Fighting drama

Finally, I have finished the palace fighting drama. It seems a story about Cinderella who has gone through a hardship and lived a happy life with the Princess, actually it is about a female boss who has eliminated obstacles and eventually went on a royal road. The heroin came from a humble family but fulfilled her dream through its unique brightness, boldness and diligency.

She dared to love. When she was in love with someone, she proceeded without hesitation. In an era when the status was highly emphasized, she never flinched because of the inferior position. She fighted for what she loved. However, she had not once decided to become a social climber, to attach herself to the man. Although he was skillful, he was affluent, he was powerful and he was influential, she never stopped fighting, never stopped moving forward. She understood that the level of love needs balance, each side slopes would stop it to last long. Merely with the facade of love, the relationship would last shortly, others would enter once oneself stops. So, she slept at one in the morning, and got up at two hours later, to study, to practise calligraphy, so as to improve her temperament and appearance. She struggled to enhance herself to be in the same level of him. Only through this way, she would obtain respect, lasting love and offer him a favour if in need.

She managed the relationship successfully. She knew proper offer was much more efficient and lasting than blindly payment. She hided love in heart, expressed through action, never showed painstakingly. She knew short separation and adequate showing weakness would bring his tender affection and desire of protection. Slavishly indifference and cold war would while away his patience and fritter away his love. Proper expression of love will get remarkable result, timely apology is the best policy. The so-called “cat-and-mouth game” is similar. But it should be built on the basis of true love, if the partner lack of affection, then there would be no loved couple.

She not only understood love, also knew the importance of timely loss cutting. When being told that her ex would marry other woman, she chose to give up even through it hurt desperately, even through each of the cell impulsively to win him back. If loved truly, he would never give up; if he did not, even begging was useless. Extremely grieved, she tore the feeling. Packaged, she buried the love deep in heart, never touched. How easy to love a person, how hard to forget him. However hard it will be, one cannot stop, but have to look forward, to step forward. If remain stagnant, nothing will come except aging appearance, exhausting heart. If allow oneself immerses in the memory, will only lead to paralyzation and torment. One should never been beaten even if has been cheated or abandoned. Even the feeling is forgettable, one should cut it without any hesitation. To improve ourselves, to achieve better us. One day, we will meet someone who admire us. The so-called “If you are blossoming, butterflies will visit without being invited ”. Even if we fail to meet, how wonderful to experience constant growing, to live with freedom. The so-called “Life is precious, love is more valuable, both can be given for freedom”.

Whether our life is wonderful depends on how we look at it. If we are happy, then nothing or nobody will prevent us from being optimistic. It is we who choose life not life which chooses us. From the very start, the heroin lived a unrestrained and sensible life. Whichever phrase or position she was in, she told herself to grow, to be strong. Everything should be depended on ourselves, we should chase bravely if we have objective. We should give up decisively the presents which do not belong to us on the road to success, or we will end up with nothing, lost sesame while lost watermelon as well.

Relationship is like that, life is so as well. We should not pleased with self-satisfaction, and remain stagnant; should not feel depressed with loss, and stop to fight. We should give up the objects decisively and take off fame and gain timely if needed. Then, it is possible to go to battle without any burden, advance bravely and achieve fragrance.

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