英文 | 中文 |
In ancient times, people believed | 古时候人们相信 |
the heavens were filled with gods and monsters and magical worlds. | 天堂满是诸神怪兽和魔法疆域 |
Then, as time passed, | 随着时间推移 |
those beliefs faded into myth and folklore. | 那些信仰蜕变为神话和传说 |
But now we know the stories were true. | 但现在我们知道故事是真的 |
Other worlds, with names like Asgard, exist. | 像阿斯加德这样的世界是存在的 |
And beings once revered as gods, like Thor, | 托尔这样曾被敬为神祇的人物 |
have returned, leaving us with more questions and... | 回到了地球留下了更多的疑问 |
An enormous mess to clean up. | 和一大堆烂摊子让我们清理 |
Don't say I never gave you anything. | 别说我没给过你什么 |
Checking for alien spectrographic signatures one teeny rock at a time. | 还得逐一检测每块小石头的外星光谱特征 |
Necessary precaution. | 这是必要的预防措施 |
We don't want anything alien getting in the wrong hands. | 我们可不想让外星物件被坏人拿到 |
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Still, this is definitely the type of work a monkey could easily do. | 即便如此这种简单工作连猴子都能做啊 |
You're our little monkey. | 你就是我们的小猴子 |
Don't give me that look. | 别那样看着我 |
I'll talk to them when I talk to them. | 我准备好了自然会接电话 |
Talk to who? | 接谁的电话 |
Mum and dad. | 妈妈和爸爸 |
They want explanations and answers for... | 他们想让我解答... |
Well, all this. | 这些事 |
But I don't have any answers. | 但我没法回答他们 |
And, more importantly, I haven't talked to them since I was ill. | 更重要的是我被感染后还没跟他们通过话 |
And if they knew that, they'd be even more terrified. | 要是他们知道了他们会更担心 |
So, you know... | 所以你懂的... |
...why waste any of our time, really? | 何必浪费时间呢 |
You guys may think it's old news, | 你们已经不以为奇了 |
but it's new...news to everybody else. | 但这对其他人来说绝对是新闻 |
So, Asgardians are aliens from another planet | 阿斯加德人是来自另一个星球的外星人 |
that visited us thousands of years ago? | 数千年之前曾来过地球 |
Or more. | 可能要更早 |
And because we couldn't understand aliens, | 当时人们不理解什么是外星人 |
we thought they were gods? | 就以为他们是神 |
That's where our Norse mythology comes from. | 北欧神话就是这么诞生的 |
That's too crazy. | 太疯狂了 |
Do you think other deities are aliens, too? | 你说其他神祇也是外星人吗 |
Vishnu for sure, right? | 毗湿奴肯定是对吧 |
You know, it'd be nice if, for once, | 哪怕一次也好 |
Thor and his people sent down | 真希望托尔和他的手下能把 |
the god of cleaning up after yourself. | "收拾自己的烂摊子"神派下来 |
They probably have a magic broom for this kind of thing. | 他们也许有个魔法扫帚之类的 |
I just wish they'd left their alien ship behind. | 真希望他们能把外星飞船留下 |
So we can clean that up, too? | 好让我们把那个也清理掉吗 |
So we could go inside, take a peek under the hood, | 好让我们进去看看里面 |
maybe take it for a spin. | 或许兜兜风什么的 |
Come on, you're telling me piloting an alien ship | 拜托难道开外星飞船 |
isn't on your bucket list? | 不在你的遗愿清单上吗 |
I can't think of a single time | 我印象中 |
when anything alien in human hands ended well. | 外星物件落到人类手中从没有好下场 |
Wouldn't mind getting my human hands on Thor. | 我倒不介意托尔"落到我手中" |
He's so dreamy. | 他真是梦幻般的存在 |
Sure, he's handsome, but -- | 他是挺英俊的但... |
No. He's dreamy. | 不他就是梦幻般的存在 |
Fitz, is that, um -- | 菲兹那是... |
Definitely not from here. | 肯定不是这个星球的 |
Another piece of the ship. What are you doing? | 应该也是飞船的残骸你在干什么 |
Out of sight... | 眼不见... |
...out of mind. | ...心不烦 |
That's why we're here. | 这才是我们来的目的 |
Keep everything under control. | 控制局面 |
- Now, who would do something like that? - Who knows. | -谁会干这种事-谁知道呢 |
Baby, look. | 宝贝看 |
"South of the water, north of the hill..." | "水之南山之北" |
"...A halo of stones" -- | "一圈石头" |
"Protect the tree still." | "环绕大树" |
Jakob, is this it? | 雅各布是它吗 |
We should check that out. | 我们应该去看看 |
Finally, after all this time. | 终于找到了 |
I can't wait to tell the others. | 等不及告诉其他人了 |
I told you it was real... | 我说过这是真的... |
And that I would find it. | 而且我会找到的 |
Are you ready? | 准备好了吗 |
What you're feeling, don't fight it. | 不要排斥你的感受 |
That rage, it's already inside of you. | 那种愤怒早已存在于你体内 |
Don't be afraid of it. Don't hide from its power. | 不要害怕不要逃避它的力量 |
Embrace it. | 接纳它 |
Embrace it! | 接纳它 |
God! What have you done? | 天呐你们做了什么 |
I can climb it if you want. | 需要的话我可以去爬 |
Just talk me through what to do with the...doodads. | 教我怎么用这些...小玩意就行 |
