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- 1. 重要入口
- 2. 官方文档
- 2.1 协议规范
- 2.2 白皮书
- 2.3 Presentations
- 2.4 CXL 技术博文
- 3. 学习总结记录(中文)
- 3.1 入门-协议概要
- 3.2 深入-细节探察
- 3.3 反思-讨论展望
- 4. 视频讲解
- 4.1 CXL 1.1 Technical Training
- 4.2 CXL 2.0 Technical Training
- 4.3 网络研讨会(含视频、PPT、问答记录)
- 4.4 CXL @SDC
- 4.5 其他讲解
- 5. 媒体/大咖点评
- 6. 业界反应/探索
- 7. 其他相关资源
- 7.1 Gen-Z Archive
- 7.2 OpenCAPI Archive
搜罗的一些 CXL 学习资料,仅供参考。
1. 重要入口
- CXL联盟官网:HOME | Compute Express Link
- CXL Consortium YouTube:CXL Consortium - YouTube
- CXL Regulated Videos YouTube:CXL Regulated Videos - YouTube
- CXL Webinar:Webinars | Compute Express Link
- CXL Blog:CXL Blog | Compute Express Link
- CXL 1.1 Training:CXL 1.1 Videos | Compute Express Link
- CXL 2.0 Training:CXL 2.0 Videos | Compute Express Link
2. 官方文档
2.1 协议规范
- CXL 3.0协议标准文档:CXL™ 3.0 Specification
- CXL 3.0文档勘误1:Errata for the Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0 August 2022
- CXL 3.0文档勘误2:Errata and Clarifications to the Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0 April 2023
2.2 白皮书
CXL 1.0/2.0/3.0的白皮书,协议简介类文档,跟CXL标准规范同期发布。
- Introduction to Compute Express Link™[March 2019 - White paper]
- Compute Express Link™ 2.0 White Paper [November 2020 - White paper]
- CXL 3.0 specification [August 2022 – White Paper]
- An Overview of Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) in Compute Express Link™ 2.0 [February 2021 - White paper]
以下几个短视频简单介绍了CXL 1.0/2.0/3.0,对CXL有个大致了解,可搭配CXL白皮书一起看。
- Introduction to Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Technology
- CXL™ 2.0 Overview
- Introducing CXL 3.0
- Exploring Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Cache Coherency
2.3 Presentations
- Compute Express Link™(CXL™): A Coherent Interface for Ultra-High-Speed Transfers [August 2019 - Presentation]
- Compute Express Link™ Overview Presentation
- CXL 2.0 Keynote Presentation
2.4 CXL 技术博文
- DRAM Resource Scalability Enabled by CXL™
- Insight into CXL 2.0 Security Features and Benefits
- CXL Fabric Management
- Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) 2.0 ECN:
- CXL™ Consortium and Gen-Z Consortium™ MoU Update: A Path to Protocol
- An Overview of Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) in CXL™ 2.0 White Paper
- System Considerations for Compute Express Link™
- Compute Express Link: UEFI and ACPI Specification Enhancement Recommendations
- Compliance and Interoperability: Critical Indicators of Technology Success
- The Benefits of Serial-Attached Memory with Compute Express Link™
- You Asked, We Answered! Answers to Your CXL Consortium™ Webinar Questions
- Industry Sounds Off on the Emergence of Compute Express Link™ (CXL)
- Incorporation and Expanded Board of Directors Propel the CXL Consortium™ Toward a Bright New Future
- Introduction to Compute Express Link (CXL): The CPU-To-Device Interconnect Breakthrough
- CXL枚举:CXL Enumeration: How Are Devices Discovered in System Fabric? - Verification - Cadence Blogs - Cadence Community
3. 学习总结记录(中文)
3.1 入门-协议概要
介绍了CXL 1.0~CXL 3.0的演进。文中对 memory pooling/Sharing、Back Invalidation、Bias、Fabric进行了简单的介绍。
Compute Express Link (CXL): All you need to know
CXL 概述_Happy_Enger
- 简单明了介绍了PCIe数据传输现状及其弊端;
- 对三种协议及三种设备类型的介绍通俗易懂。
什么是CXL(Compute Express Link)技术?一文读懂CXL
- 对CXL技术在计算机系统、数据中心、人工智能方向的应用总结得挺好;
- CXL挑战及解决方案
CXL介绍(一)& CXL介绍(二)
一文告诉你CXL是什么,有什么新的机会 (上)
让英特尔傲腾凉凉的CXL 3.0,究竟是什么?
