Real-Time Rendering——5.3 Implementing Shading Models 实现着色模型 5.3.1 Frequency of Evaluation 计算的频率

To be useful, these shading and lighting equations must of course be implemented in code. In this section we will go over some key considerations for designing and writing such implementations. We will also walk through a simple implementation example.


When designing a shading implementation, the computations need to be divided according to their frequency of evaluation.


First, determine whether the result of a given computation is always constant over an entire draw call. In this case, the computation can be performed by the application, typically on the CPU, though a GPU compute shader could be used for especially costly computations. The results are passed to the graphics API via uniform shader inputs.


Even within this category, there is a broad range of possible frequencies of evaluation,starting from “once ever.” The simplest such case would be a constant subexpression in the shading equation, but this could apply to any computation based on rarely changing factors such as the hardware configuration and installation options.Such shading computations might be resolved when the shader is compiled, in which case there is no need to even set a uniform shader input. Alternatively, the computation might be performed in an offline precomputation pass, at installation time, or when the application is loaded.


Another case is when the result of a shading computation changes over an application run, but so slowly that updating it every frame is not necessary. For example,lighting factors that depend on the time of day in a virtual game world. If the computation is costly, it may be worthwhile to amortize it over multiple frames.


Other cases include computations that are performed once per frame, such as concatenating the view and perspective matrices; or once per model, such as updating model lighting parameters that depend on location; or once per draw call, e.g., updating parameters for each material within a model. Grouping uniform shader inputs by frequency of evaluation is useful for application efficiency, and can also help GPU performance by minimizing constant updates.


If the result of a shading computation changes within a draw call, it cannot be passed to the shader through a uniform shader input. Instead, it must be computed by one of the programmable shader stages described in Chapter 3 and, if needed, passed to other stages via varying shader inputs. In theory, shading computations can be performed on any of the programmable stages, each one corresponding to a different evaluation frequency:


• Vertex shader—Evaluation per pre-tessellation vertex.
• Hull shader—Evaluation per surface patch.
• Domain shader—Evaluation per post-tessellation vertex.

• Geometry shader—Evaluation per primitive.
• Pixel shader—Evaluation per pixel.






In practice most shading computations are performed per pixel. While these are typically implemented in the pixel shader, compute shader implementations are increasingly common;several examples will be discussed in Chapter 20. The other stages are primarily used for geometric operations such as transformation and deformation.To understand why this is the case, we will compare the results of per-vertex and perpixel shading evaluations. In older texts, these are sometimes referred to as Gouraud shading and Phong shading, respectively, though those terms are not often used today. This comparison uses a shading model somewhat similar to the one in Equation 5.1, but modified to work with multiple light sources. The full model will be given a bit later, when we cover an example implementation in detail.


Figure 5.9 shows the results of per-pixel and per-vertex shading on models with a wide range of vertex densities. For the dragon, an extremely dense mesh, the difference between the two is small. But on the teapot, vertex shading evaluation causes visible errors such as angularly shaped highlights, and on the two-triangle plane the vertexshaded version is clearly incorrect.


Real-Time Rendering——5.3 Implementing Shading Models 实现着色模型 5.3.1 Frequency of Evaluation 计算的频率_第1张图片

Figure 5.9. A comparison of per-pixel and per-vertex evaluations for the example shading model from Equation 5.19, shown on three models of varying vertex density. The left column shows the results of per-pixel evaluation, the middle column shows per-vertex evaluation, and the right column presents wireframe renderings of each model to show vertex density. (Chinese Dragon mesh from Computer Graphics Archive [1172], original model from Stanford 3D Scanning Repository.) 


The cause of these errors is that parts of the shading equation, the highlight in particular, have values that vary nonlinearly over the mesh surface. This makes them a poor fit for the vertex shader, the results of which are interpolated linearly over the triangle before being fed to the pixel shader.


In principle, it would be possible to compute only the specular highlight part of the shading model in the pixel shader, and calculate the rest in the vertex shader. This would likely not result in visual artifacts and in theory would save some computation.In practice, this kind of hybrid implementation is often not optimal. The linearly varying parts of the shading model tend to be the least computationally costly, and splitting up the shading computation in this way tends to add enough overhead, such as duplicated computations and additional varying inputs, to outweigh any benefit.


