在Web应用程序开发中,除了将请求参数自动设置到Action的字段中,我们往往也需要在Action里直接获取请求(Request)或会话 (Session)的一些信息, 甚至需要直接对JavaServlet Http的请求(HttpServletRequest),响应(HttpServletResponse)操作。
ActionContext context = ActionContext.getContext(); Map params = context.getParameters(); String username = (String) params.get("username");
一般情况,我们的ActionContext都是通过:ActionContext context = (ActionContext) actionContext.get();来获取的.
static ThreadLocal actionContext = new ActionContextThreadLocal();
ActionContextThreadLocal是实现ThreadLocal的一个内部类.ThreadLocal可以命名为"线程局部变量",它为每一个使用该变量的线程都提供一个变量值的副本,使每一个线程都可以独立地改变自己的副本, 而不会和其它线程的副本冲突.这样,我们ActionContext里的属性只会在对应的当前请求线程中可见,从而保证它是线程安全的.
Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession();
ServletActionContext(com.opensymphony.webwork. ServletActionContext),这个类直接继承了我们上面介绍的ActionContext,它提供了直接与JavaServlet相关对象访问的功能,它可以取得的对象有:
1, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest:HTTPservlet请求对象
2, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;:HTTPservlet相应对象
3, javax.servlet.ServletContext:Servlet 上下文信息
4, javax.servlet.ServletConfig:Servlet配置对象
5, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext:Http页面上下文
1, 取得HttpServletRequest对象:
HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext. getRequest();
2, 取得HttpSession对象:
HttpSession session = ServletActionContext. getRequest().getSession();
ServletActionContext 和ActionContext有着一些重复的功能,在我们的Action中,该如何去抉择呢?
如果我要取得Servlet API中的一些对象,如request,response或session等,应该怎么做?
在Strutx 2.0你可以有两种方式获得这些对象:非IoC方式和IoC(控制反转Inversion of Control)方式.
要获得上述对象,关键Struts 2.0中com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext类.我们可以通过它的静态方法getContext()获取当前 Action的上下文对象. 另外,org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext作为辅助类(Helper Class),可以帮助您快捷地获得这几个对象.
HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); HttpSession session = request.getSession();
例6 classes/tutorial/NonIoCServlet.java
1 package tutorial;
3 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; 4 5 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; 6 7 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; 8 9 import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; 10 11 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; 12 13 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; 14 15 Public class NonIoCServletextends ActionSupport { 16 17 private String message; 18 19 20 21 public String getMessage() { 22 23 return message; 24 25 } 26 27 HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); 28 29 HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); 30 31 HttpSession session = request.getSession(); 32 33 34 35 @Override 36 37 public String execute() { 38 39 ActionContext.getContext().getSession().put("msg", "Hello World from Session!");[A2] 40 41 42 43 StringBuffer sb =new StringBuffer("Message from request: "); 44 45 sb.append(request.getParameter("msg")); 46 47 48 49 sb.append("<br>Response Buffer Size: "); 50 51 sb.append(response.getBufferSize()); 52 53 54 55 sb.append("<br>Session ID: "); 56 57 sb.append(session.getId());[A3] 58 59 60 61 message = sb.toString(); //转换为字符串。 62 63 return SUCCESS; 64 65 } 66 67 } //与LoginAction类似的方法。
要使用IoC方式,我们首先要告诉IoC容器(Container)想取得某个对象的意愿,通过实现相应的接口做到这点.具体实现,请参考例6 IocServlet.java.
例6 classes/tutorial/IoCServlet.java
1 package tutorial; 2 3 import java.util.Map; 4 5 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; 6 7 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; 8 9 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; 10 11 import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; 12 13 import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletResponseAware; 14 15 import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.SessionAware; 16 17 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; 18 19 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; 20 21 public class IoCServlet extends ActionSupport implements SessionAware, ServletRequestAware, ServletResponseAware { 22 23 private String message; 24 25 private Map att; 26 27 private HttpServletRequest request; 28 29 private HttpServletResponse response; 30 31 32 33 public String getMessage() { 34 35 return message; 36 37 } 38 39 public void setSession(Map att) { 40 41 this.att = att; 42 43 }[A5] 44 45 publicvoid setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { 46 47 this.request = request; 48 49 } 50 51 publicvoid setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse response) { 52 53 this.response = response; 54 55 }[A5] 56 57 58 59 @Override 60 61 public String execute() { 62 63 att [A6] .put("msg", "Hello World from Session!"); 64 65 66 67 HttpSession session = request.getSession(); 68 69 70 71 StringBuffer sb =new StringBuffer("Message from request: "); 72 73 sb.append(request.getParameter("msg")); 74 75 sb.append("<br>Response Buffer Size: "); 76 77 sb.append(response.getBufferSize()); 78 79 sb.append("<br>Session ID: "); 80 81 sb.append(session.getId()); 82 83 84 85 message = sb.toString(); 86 87 return SUCCESS; 88 89 } 90 91 }
例6 Servlet.jsp
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <html> <head> <title>Hello World!</title> </head> <body> <h2> <s:property value="message" escape="false"/> <br>Message from session: <s:property value="#session.msg"/> </h2> </body> </html>
例6 classes/struts.xml中NonIocServlet和IoCServlet Action的配置
<action name="NonIoCServlet" class="tutorial.NonIoCServlet"> <result>/Servlet.jsp</result> </action> <action name="IoCServlet" class="tutorial.IoCServlet"> <result>/Servlet.jsp</result> </action>
运行Tomcat,在浏览器地址栏中键入http://localhost:8080/Struts2_Action /NonIoCServlet.action?msg=Hello World! 或http://localhost:8080/Struts2_Action/IoCServlet.action?msg=Hello World!
附:ActionContext的常用方法(来自Struts2.0 API)
Returns a value that is stored in the current ActionContext by doing a lookup using the value's key.
key- the key used to find the value.
the value that was found using the key or null if the key was not found.
public void put(Object key, Object value)
Stores a value in the current ActionContext. The value can be looked up using the key.
key- the key of the value.
value- the value to be stored.
public static ActionContext getContext()
Returns the ActionContext specific to the current thread.
the ActionContext for the current thread, is never null.
public Map getSession()
Gets the Map of HttpSession values when in a servlet environment or a generic session map otherwise.
the Map of HttpSession values when in a servlet environment or a generic session map otherwise.
public void setSession(Map session)
Sets a map of action session values.
session- the session values.
addFieldError //该方法主要用于验证的方法之中
public void addFieldError(String fieldName, String errorMessage)
Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
Add an error message for a given field.
Specified by:
addFieldErrorin interface ValidationAware
fieldName- name of field
errorMessage- the error message
public void validate()
A default implementation that validates nothing. Subclasses should override this method to provide validations.
Specified by:
validatein interface Validateable
public void setSession(Map session)
Sets a map of action session values. 设置session值,
session- the session values.
常用于校验登陆程序的账号和密码是否为空,可以加入addFieldError方法。例如public void validate() {
if (null == login.getUserID() || "".equals(login.getUserID())) { this.addFieldError("login.userID", "学号不能为空"); }
if (null == login.getUserPassword() ||"".equals(login.getUserPassword())) { this.addFieldError("login.userPassword", "密码不能为空"); }