Yeah, it's only about 15 feet. | 也就15英尺[4.6米]高 |
I'll be fine. I'm -- | 没事的我... |
I'm just a bit more wary about the height thing | 只是从那次差点摔死之后 |
since falling to certain death. | 我对高度比较敏感 |
You're afraid. | 你害怕了 |
Shaken up? | 吓着了是吗 |
It's normal. | 很正常 |
But some feelings will take over | 但有的感觉就是 |
if you dwell on them. | 你越去想越强烈 |
Especially fear. | 特别是恐惧 |
Now, keep your eyes ahead. | 好了一直看前面 |
Focus on what you like to do best. | 集中想着你最想做的事 |
Yep. | 好的 |
Not falling. | 不是掉下去 |
No, research. | 不是是调查 |
You're a scientist. You like to figure things out. | 你是一个科学家你最喜欢解密 |
Yes. With my doodads. | 是的用我的小玩意 |
I'm curious. | 我很好奇 |
Whatever was up in these trees | 不管这树上有什么 |
had to be there for centuries, right? | 肯定在里面几世纪了是吗 |
At least a millennium. | 至少上千年 |
Radiocarbon-14 dates some of these trees at 9,000 years old. | 放射性碳14检测表明部分树有九千年了 |
That sounds impossible. Think the tree grew around it? | 不可思议难道树是包着它生长的吗 |
I'd have to check the dendrochronology first to know for certain. | 我得先查查年轮才能确定 |
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But, I mean, the Norway spruce is a rather fast-growing coniferous, | 但是挪威云杉是种生长很快的松柏门植物 |
and I know you're trying to trick me into going up, | 而且我知道你想骗我再爬高点 |
but I'm going up anyway, so... | 但我反正也要往上爬... |
I'll catch you if you fall. | 如果你掉下来了我会接住你的 |
Screaming, and so much hate in her eyes. | 尖叫着她眼里充满恨意 |
And you said she had a silver stick? | 你说她还拿着一根银棒 |
Steel, maybe. I-I don't know. | 也可能是钢的我不确定 |
It, uh, had decorations on it. | 上面还有图案 |
Could you describe or draw them? | 你能形容一下或是画下来吗 |
I didn't get a good look. I I just ran. | 我没仔细看拔腿就跑了 |
Who would do something so evil? | 谁会做这么邪恶的事 |
I'm sorry for your loss. | 很遗憾你失去了同事 |
Oh, um, whatever was in here | 这里面的东西 |
was definitely not from this world. | 绝不是来自这个世界 |
Fitz, you getting this? | 菲兹你收到了吗 |
It's not Chitauri, is it? | 这不是奇塔瑞的是吧 |
No, no, no. Don't worry. | 不不别担心 |
This isn't another viral threat. | 这不是病毒威胁 |
Um, hang on. | 等一下 |
Spectrographic signatures match readings from... | 与光谱特征匹配的是... |
Thor's hammer. | 雷神之锤 |
Simmons, whatever was in that tree is Asgardian. | 西蒙斯树里面的东西来自阿斯加德 |
I-I can see an imprint of what was embedded. | 我能看到嵌入物的印记 |
Scanning for three-dimensional restoration. | 三维立体复位扫描 |
Tell me when. | 好了告诉我 |
When. | 好了 |
Um, looks like a staff or a rod. | 看上去像是根手杖或棒子 |
Well crafted. Engraved. | 工艺精良雕刻完美 |
I'll convert it, print a 3-d model. | 我转换一下做个3D模型 |
This forest is a protected reserve. | 这片森林是自然保护区 |
I mean, who do they think they are? | 他们以为他们是谁啊 |
Anything else? Details? | 还有别的什么细节吗 |
Anything that might help us to find these people | 有没有能帮我们找到那些人 |
or where they might be hiding? | 或是他们藏身处的线索 |
Sir, doesn't look like they're hiding. | 长官看来他们没打算藏 |
Sending to your devices now. | 正在发到你手机上 |
The rioting has left 20 injured, 3 in critical condition. | 暴动造成20人受伤3人生命垂危 |
Reports indicate that the group of about a dozen | 报道表明这十余人组成的队伍 |
was led by this man and woman, | 由这一男一女领头 |
and though their motive was unclear, | 尽管尚不清楚他们的动机 |
their message was hauntingly spelled out on the streets of Oslo. | 他们的宣言已经震撼地摆在了奥斯陆街头 |
Well, I guess we know who they think they are. | 看来我们知道他们以为自己是什么人了 |
Jakob Nystrom, 30. | 雅各布·奈斯特姆30岁 |
Girlfriend, Petra Larsen. | 他女朋友佩特拉·拉尔森 |
Leaders of a Norse paganist hate group. | 一个挪威异教仇恨组织的领袖 |
And their numbers are growing, thanks to what happened in Greenwich | 拜格林威治的事和互联网所赐 |
and thanks to the internet. | 他们组织的人数还在增长 |
Yay, internet, she said sarcastically. | 没错就是互联网真讽刺啊 |
Norse paganist? | 挪威异教徒 |
Obsessed with anything derived from norse mythology -- | 沉迷于一切与挪威神话有关的东西 |
stories of Asgard. | 也就是阿斯加德的故事 |
And now a weapon. | 现在我们要对付的是一件武器 |
The scan only accounted for one side. | 只能扫描到一侧 |
Too much damage to the tree for complete reproduction. | 树受的损伤太严重难以完全复制 |
But see here -- it's clearly broken on both ends. | 但你们看很显然两端都是断的 |
So there are more pieces? | 就是说还有其他部分吗 |