2019.11.19 News 1

All the highways in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province have been closed after a snowstorm hit the provinve as of Sunday. In addition, the snowstorm left many aircrafts delayed and hundreds of coaches shuffling.The local meteorlogical department has upgraded the yellow alert to an orange alert (In China, the colour-coded weather system is from red which represents the most sever, to orange, yellow and blue).Currently, the local goverments have taken emergency measures to cope with the coming serious situation.

截至周日暴风雪袭击后,中国东北地区的黑龙江省所有公路均已关闭。 此外,暴风雪还导致许多航班延误、成百辆大巴车滞留。当地气象部门已将黄色警报升级为橙色警报(在中国,颜色编码的天气系统从代表最严重的红色到橙色,黄色和蓝色)。目前,当地政府已采取紧急措施来应对即将到来的严峻形势。

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