CXL 联盟发布 Compute Express Link 3.0,其中都有哪些值得关注的亮点?
3.2 深入-细节探察
- 专栏:CXL学习笔记
- 老秦谈芯:CXL学习笔记
- CXL.cache 协议详解_cxl协议_Happy_Enger
- CXL RAS_system firmware view of cxl 1.1 hierarchy_Happy_Enger
- 基于CXL 的大内存池化
- CXL 2.0 Device配置空间寄存器组成_扩展配置空间_百里杨
3.3 反思-讨论展望
CXL 盛况之余
CXL 技术感想
Compute Express Link CXL 3.0 是令人兴奋的分解构建块
PCIe 5.0 的 CXL DRAM 产品能否让 OpenFOAM 榨干 CPU 性能?
CXL 1:管理和分层
OpenCPAI、Nvlink、CCIX、CXL,支持cache coherency的价值是什么?
CXL协议相比PCIe是怎么降低link layer的延迟的?
关于CXL (基于 PCIe 5.0) 的一点杂谈
三星推出业界首款512GB CXL 内存模块,并计划升级 SMDK,这对 CXL 的发展有何作用?
什么是内存和设备的池化?为什么说CXL 2.0会极大地改变服务器业态?CXL 3.0在哪里?
CXL 深入探讨:可组合服务器架构和异构计算的未来
LWN:CXL 如何管理以及分层!_LinuxNews搬运工
唯有自身强大才能呼风唤雨—Intel要携CXL一统互联江湖了吗?_mellanox cxl_古猫先生
Compute Express Link CXL 3.0 是令人兴奋的分解构建块_cxl3.0_昊源诺信
强力科普一下PCIe/CXL(Compute Express Link)_大话存储
CXL协议用于片间互联 - Chxm
CXL初探,why CXL?__西南山村的ICer
4. 视频讲解
4.1 CXL 1.1 Technical Training
- CXL Overview
- CXL Cache Memory Transaction Layer
- CXL Cache Memory Link Layer
- Flex Bus Physical Layer
- CXL Initialization
- Arbitration and Protocol Muxing
- Compliance Testing
- Reset Power Management
- CXL ActiveLinkPM
4.2 CXL 2.0 Technical Training
- CXL 2.0 Overview
- CXL 2.0 Cache Mem Transaction and Link Layer
- CXL 2.0 Protocol Enhancements
- CXL 2.0 Switching
- CXL 2.0 Security
- CXL Initialization and Memory Interface
- Arbitration and Protocol Muxing
- Flex Bus Physical Layer
- Compliance Testing
- Reset Power Management
4.3 网络研讨会(含视频、PPT、问答记录)
Introduction to Compute Express Link™(CXL™) [December 2019 - Webinar]
Link2: Introduction to Compute Express Link™ (CXL™)
Exploring Coherent Memory and Innovative Use Cases [March 2020 - Webinar]
配套PPT:Exploring Coherent Memory and Innovative Use Cases [March 2020 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the Compute Express Link™ Exploring Coherent Memory and Innovative Use Cases Webinar
Memory Challenges and CXL Solutions [August 2020 - Webinar]
配套PPT:Memory Challenges and CXL Solutions [August 2020 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the Compute Express Link™ Memory Challenges and CXL™ Solutions Webinar
介绍了Memory在容量、带宽、成本上的的趋势及挑战,介绍了CXL Memory方案,进一步介绍了CXL Type 3 Device的Memory Flow。
Introducing the Compute Express Link™ 2.0 Specification [December 2020 - Webinar]
配套PPT:Introducing the Compute Express Link™ 2.0 Specification [December 2020 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the Webinar: Introducing the Compute Express Link™ 2.0 Specification
CXL 1.1 vs. CXL 2.0–What’s the difference? [June 2022 - Webinar]
配套PPT:CXL 1.1 vs. CXL 2.0 – What’s the difference? [June 2022 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the “CXL 1.1 vs. CXL 2.0 – What’s the difference?” Webinar
Compute Express Link™ (CXL™): Supporting Persistent Memory [June 2021 - Webinar]
配套PPT:Compute Express Link™ (CXL™): Supporting Persistent Memory [June 2021 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™): Supporting Persistent Memory Webinar
Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Link-level Integrity and Data Encryption (CXL IDE)
[September 2021 - Webinar]
配套PPT:Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Link-level Integrity and Data Encryption (CXL IDE) [September 2021 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the “Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Link-level Integrity and Data Encryption” Webinar
Introduction to the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Fabric Manager [March 2022 - Webinar]
配套PPT:Introduction to the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Fabric Manager [March 2022 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the “Introduction to the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) Fabric Manager” Webinar
Compute Express Link™ 2.0 Specification: Memory Pooling [March 2021 - Webinar]
配套PPT:Compute Express Link™ 2.0 Specification: Memory Pooling [March 2021 - Presentation]
会后问答1:Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) 2.0 Specification: Memory Pooling – Questions from the Webinar Part 1
