPUTS -to [all_output]
group_path -name COMBO -from [all_inputs] -to [all_output]

1.8.1 report_path_group

DC LAB5_第16张图片
DC LAB5_第17张图片

1.9 设置 spec3

set_ungroup [get_designs "PIPELINE INPUT"] false

DC LAB5_第18张图片

DC LAB5_第19张图片

1.9.1 get_attribute [get_designs “PIPELINE INPUT”] ungroup

# Verify that the "ungroup" attribute was correctly applied to the designs.
# Expect this command to return "false false".
# If you get message "Attribute 'ungroup' does not exist on design .." then apply the
# set_ungroup command. If applied to the wrong design, remove with 
# remove_attribute [get_designs "XYX ABC"] ungroup. 
# Note: Do not use "set_ungroup .. true" as this will force the designs to be ungrouped 
# during compile, no matter what, instead of allowing auto-ungroup to make a possibly 
# smarter decision.


1.10 spec4


# Retime the PIPELINE block 
set_optimize_registers true -design PIPELINE

1.11 spec5

# Do NOT retime the DONT_PIPELINE block as per spec
set_dont_retime [get_cells I_MIDDLE/I_DONT_PIPELINE] true

# Check that the dont_retime attribute is correctly applied
get_attribute [get_cells I_MIDDLE/I_DONT_PIPELINE] dont_retime

DC LAB5_第20张图片
DC LAB5_第21张图片

1.12 设置 spec6

# While retiming the PIPELINE block, make sure its output registers are 
# not mopved
set_dont_retime [get_cells I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE/z_reg*] true

# Check that the dont_retime attribute is correctly applied
get_attribute [get_cells I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE/z_reg*] dont_retime

DC LAB5_第22张图片

DC LAB5_第23张图片

1.13 保存为unmapped/xxx.ddc

# Save the un-compiled design
write -f ddc -hier -out unmapped/STOTO.ddc

在这里插入图片描述DC LAB5_第24张图片

DC LAB5_第25张图片

DC LAB5_第26张图片
DC LAB5_第27张图片

1.14 enable multi-core optimization

# Based on the available resources (Number of CPU cores and licenses)
# specify and report multi core optimization setting

set_host_options -max_cores 3


DC LAB5_第28张图片

1.15 Compile

# Compile the design. Since the design is timing-critical, and is expected to 
# have scan-chains inserted, include the "-scan" and the "-timing" options.
# Enable adaptive retiming to retime the non-pipelined parts of the design
compile_ultra  -scan  -timing -retime 

DC LAB5_第29张图片
DC LAB5_第30张图片

  • compile_ultra -scan -timing -retime
  • redirect -file compile.log {compile_ultra -scan -timing -retime}, 这里使用的重定位的命令redirect,意思是将后面{}中命令的执行结果保存到文件中, 不加-tee 表示不在当前终端显示
    DC LAB5_第31张图片
    DC LAB5_第32张图片
    DC LAB5_第33张图片
    DC LAB5_第34张图片

1.16 list licence

# Examine the number and names of License Features used

DC LAB5_第35张图片

1.17 report_hierarchy -noleaf

# Find out what blocks have been auto-ungrouped: MIDDLE, OUTPUT, DONT_PIPELINE, GLUE, ARITH and RANDOM;
#  The only remaining designs in the hierarchy should be STOTO, PIPELINE, and INPUT. 
# If you get different results, verify that you correctly
# specified the "set_ungroup" attribute.
report_hierarchy -noleaf