As we mentioned earlier, in most implementations the vertex shader is responsible for non-shading operations such as geometry transformation and deformation. The resulting geometric surface properties, transformed into the appropriate coordinate system, are written out by the vertex shader, linearly interpolated over the triangle,and passed into the pixel shader as varying shader inputs. These properties typically include the position of the surface, the surface normal, and optionally surface tangent vectors, if needed for normal mapping.


Note that even if the vertex shader always generates unit-length surface normals,interpolation can change their length. See the left side of Figure 5.10. For this reason the normals need to be renormalized (scaled to length 1) in the pixel shader. However,the length of the normals generated by the vertex shader still matters. If the normal length varies significantly between vertices, e.g., as a side effect of vertex blending,this will skew the interpolation. This can be seen in the right side of Figure 5.10. Due to these two effects, implementations often normalize interpolated vectors before and after interpolation, i.e., in both the vertex and pixel shaders.


Real-Time Rendering——5.3 Implementing Shading Models 实现着色模型 5.3.1 Frequency of Evaluation 计算的频率_第2张图片

Figure 5.10. On the left, we see that linear interpolation of unit normals across a surface results in interpolated vectors with lengths less than one. On the right, we see that linear interpolation of normals with significantly different lengths results in interpolated directions that are skewed toward the longer of the two normals. 


Unlike the surface normals, vectors that point toward specific locations, such as the view vector and the light vector for punctual lights, are typically not interpolated.Instead, the interpolated surface position is used to compute these vectors in the pixel shader. Other than the normalization, which as we have seen needs to be performed in the pixel shader in any case,each of these vectors is computed with a vector subtraction, which is quick.If for some reason it is necessary to interpolate these vectors, do not normalize them beforehand. This will yield incorrect results, as shown in Figure 5.11.


Real-Time Rendering——5.3 Implementing Shading Models 实现着色模型 5.3.1 Frequency of Evaluation 计算的频率_第3张图片

 Figure 5.11. Interpolation between two light vectors. On the left, normalizing them before interpolation causes the direction to be incorrect after interpolation. On the right, interpolating the non-normalized vectors yields correct results.


Earlier we mentioned that the vertex shader transforms the surface geometry into “the appropriate coordinate system.” The camera and light positions, passed to the pixel shader through uniform variables, are typically transformed by the application into the same coordinate system. This minimizes work done by the pixel shader to bring all the shading model vectors into the same coordinate space. But which coordinate system is the “appropriate” one? Possibilities include the global world space as well as the local coordinate system of the camera or, more rarely, that of the currently rendered model. The choice is typically made for the rendering system as a whole,based on systemic considerations such as performance, flexibility, and simplicity. For example, if rendered scenes are expected to include huge numbers of lights, world space might be chosen to avoid transforming the light positions. Alternately, camera space might be preferred, to better optimize pixel shader operations relating to the view vector and to possibly improve precision (Section 16.6).


Although most shader implementations, including the example implementation we are about to discuss, follow the general outline described above, there are certainly exceptions. For example, some applications choose the faceted appearance of perprimitive shading evaluation for stylistic reasons. This style is often referred to as flat shading. Two examples are shown in Figure 5.12.


Real-Time Rendering——5.3 Implementing Shading Models 实现着色模型 5.3.1 Frequency of Evaluation 计算的频率_第4张图片

Figure 5.12. Two games that use flat shading as a stylistic choice: Kentucky Route Zero, top, and That Dragon, Cancer, bottom. (Upper image courtesy of Cardboard Computer, lower courtesy of Numinous Games.) 

图5.12。两个游戏使用平面阴影作为风格选择:Kentucky Route Zero, top, and That Dragon, Cancer, bottom.(上图由Cardboard Computer提供,下图由Numinous Games提供。)

In principle, flat shading could be performed in the geometry shader, but recent implementations typically use the vertex shader. This is done by associating each primitive’s properties with its first vertex and disabling vertex value interpolation.Disabling interpolation (which can be done for each vertex value separately) causes the value from the first vertex to be passed to all pixels in the primitive.