会后问答2:CXL™ 2.0 Specification: Memory Pooling – Questions from the Webinar Part 2
An Overview of the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) 2.0 ECN [December 2021 - Webinar]
配套PPT:An Overview of the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) 2.0 ECN [December 2021 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from the “An Overview of the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) 2.0 ECN” Webinar
CXL 3.0: Enabling composable systems with expanded fabric capabilities [October 2022 - Webinar]
配套PPT:CXL 3.0: Enabling composable systems with expanded fabric capabilities [October 2022 - Presentation]
会后问答:CXL 3.0 Webinar Q&A Recap
A look into the CXL device ecosystem and the evolution of CXL use cases [January 2023 - Webinar]
配套PPT:A look into the CXL device ecosystem and the evolution of CXL use cases [January 2023 - Presentation]
会后问答:Questions from “A Look into the CXL™ Device Ecosystem and the Evolution of CXL Use Cases” Webinar
4.4 CXL @SDC
SDC2020: CXL 1.1 Protocol Extensions: Review of the cache and memory protocols in CXL - YouTube
SDC2020: Understanding Compute Express Link: A Cache-coherent Interconnect - YouTube
SDC2021: Compute Express Link 2.0: A High-Performance Interconnect for Memory Pooling - YouTube
SDC2021:Innovations in Load-Store I/O Causing Profound Changes in Memory Storage & Compute Landscape - YouTube
SDC2022 – Introducing CXL 3.0: Expanded Capabilities for Increased Scale and Optimized Resource Util - YouTube
SDC2022 – A Persistent CXL Memory Module with DRAM Performance
配套PPT:A Persistent CXL Memory Module DRAM Performance - SNIA SDC 2022 (storagedeveloper.org)
SDC2022 – Why Should the Storage Community Care about CXL?
SDC2022 – Software Defined Memory with CXL and Tiered Memory to Enable Hyperscale Use Cases
SDC2022 – Memory Disaggregation and Pooling with CXL
SDC2022 – Future of Persistent Memory in Form Factors Architectures with CXL
4.5 其他讲解
CXL Vs. CCIX - YouTube
HC34-T1: CXL - YouTube
HotChips 2022上关于CXL的演讲,包括CXL的演进、CXL 2/0/3.0的一致性、Memory使用及挑战、Fabric及其使用等。
Enfabrica: Scaling CXL Memory Using High Speed Networking - YouTube
CXL and IDE: Important Considerations of Protecting High Speed Interconnects (brighttalk.com)
Micron: CXL 3.0 Shared Memory for a New Class of Applications - YouTube
SNIA CMSS23 - Introduction to Fabrics in CXL 3.0 - YouTube
Breaking the PCIe Latency Barrier with CXL (Chinese version) (brighttalk.com)
PLDA关于CXL Latency的讲解,Cache/mem是如何来减小Latency的,Latency由哪些部分引起,等等。
memory interleaving | COA - YouTube
三姐手书细心讲解Memory Interleaving通识,图文并茂,蛮好。考验听力。
Compute Express Link: Proposed Enhancements to UEFI and ACPI Specifications - YouTube
SNIA PM+CS’22: CXL and UCIe - YouTube
Benefits of Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) for High-Performance Computing - YouTube
Introduction to CXL Multi-Headed Devices - YouTube
CXL vs iomem_resource - Ben Widawsky - YouTube
Compute Express Link for Heterogeneous computing Webinar Q&A - YouTube
Part 2 of the Webinar: Compute Express Link (CXL) for Heterogeneous Computing - YouTube
PCIe Refresher - Part one of Compute Express Link for Heterogeneous Computing Webinar - YouTube
At-Scale Device Management Solutions for CXL Memory Device - YouTube
SNIA CMSS23 - Introduction to Fabrics in CXL 3.0 - YouTube
CXL Memory的RAS方案:An overview of CXL Memory expansion module Error Handling (RAS) Solution Implementation - YouTube
CXL 2.0 and memory solutions - YouTube
介绍了CXL Persistent Memory及可能的CXL Memory方案。比较了基于DIMM及基于CXL的Memory方案。
CXL in Next-gen Servers Will Make Today’s Servers Obsolete - YouTube
Introduction to CXL - YouTube
CXL 3.0: Novel Device Types- Capabilities- and Interconnects - YouTube
SNIA CMSS23 - Server fabrics and the evolution to CXL 3.0 - YouTube
CXL™ 2.0: A High-Speed Interconnect for Persistent Memory Challenges - YouTube
Innovations in Memory System Architecture PIM and CXL Memory - YouTube
5. 媒体/大咖点评
5.1 国内
- 2022数据与存储峰会 (datastoragesummit.com),CXL大内存论坛直播
- CXL大佬说(1):CXL将掀起大内存的技术潮流
- CXL大佬说(2):MemVerge介绍CXL的应用场景与实用价值
- CXL大佬说(3):三星如何用CXL突破内存瓶颈?