DC LAB5_第36张图片

DC LAB5_第37张图片
DC LAB5_第38张图片

DC LAB5_第39张图片
DC LAB5_第40张图片
DC LAB5_第41张图片

1.18 Generate a constraints report and timing report

# Generate a constraints report (remember to include "-all").
# Expect to see max-delay violations in the INPUTS and COMBO groups.
# We should not be too concerned about these max-dealy violations because
# the Design Specification warned us that the I/O constraints are "estimates and have 
# been conservatively constrained".
# You SHOULD NOT see any max-delay violations in the "clk" group!
# Notice too that cell names, by default, retain their hierarchical name even though 
# their parent block(s) may have been ungrouped (e.g. I_MIDDLE/I_DONT_PIPELINE/I_RANDOM/int1_reg*).
redirect -tee -file rc_compile_ultra.rpt {report_constraint -all}
redirect -tee -file rt_compile_ultra.rpt {report_timing}

DC LAB5_第42张图片

DC LAB5_第43张图片
DC LAB5_第44张图片

1.19 保存mapped/ddc

# Save the design
write -f ddc -hier -out mapped/STOTO.ddc

DC LAB5_第45张图片

1.20 Stop recording design changes in the SVF file for Formality

#  Stop recording SVF changes
set_svf -off


1.21 get_cells -hier r_REG_S*

# Verify that register retiming moved registers in the PIPELINE design:
# Since this command returns specific cell names this proves that registers retiming did
# in fact move some registers. Since every single cell name starts with "I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE"
# you can conclude that only PIPELINE registers were moved. Lastly, since all the register 
# cells end with "S1" we can conclude that only z1_reg*, the first stage registers, were moved.
# The latter can be further verified with additional checks. 
get_cells -hier *r_REG*_S*


1.22 report_cell -nosplit I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE

# Verify that the instance name I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE corresponds to the 
# design or "reference" name PIPELINE:
report_cell -nosplit I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE

DC LAB5_第46张图片

DC LAB5_第47张图片

1.23 get_cells -hier z_reg

# Verify that the second stage "z_reg" registers have not been moved
get_cells -hier *z_reg*

1.24 report_timing -from I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE/z_reg*/*

# You can also show that the output of PIPELINE is regsitered with:
report_timing -from I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE/z_reg*/*

DC LAB5_第48张图片
DC LAB5_第49张图片

1.25 get_cells -hier R_*

# Verify that registers in INPUTS were moved by adaptive retiming:
get_cells -hier R_*


1.26 report_cell -nosplit I_IN

# Verify that the instance name I_IN corresponds to the 
# design or "reference" name INPUT:
report_cell -nosplit I_IN

DC LAB5_第50张图片

1.27 get_cells I_IN/_reg

# Verify that not ALL the registers in INPUT were affected or moved by adaptive retiming:
get_cells  I_IN/*_reg* 


2. DC LAB5基础知识

2.1 Open aLayoutWindow from the DesignVision GUI(物理综合)

DC LAB5_第51张图片
DC LAB5_第52张图片

2.2 设置的hard blockage

hard: 是约束最严格的blockage,该区域范围内,place,legalize, optimize,CTS等任何阶段都不能摆放instance。


partial: 如果要使用partial blockage,首先要人为设计一个阻碍百分比值。在该区域内,工具会block住阻碍值的instance。如果设定了block百分比值是40%,就说明该区域至少会block40%的instance,也就是说该区域最多允许摆放60%的instance. 值得注意的是partial blockage也是只在placement阶段起作用,在legalize,optimize阶段时都不起作用。

hard_macro: 该区域内不允许摆放hard macro,在自动macro placement阶段工具不会摆放macro在该区域。
DC LAB5_第53张图片

2.3 port

DC LAB5_第54张图片

2.4 standard cell

DC LAB5_第55张图片

2.5 standard cell overlap

  • You may notice that several standard cells overlap. This is because DC-Topo uses a “coarse placement” algorithm for quicker placement, and does not perform placement “legalization”. Coarse placement is good enough for purposes of estimating the interconnect or net parasitic R/C’s.
    DC LAB5_第56张图片

3. Formal Verification

DC LAB5_第57张图片
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3.1 fm_shell

DC LAB5_第59张图片

3.2 source -echo ./scripts/fm.tcl

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DC LAB5_第61张图片
