
1、htop : interactive process viewer /交互式进程查看器

        htop [-dChustv]


                -d --delay=DELAY ,Delay between updates, in tenths of seconds/ 设置数据更新频率

                            >>>htop  -d  1

                -p --pid=PID,PID...Show only the given PIDs/显示指定pid进程信息

                            >>>htop -p 1   ##只显示pid=1的进程信息

                -s --sort-key COLUMN, Sort by this column (use --sort-key help for a column list) /按照指定列排序               

                -u --user=USERNAME,Show only the processes of a given user./只显示指定用户的进程;

                -t --tree, Show processes in tree view ./按照树状形式展示进程 ;


                 s : Trace process system calls; /跟踪进程的系统调用情况,F8:AutoRoll 自动刷新

                 l :   Display open files for a process:/展示进程打开的文件,确保lsof 已安装;

                 u :   Show only processes owned by a specified user. / 展示指定用户的进程

                 M  : Sort by memory usage (top compatibility key)./htop结果按照内存使用率排序;

                 P :Sort by CPU usage ./htop结果按照CPU使用率排序,默认选项;

                 :Sort by time (top compatibility key). / 根据CPU累计时间进行排序

htop 还支持鼠标操作,如下图,可点击F1 帮助,F2 进行设置,F5树状显示,F9 直接发送kill 信号格进程 等;             

如: 查找ping 进程,点击F3 ,搜索ping ,enter ;

点击 F9 kill  ,选择发送的信号, 如15 ,enter  , 即可杀掉ping进程;

2、vmstat:   Report virtual memory statistics ,include processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, disks  and cpu activity.  /报告进程、内存、内存页,IO、磁盘、CPU等状态;

      vmstat [options] [delay [count]]   


                -a, --active :Display active and  inactive memory ./展示活动和不活动的内存;

                -d, --disk : Report disk statistics / 报告硬盘数据

                -t, --timestamp : Append timestamp to each line ./ 在每次的结果后面加上时间戳;

      vmstat  [delay [count]] :  默认情况下,只执行一次结果;可以指定刷新频率及次数来显示结果,如下:



      r: The number of runnable processes (running or waiting for run time)./正处于running或者等待状态的进程数;

      b: The number of processes in uninterruptible sleep.  /不可中断睡眠的进程数;因IO阻塞的进程数;


      swpd: the amount of virtual memory used. / 正在被使用的swap内存大小;

      free: the amount of idle memory./空闲的物理内存大小;

      buff: the amount of memory used as buffers./ 被作为buffers的内存大小;

      cache: the amount of memory used as cache./被作为cache的内存大小;


      si: Amount of memory swapped in from disk (/s)./   swap分区数据 存入 物理内存的速率

      so: Amount of memory swapped to disk (/s). / 物理内存存入swap分区数据的速率


      bi: Blocks received from a block device (blocks/s). /从硬盘读入数据的速率

      bo: Blocks sent to a block device (blocks/s). /从硬盘设置读出数据的速率


      in: The number of interrupts per second, including the clock. /中断速率

      cs: The number of context switches per second.  /上下文切换速率


      us: Time spent running non-kernel code.  (user time, including nice time)/ CPU 执行用户代码的时间;

      sy: Time spent running kernel code.  /CPU执行内核代码消耗的时间

      id: Time spent idle. / CPU空闲时间

      wa: Time spent waiting for IO.  Prior to Linux 2.5.41, included in idle. / 等待IO的时间

      st: Time stolen from a virtual machine. /被虚拟化占用的CPU时间;
