
part 1 writing

interact 相互影响,互动


ruin 破坏,毁灭

exert influence on对什么施加影响

derive of……剥夺……





live up  to不辜负

Live in the virtual world,meet their different kinds of needs ,rather than interact in real world.

Different views, wonderful resources, enrich our life, ruin our life, negative influence, changed the way that people that people communicate, fail to communicate face to face, separating us from each other, indifferent and cold-blood, do great harm to the maintenance of human relationship,live up to every day in the real world.



rely on依赖

contribute to导致 


spiritual civilization精神文明mutual understanding相互理解

long distance connection远程交流

draw a distinction between.. .and...总结出,.....之间的不同

1. Through communication in the real world, mutualunderstandingcan be fostered and promoted between people.现实生活中的交流可以培养并促进人们之间的互相理解。

  2.The virtual world acts as an appropriate platform where people canalways stay in touch however long the distance is. 虚拟世界是一个合适的平台,使得人们无论距离多远都可以随时保持联系。

Part 2 listening

A) Quantitative advertising research.定量广告研究

B) Questionnaire design.问卷设计

C) Research methodology.研究方法

D) Interviewer training.面试官培训

  Arecent International Labor Organization

report says the deterioration 恶化,变化,退化,堕落of real wages around the world

calls into question 对……表示怀疑,认为……有问题the true extent of a economic recovery, especially if government rescue packages 一揽子救援计划are phased out逐步淘汰,逐步结束 too early.

The report warns the picture onwages is

likely to get worse this year, despite

indications of an economic rebound. 经济反弹PatrickBelser, an International Labor Organization

specialist, says declining wage rates are

linked to the levels of unemployment. The

quite dramatic unemployment figures, which we now see in some of the countries, strongly suggests that there will be greater pressure on wages in the future as more people will be unemployed, more people will be looking for jobs and the pressure on employers to raise wages to attract workers will decline. So, we expect that the second part of the year will

not be very good in terms of wage growth.  The report finds more than a quarter of the countries experienced flat or falling monthIy wages in real terms. They includethe United States, Austria, Costa Rica, SouthAfrica and Germany. International Labor Organization economists say some nations have come up with policies to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis.  An example of these is work sharing with government subsidies. Under this scheme,the number of individual working hours is reduced in an effort to avoid layoffs.停工,停止活动 ,临时解雇For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies津贴,补贴 ,补助金to compensate 补偿,赔偿……vt /vi for lost pay due to the shorter hours.




bank executives银行高管

obligationtothe goal目标义务

fanancial sector金融部门

housing bubble 房地产泡沫

banking crisis 银行危机

commercial real estate loans商业房地产贷款

I think that by having people adopt healthy lifestyle, both from a medical standpoint as well as nutritional and cognitive stimulation standpoint, we can reduce the incidence of cognitive decline, which will be proof that these factors are, in fact, important .我认为,通过让人们从医学角度以及从营养和认知刺激的角度,采取健康的生活方式,我们可以减少认知下降的发生率,这将证明这些因素实际上是重要的。

Part 3 Reading




迫切要求(press for)

称为(refer to)

价值感(sense of worth)

名词entrance进人,入口;  existence存在; ocupation职业; recession (经济)萧条,衰退

动词 capturing捕捉;  emphasizing强调; promises许诺;  undertakes从事

形容词 beneficial 有益的; confused困惑的;excited激动的;  intolerant不能忍受的

副词automaically自动地,自然地; incidenally顺便,附带地;nsighly略做地

Take slightly out of context 略微有点断章取义

千年发展目标(Millenium Goals )

地球高峰会议(World Development Summit )

二十国集团(G20 group )

刀耕火种的耕作(slash-and-burn farming )

慢慢停止(grind to a  halt )

明显的(graphic )

最终(ultimately )


Self-evident 不言而喻

irrational 不合逻辑

Thought-provoking 发人深省的

Goundless 不以为然



