手写线程池: thread pool with modern c++



由于C++版本推进的历程(C++98, C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20)以及其弱鸡般的ABI兼容性,导致很多框架用起来得自己造轮子。C++版本再吐槽一句好了, C++即使版本推进到0xff, 对很多人来说还是c with class, 包括我。
我们的目标是, 造一个很Java中的ThreadPool类似的线程池。目前的进度:

  • [x] 极其简易的线程池(header only)
  • [x] 支持设置线程池核心线程数
  • [ ] 支持设置线程池最大线程数
  • [ ] 支持设置最大缓存的任务数
  • [ ] 支持设置任务提交拒绝策略


  • job: 需要在线程中执行的代码
    • 例如: void read(const string & path, const HANDLE handle);
    • 该函数从文本中读取内容然后交给窗口渲染到界面上
  • task: 将job封装成一个task, 由于job的函数签名各异,所以需要封装(Java的job是Runnable,接口签名一致)。
    • 例如: auto task = [=]()->void { return read(path, handle); }
    • 这样就将签名各异的job统一封装成了std::function类型的task
    • 通过std::packaged_task和std::future处理job被异步调用的返回值
  • queue: 缓存task的队列, 队列操作和线程池中的线程耦合度很高, 原因如下:
    • 队列中的任务少时, 池中的空闲线程如何做到真正的不占用cpu?
      • 目前此项目是通过std::condition_variable的条件判断让空闲线程阻塞从而让出cpu
      • Java中是通过实现BlockQueue实现的,也就是队列中没有任务时,线程从队列中get会阻塞, 从而让出cpu
      • 也可以通过信号量 互斥量实现
    • 队列read write操作时, 可根据现实情况实现读优先、写优先的锁来平衡队列task的生产和消费, 目前此项目不支持
    • 设置queue的最大缓存task数
    • 为什么采取队列, 是为了保证task被执行的优先级(队列可以保证先提交的task被先执行,但是不保证先提交的task被先执行完)
  • thread: 采用C++11 标准库中的std::thread
    • 根据std::thread::hardware_concurrency()获取cpu数量进行任务cpu友好性优化, 目前此项目不支持
    • 设置thread的cpu亲和性优化程序执行(Windows平台:通过SetThreadAffinityMask指定线程在cpu哪个核心上运行)


Code On GitHub

#ifndef _THREAD_POOL_H
#define _THREAD_POOL_H

 * 几个需要注意的点:
 * 1、tasks的读写锁需要优化成带优先级的锁, 可以肯定线程池的绝大部分使用场景commit task比run task更密集
 * 2、根据tasks以及cpu扩展线程数
 * 3、支持允许缓存的task数,如果超出此数将采取拒绝策略
 * 4、拒绝策略
class ThreadPool{

    ThreadPool(int core, int max = 0, int cache = 0): core(core),//由于max和cache暂时没用到,因此赋值0
                    max(max), cache(cache), quit(false), force(false){

        std::for_each(this->pool.begin(), this->pool.end(), [](std::thread & t){
    void start(){
        for(auto idx = 0; idx < core; ++idx){
                // 第一次退出,判断是否要强制退出
                bool quit = this->force.load() ? this->quit.load() : false;
                for(; !quit;){
                    std::unique_lock lock(this->oper_lock);
                    this->enable.wait(lock, [this](){
                        return this->quit.load() || !this->tasks.empty();
                    // 不是强制退出时可从这里退出
                    if(this->quit.load() && this->tasks.empty()){
                    std::function task = std::move(this->tasks.front());


    void shutdown(bool force = false){

    //void commit(std::function task);
    auto commit(T && t, Args&&...args)->std::future{
        using TYPE = decltype(t(args...));
            //dont know return what, so throw an exception
            throw std::runtime_error("thread pool is alreay shutdown.");
        // 1、std::packaged_task(t), std::forward(args)...)当做\
        auto task = std::make_shared >( 
            std::bind(std::forward(t), std::forward(args)...)
        std::future result = task->get_future();
        std::lock_guard lock(this->oper_lock);
        //将packaged_task 包裹在一个签名为void()的lambda函数中调用,因为此lambda函数符合std::function\
            (*task)();  //调用packaged_task
        this->enable.notify_one();  // 在线程池中唤醒一个休眠的线程
        return result;
    //void move();

    std::vector pool;
    std::queue > tasks;
    int core;   //线程池核心线程数
    int max;    //线程池根据tasks量以及cpu数最大可扩展的量
    int cache;  //运行tasks可缓存的最大task数,超出次数后commit将采取拒绝策略

    std::atomic quit;     //线程池shutdown条件, true时shutdown
    std::atomic force;    //是否强制shutdown,true时有剩余的task将不执行直接退出, false时等待执行完所有的task再退出
    std::condition_variable enable;     //
    std::mutex oper_lock;   // queue的读写锁