- CXL大佬说(4):澜起科技的CXL内存扩展技术简介
- 夏晶:聊一聊CXL
- 老狼:基于PCIe 5.0的CXL是什么?
- Zarbot: NetDAM-CXL?
- 澜起科技邱铮:详解CXL内存扩展技术的价值和具体解决方案
- 英特尔顾小宝:CXL将如何重构数据中心?
- MemVerge范承工:CXL正在迎来大内存的曙光
- MemVerge所说的大内存将如何引爆千亿美金IT新市场
- 三星金俊:如何用CXL内存解决方案突破内存瓶颈?
- 新华三李乔:AGI时代算力基础架构面临的挑战与机遇
- 越来越热的CXL_风闻
- 大内存时代振奋人心的CXL技术(上)
- 大内存时代振奋人心的CXL技术(下)
- PCI-e(PCI Express)技术逐渐乏力,CXL技术迎来革命性的转变-国际电子商情
- AMD 宣布 5 年内导入消费级 CPU,CXL 技术潜力在哪?
- 揭开CXL内存的神秘面纱
- 英特尔放弃Optane业务,转而拥抱的CXL是什么?_内存_设备_主机 (sohu.com)
- 澜起科技发布全球首款CXL 内存扩展控制器芯片,该芯片都有哪些值得关注的亮点?
5.2 外媒
- May 16, 2023: How CXL 3.0 technology will affect enterprise storage
- April 9, 2023: How DPUs, IPUs, and CXL Can Improve Data Center Power Efficiency
- March 23, 2023: A Game-Changing Approach, New Mergers and a Disruptive Technology with Siamak Tavallaei from the CXL Consortium
- March 20, 2023: The History and Future of CXL with Jim Pappas | Utilizing Tech 4×20
- February 22, 2023: DesignCon 2023 A Hotbed for Technology Discussion
- February 16, 2023: Memory At The 2023 Designcon
- February 6, 2023: How the CXL Consortium is Driving Adoption with Siamak Tavallaei | Utilizing Tech 4×14
- January 4, 2023: SNIA Spec Gets Data Moving in CXL Environment - EE Times
- November 14, 2022: HPCwire Reveals Winners of the 2022 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards During SC22 – HPCwire
- November 10, 2022: CXL Consortium Set to Present and Showcase Technology Demonstrations at SC’22 in Dallas, TX – HPCwire
- October 31, 2022: A primer on CXL technology uses – SearchStorage
- September 23, 2022: CXL Spec Grows, Absorbs Others to Collate Ecosystem – EE Times
- September 21, 2022: CXL Ecosystem Enabling Memory Fabrics – Forbes
- August 24, 2022: What’s the Difference Between CXL 1.1 and CXL 2.0? – ElectronicDesign
- August 5, 2022: Flash memory vendors unveil PCIe 5.0 SSDs, latest spec for CXL interconnect tech – The Register
- August 4, 2022: Why you should start paying attention to CXL now – The Register
- August 4, 2022: Compute Express Link CXL 3.0 is the Exciting Building Block for Disaggregation – ServeTheHome
- August 2, 2022: Compute Express Link (CXL) 3.0 Announced: Doubled Speeds and Flexible Fabrics – Anandtech
- August 2, 2022: CXL Brings Datacenter-sized Computing with 3.0 Standard, Thinks Ahead to 4.0 – HPCwire
- August 1, 2022: OpenCAPI to Be Folded into CXL – HPCwire
- July 21, 2022: Four key need-to-knows about CXL - ComputerWeekly
- May 16, 2022: How CXL may change the datacenter as we know it - The Register
- May 12, 2022: One Memory to Rule Them All: The Rise of CXL - Embedded Computing Design
- April 12, 2022: Choosing The Right Server Interface Architectures For High Performance Computing - Semiconductor Engineering
- January 19, 2022: Virtual Roundtable On Storage And Memory - Forbes
- January 5, 2022: Top 5 Data Center Tech to Watch in 2022 - SDxCentral
- December 24, 2021: Data centre disaggregation with Gen-Z and CXL - Gazettabyte
- December 10, 2021: CXL Put Through Its Paces - EE Times
- December 9, 2021: CXL Will Absorb Gen-Z - EE Times
- December 7, 2021: Intel Sapphire Rapids CXL with Emmitsburg PCH Shown at SC21 – Serve the Home
