麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第22期】4/22-《I am a Bunny》

今天绘本阅读打卡第四天,介绍今天的绘本《I am a Bunny》,一本创作于1963年的英文绘本,画面竟然精美到令人爱不释手,寥寥数页就能跟小兔子Nicholas一起领略缤纷多彩的四季。




Look at the picture.看看图,第一幅图相当于自我介绍全程基本是我在读并介绍


The bunny says, I am a bunny.My name is Nicholas.I live in a hollow tree.兔子说,我是一只兔子,我的名字叫Nicholas,我住在一棵大树里。

This is the bunny.这是那只兔子。

This is the hollow tree.这是那棵树



In the spring,I like to pick flowers.春天,我喜欢摘花。

Look,the bunny holds a yellow flower in his hands.看,小兔子手里拿着一朵黄色的花。

Let's move on.我们继续往下看。



I chase the butterflies and the butterflies chase me.我追蝴蝶,蝴蝶也会追我。

Here the bunny is playing with butterflies.在这里小兔子正在和蝴蝶一起玩。

We can see a lot of butterflies in this page.在这页上我们能看到许多蝴蝶。

Butterfly has two big and colorful wings.蝴蝶有两个又大又多彩的翅膀。其实还没有等我介绍完,宝宝又开始了下一页


In the summer,I like to lie in the sun and watch the birds.夏天,我喜欢躺在太阳下看小鸟。

How many birds are there in the picture?图上有几只鸟?

Let's count together.我们一起数数吧。

One,two,three,four.There are four birds in the picture.一,二,三,四,图上有四只鸟。宝宝也跟着数one ,two,three,four.,宝宝现在正好学会用英文数1-10,现在正好用上。

The bunny is lying on the grassland.兔子躺在草地上。

We can see clouds in the sky.天上有白云。

There are some birds in the sky.宝宝正好指着其中一只鸟大声说:“小鸟”。刚学会说话那阵教她认识小鸟时就用中文教的,看来根深蒂固了,看到小鸟用中文就脱口而出了。


并说And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.我还喜欢看池塘里的小青蛙。

Where are the frogs in the picture?图上的青蛙都在哪?宝宝用手指着青蛙


Look,there are lotus in the pond.看,池塘里还有睡莲。

Around the pond,we can see a field of reeds.池塘的边上是芦苇荡。

The bunny is sitting on a trunk.兔子坐在树干上。



When it rains,I keep dry under a toadstool.下雨的时候,我在蘑菇下躲雨。

Look,there is a frog in the rain.看,雨中还有一只青蛙。

And the ladybug also keeps dry under a toadstool.瓢虫也在蘑菇下躲雨。

Frog can take a bath in the rain.青蛙可以在雨中沐浴。

来到秋天,The leaves turn red.


In the fall,I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees.秋天,我喜欢看树叶从树上落下来。

We can see different colors of leaves in the picture.我们能在图上看到各种颜色的树叶。

Which one is red?哪个是红色的呢?

In the fall,leaves usually turn into yellow and red,and fall from the trees.在秋天,树叶通常会变成黄色或者红色,再从树上掉下来。

I watch the animals getting ready for the winter.我看着动物们为过冬做好准备。

Look,the grassland turns into yellow in the fall as well.看,秋天草地也变黄了。

The two squirrels are making a store of nuts for the winter.那两只松鼠在为过冬储备坚果。

And the wild gooses are flying to the south.大雁也向南飞了。




And,when winter comes,I watch the snow falling from the sky.冬天来临,我看着雪花从天而降。

Winter must be very cold.冬天一定很冷。

The bunny is wearing his hat and gloves to keep warm.兔子戴着帽子和手套保暖。

The snow is quite heavy.雪好大。

We can see footprints of the bunny on the snow.看,兔子在雪地上留下一串脚印。

Leaves of pine trees are green even in the winter.松树的叶子即使在冬天也是绿色的。

There are two big pine cones in the picture.图上还有两个大松果。



Then I curl up in my hollow tree and dream about spring.然后我蜷在树洞里睡着了,梦见春天。

Look,the bunny took off his coat and huddled himself in the blanket.看,小兔子脱下外套,用毯子紧紧裹住自己。

说完这句话,我也学兔子的样子拿浴巾裹住宝宝洗澡去了,Byebye!We are going to take a bath.Good night to you!

你可能感兴趣的:(麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第22期】4/22-《I am a Bunny》)