Test Code


#include "./pool/ThreadPool.hpp"

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    ThreadPool pool(4);
    std::default_random_engine rd;
    std::uniform_int_distribution rang(100, 1000);
    for(int idx = 0; idx < 20; ++idx){
        pool.commit([=](int x, int y, int t){
            std::cout << "thread id : " << std::this_thread::get_id() 
                << " x = " << x << " y = " << y <<
                " sleep time = " << t << " ms" <<
                " id = " << idx << std::endl;
        }, rang(rd), rang(rd), rang(rd));
    std::vector > results;
    for (auto index = 20; index < 50; ++index){
                return index;
    for ( auto & r : results){
        std::cout << "get result from thread "
        << " index = " << r.get() << std::endl;
    char command = std::cin.get();
    if (command == 'q'){
    }else if (command == 'e'){
                std::cout << "i want to get an exception" << std::endl;
        catch(const std::exception& e)
            std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
    std::cout << "test finish, OY!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

Compile & Link

g++ -g -O3 -Wall -std=c++11 main.cpp -o ./out/test


thread id : 0x70000a352000 x = 242 y = 937 sleep time = 480 ms id = 0
thread id : 0x70000a352000 x = 340 y = 390 sleep time = 692 ms id = 1
thread id : 0x70000a352000 x = 188 y = 294 sleep time = 738 ms id = 2
thread id : 0x70000a352000 x = 390 y = 978 sleep time = 270 ms id = 3
thread id : 0x70000a4db000 x = 432 y = 780 sleep time = 102 ms id = 4
thread id : 0x70000a458000 x = 652 y = 661 sleep time = 498 ms id = 5
thread id : 0x70000a3d5000 x = 839 y = 452 sleep time = 487 ms id = 6
thread id : 0x70000a352000 x = 698 y = 540 sleep time = 183 ms id = 7
thread id : 0x70000a4db000 x = 157 y = 983 sleep time = 638 ms id = 8
thread id : 0x70000a3d5000 x = 232 y = 823 sleep time = 766 ms id = 9
thread id : 0x70000a458000 x = 801 y = 411 sleep time = 314 ms id = 10
thread id : 0x70000a458000 x = 359 y = 912 sleep time = 294 ms id = 11
thread id : 0x70000a458000 x = 260 y = 142 sleep time = 372 ms id = 12
thread id : 0x70000a458000 x = 618 y = 499 sleep time = 831 ms id = 13
thread id : 0x70000a458000 x = 108 y = 319 sleep time = 376 ms id = 14
thread id : 0x70000a3d5000 x = 870 y = 490 sleep time = 519 ms id = 15
thread id : 0x70000a352000 x = 446 y = 998 sleep time = 496 ms id = 16
thread id : 0x70000a3d5000 x = 321 y = 308 sleep time = 610 ms id = 17
thread id : 0x70000a3d5000 x = 247 y = 256 sleep time = 629 ms id = 18
thread id : 0x70000a3d5000 x = 186 y = 484 sleep time = 703 ms id = 19
get result from thread  index = 20
get result from thread  index = 21
get result from thread  index = 22
get result from thread  index = 23
get result from thread  index = 24
get result from thread  index = 25
get result from thread  index = 26
get result from thread  index = 27
get result from thread  index = 28
get result from thread  index = 29
get result from thread  index = 30
get result from thread  index = 31
get result from thread  index = 32
get result from thread  index = 33
get result from thread  index = 34
get result from thread  index = 35
get result from thread  index = 36
get result from thread  index = 37
get result from thread  index = 38
get result from thread  index = 39
get result from thread  index = 40
get result from thread  index = 41
get result from thread  index = 42
get result from thread  index = 43
get result from thread  index = 44
get result from thread  index = 45
get result from thread  index = 46
get result from thread  index = 47
get result from thread  index = 48
get result from thread  index = 49
thread pool is alreay shutdown.
test finish, OY!

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