
What Tinder's biggest 2019 trends reveal about how people are dating


Are you a vegan who likes kombucha? Are you real, lit, or looking for a real lit match? Do you even know what these words mean? If not, you probably need to lower your expectations on Tinder. Yesterday,the dating platform released its Year in Swipe roundup. We've gone through the data to tell youwhat people were talking about the most in 2019 on Tinder.

你是一位喜欢康普茶的严格素食主义者吗?你是不是很“真”很“酷炫”,或者想要找一个“真滴酷炫”的配对?你真的知道这些词的含义吗?如果答案是否定的,你可能需要在刷Tinder时降低期望了。昨天,该交友平台发布了“年度划屏”报告。我们已经整理好了数据,一起来看看2019 年人们在Tinder上谈论最 多的是什么吧。

Australians are wide awoke


Unlike in the US and the UK, Australian Tinder bios were full of almond milk, avo toast and the keto diet. Among those under the age of 25- now the biggest age group on Tinder - the word vegan saw a 112% increase in Australian bios in 2019. Because nothing quite says "I love you" like good gut health and cutting your carbon footprint in half.


Woke was also the most used word in Tinder bios in Australia- in the US and the UK, the word woke was the seventh most popular word.

此外,在澳洲,Tinder 的个人介绍中,woke" (觉醒)这个词最为常用。在美国和英国,“woke"在最流行词汇中排名第七。

Mission: possible


In 2019, young Tinder users are really interested in what your cause is. Among Generation Z, the most used term on Tinder was "cause" or "mission" and in particular, issues such as climate change and environment were close to Tinder users' hearts.


If that sounds daunting, don't worry, we've got you一 we've drafted a little chat-up line for you to try: "Are you my reusable coffee cup? Because I'd like to have more than one drink with you."

如果这听上去让人发怵,别担心,我们在呢一我 们为你起草了一小句搭讪台词,你可以试试:“你是我的可重复使用咖啡杯吗?因为我可不想和你只喝一杯。

Everyone loves Drake


Drake's In My Feelings was the top Spotify song for Tinder users in every country in the world- So if you're really flagging, just ask your Tinder crush if they're riding and see what comes of it.

在全世界的每个国家,Drake 的In My Feelings都是Tinder用户的“我的Spotify最爱歌曲”第一名,所以如果你真的有点犹豫不定,直接问问你的Tinder心上人,是否能够get到“are you riding”的暗号,看看结果如何。