- November 28, 2021: Top 10 Showcases at Supercomputing 2021–Serve the Home
- November 23, 2021: Finally, A Coherent Interconnect Strategy: CXL Absorbs Gen-Z–The Next Platform
- November 15, 2021: CXL Consortium Showcases First Public Demonstrations of Compute Express Link Technology at SC21–HPCwire
- November 15, 2021: CXL Consortium at SC21: 1st Public Demo of Compute Express Link–insideHPC
- November 11, 2021: And so it comes to pass: Gen-Z will be folded into CXL–Blocks & Files
- November 11, 2021: Big Memory Needs Software-defined Memory–DCIG
- August 6, 2021: Planning for Servers in 2022 and Beyond Series–Serve the Home
- August 5, 2021: How the CXL interconnect will affect enterprise storage–Tech Target
- May 21, 2021: Compute Express Link or CXL What it is and Examples–Serve the Home
- May 11, 2021: CXL: Coherency, Memory, and I/O Semantics on PCIe Infrastructure–Electronic Design
- April 1, 2021: Safeguarding Data Over PCIe & CXL in Data Centers–Semiconductor Engineering
- March 11, 2021: Domain-Specific Memory – Semiconductor Engineering
- January 25, 2021: CXL gathers speed with 2.0 spec–EE Times
- November 10, 2020: Compute Express Link CXL 2.0 Specification Released the Big One–ServeTheHome
- November 10, 2020: Compute eXpress Link 2.0 (CXL 2.0) Finalized: Switching, PMEM, Security–AnandTech
- August 20, 2020: New CXL interconnect promises to move data faster, more efficiently at 32 GT/s–VentureBeat
- May 18, 2020: CXL Protocol Adds Capabilities over PCIe–EETimes
- April 8, 2020: CXL and Gen-Z Lay Borders with a Formal MOU We Talk Impact – ServeTheHome
- April 5, 2020: Memory-Centric Architectures With Gen-Z And CXL Alliance – Forbes
- April 3, 2020: CXL and Gen-Z Iron Out A Coherent Interconnect Strategy – The Next Platform
- September 27, 2019: CXL Enables Heterogenous Computing – Forbes
- September 20, 2019: CXL Consortium Formally Incorporated, Gets New Board Members & CXL 1.1 Specification – AnandTech
- September 11, 2019: ARM Joins CXL Consortium – HPCWire
- July 19, 2019: AMD Joins CXL Consortium: Playing in All The Interconnects – AnandTech
- April 15, 2019: Compute Express Link (CXL): From Nine Members to Thirty Three – AnandTech
- March 19, 2019: How are faster networks advancing the next generation of data centres? – Cloud Computing
- March 14, 2019: CXL Consortium Launches CPU-to-Anything High Speed Interconnect Protocol – HPCWire
- March 14, 2019: Tech Giants To Team Up For Boosting CXL Consortium Data Centre Performance – Analytics Insight
- March 13, 2019: Intel, Google and others join forces for CXL interconnect – Data Center Dynamics
- March 12, 2019: Industry Heavyweights Get Behind Data Centre Optimisation Effort For Artificial Intelligence – Data Economy
- Finally, A Coherent Interconnect Strategy: CXL Absorbs Gen-Z (nextplatform.com)
6. 业界反应/探索
6.1 方案介绍
- March 9, 2023: Enabling New Server Architectures With the CXL Interconnect
- May 3, 2022: Composable Memory within CXL 2.0 Protocol Shown by Liqid, Samsung, Tanzanite
- November 5, 2021: Heterogeneous Computing Is About Optimizing Resources
- October 6, 2021: CXL and the Tiered-Memory Future of Servers
