

“Is there a true AI?” This is one question that a lot of experts in the industry have tried to give answers to in different ways, but there seems to be conflicting response nonetheless. The concept of AI is increasingly being adopted in various spheres of life, which further suggests that it’s high time an answer is provided for the question.

“真的有AI吗?” 这个问题很多业内专家试图以不同的方式给出答案,但是似乎仍然存在矛盾的回答。 人工智能的概念正越来越多地应用于生活的各个领域,这进一步表明,现在是时候为这个问题提供答案了。

In this article, we’ll be exploring the future of AI and its ability to learn and evolve as proposed by experts and leading corporations in the industry.


什么是人工智能(AI)? (What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?)

Artificial Intelligence is an extensive field of science that deals with Machine learning and the creation of smart machines that can act with little or no human interference. These machines have been supposedly tagged the future of technology since they will supposedly be able to think and act somewhat like humans.

人工智能是一门广泛的科学领域,涉及机器学习和创建可以在很少或没有人为干预的情况下运行的智能机器。 据说这些机器被标记为技术的未来,因为它们将能够像人类一样思考和行动。

A lot of big corporations are already diving into this field of technology, and one of the most common AI today is Apple’s Siri. Siri can do a whole lot of things, including calling your contacts, sending of SMS, show locations, play music, and a whole lot of other things.

许多大公司已经开始涉足这一技术领域,而当今最常见的AI之一是Apple的Siri。 Siri可以做很多事情,包括给您的联系人打电话,发送短信,显示位置,播放音乐以及很多其他事情。

The major question, however, is the possibility of having a true and independent AI. By true AI, I mean an AI that can completely think on its own without any form of human support. One of the foremost persons to raise this subject of this ability for an AI was the English mathematician, Alan Turing.

然而,主要的问题是拥有真正独立的AI的可能性。 真正的AI是指无需任何形式的人工支持就可以完全独立思考的AI。 英国数学家艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)是提高人工智能这一能力的最重要人物之一。

History recognizes Turing for breaking the Nazi encryption machine, Enigma, during World War II. About a decade later, he posed the simple question
