2022-12-07 翻译练习

In the dark the old man could feel the morning coming and as he rowed he heard the trembling sound as flying fish left the water and the hissing that their stiff set wings made as they soared away in the darkness.
张:在黑暗中,老人可以觉得早晨渐渐来到了,他一面划着船,听见飞鱼离开水面时发出颤抖的 声音,它们在黑暗中飞去,它们那僵硬的翅膀嘶嘶响着。

He was very fond of flying fish as they were his principal friends on the ocean.
张:他非常喜欢飞鱼,因为它们是在海 洋上主要的友伴。

He was sorry for the birds, especially the small delicate dark terns that were always flying and looking and almost never finding.
余:他总为那些鸟儿感到恻然,尤其是那些娇小、灰黑的海燕,它们老是在飞旋,寻找,而多半又找不着什么东 西。
张:他为鸟雀忧愁,尤其是那种纤小黯黑的燕鸥,老是在那里飞着,找着,差 不多永远找不到。

恻然:悲伤的样子。这里余和张都把sorry翻译成忧伤、忧愁意。flying,用飞旋,感觉特别到位,就是那种觅食的时候四处盘旋的感觉都出来了。almost never finging,不能说是永远找不到,只能说是多半找不着什么东西。

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