- September 29, 2021: CXL Ushers in a New Era of Data-Center Architecture
- September 7, 2021: The CXL Roadmap Opens Up the Memory Hierarchy
- August 18, 2021: Intel Hot Interconnects 2021 CXL Keynote Coverage
- July 16, 2021: CXL Product Pipeline Gets Flowing
- July 12, 2021: Securing Server Systems And Data At The Hardware Level
- July 8, 2021: CXL Signals A New Era Of Data Center Architecture
- July 8, 2021: How CXL is Changing the Data Center
- June 12, 2021: Tear Down These Walls: How CXL Could Reinvent the Data Center
- SMT:利用CXL内存扩展器对异构计算系统进行软件定义的内存分层
- 利用CXL内存对数据分析平台进行系统优化
- 英特尔放弃同时封装CPU、GPU、内存计划
- 第四代英特尔至强可扩展处理器支持CXL 1.1,但没完全支持
- 英特尔发布首款支持PCIe5.0和CXL功能的FPGA,帮助客户快速部署定制化技术_天极网 (yesky.com)
- 三星CXL(DDR5 on EDSFF)内存更新
- 三星推出512GB 内存扩展器CXL DRAM | 三星半导体官网 (samsung.com)
- 三星电子研发出其首款支持CXL 2.0的CXL DRAM
- SSD新范式 | CXL咋样了?看看新一代x86服务器平台的支持情况
- COMPUTEX 2023:威刚展示下一代内存模块,包括CAMM、CXL和MR-DIMM|闪存|服务器|dell
- MICRO’23 CXL动态内存池
- 澜起科技PCIe 5.0/CXL 2.0 Retimer芯片成功实现量产
- 戴尔科技集团新一代服务器CXL 助力企业数据中心内存层降低成本
- 【玖越机器人】CXL 3.0面世,服务器开放互联标准之争落下帷幕
- 【玖越机器人】正在为服务器市场创造数十亿价值的CXL
- SK 海力士开发出 DDR5 DRAM CXL 存储器样品,该产品性能如何?
- 新思科技推出业界首个CXL 2.0 VIP解决方案
- Tanzanite 展示业界首款基于 CXL 的内存扩展和内存池产品
- 美光退出3DXpoint,押宝CXL,将是其未来关键
6.2 CXL Demo演示
CXL Memory Pooling Demo - YouTube
Memory Poolling的Demo,现场演示了,2CPU with 2 Memory Device,没听出来是基于Switch还是直连。
CXL 2.0 End-to-End System Demonstration (Including CXL-enabled CPUs, a CXL Switch, Memory Expanders) - YouTube
这个Demo上了CXL 2.0 Switch,静态展示。
CXL Fabric的Demo:CXL Fabric Adaptor Bridge Demo - IntelliProp - YouTube
Astera Labs Aries CXL™ Smart Retimers: Enabling Robust CXL Connectivity for Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU-base Systems with Synopsys DesignWare CXL Controller IP - Astera Labs
Cadence IP for CXL Interop Demonstration - Cadence
Proof of Concept: Memory Disaggregation Local, Expanded, and Remote Memory - Elastics.cloud
GigaIO: The Future of Composability with CXL - GigaIO
CXL Fabric Adaptor Bridge Demo - IntelliProp
CXL Type 3 Memory Device Demo - Meta
CXL™ IP/FPGA Platforms & Interoperability - Mobiveil
MXC + Retimer Video - Montage Technology
Demonstration of a CXL Interconnect on a FPGA-based Design - Rambus
Functional Integration of SAP HANA In-Memory-Database on Samsung’s CXL Memory Expander - Samsung
Synopsys DesignWare CXL IP Showing Successful Data Transfer Using a Teledyne LeCroy CXL Analyzer - Synopsys
CXL Compliance Demonstration - Teledyne LeCroy
AMD SEV Enabled Confidential Containers on CXL Encrypted Memory
Astera Labs Dallas V4 With LT 19382
UnifabriX SC-22 CXL-based Smart Memory Node ™ product demo at SC-22
IntelliProp - Disaggregated and Composable CXL attached Memory Fabric
CXL Memory Expander: Expanding memory, expanding possibilities | Samsung
Elastics.cloud Rack-Scale Memory Pooling with CXL
Synopsys CXL™ 2.0 IP Successful Interoperability and Compliance Testing
7. 其他相关资源
7.1 Gen-Z Archive
- Gen-Z Core Specification 1.1e
- Gen-Z Phy Specification 1.1
- Gen-Z Fabric Management Specification 1.0
7.2 OpenCAPI Archive
- OpenCAPI Archive | Compute Express Link
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