1 What is Sake

This chapter explains in simple terms what sake is, and the ways in which it differs from other familiar alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and spirits.


Sake is an alcoholic beverage made from polished (white) rice.


    Because rice is a starchy solid, two other ingredients (water and a type of mouldy rice called kōji) are used together to transform the solid rice into a sugary liquid. The fourth ingredient (yeast) converts those sugars into alcohol using a process called fermentation, to make an alcoholic beverage we can drink.


    Before describing the details of how these ingredients are used to make sake, it is helpful to contrast sake with some other common alcoholic beverages. This way it is possible to show why sake is in a category of its own, and therefore cannot accurately be considered as a special kind of beer, wine or spirit.




Sake is a relatively strong alcoholic beverage (around 15-17% abv), but its alcoholic strength is closer to that of wine (12-14% abv), rather than to that of spirits such as whisky, vodka or brandy (around 40% abv). The reason for this difference is simple.


    After the yeast has fermented the sugars into alcohol, spirits need to go through an additional production process to concentrate that alcohol further. This process is called distillation, and is typically achieved by heating the fermented alcoholic liquid so the alcohol selectively boils off, and then cooling the separated alcoholic vapour so that it can be collected as a more highly concentrated alcoholic liquid.


    Most of the aromas and flavours are captured with the alcohol, but most of the water and acidity is left behind.


    Sake is not a spirit because it is not distilled. As such, it has moderate alcohol (around 15-17% abv, rather than around 40% abv) and keeps its delicate acidity intact. This makes sake more similar to wine and beer.


    However, like some kinds of wine, certain kinds of sake have a small amount of high strength distilled alcohol added (see Chapter 13 Jōzō Alcohol and Filtration for more details).

但是,如同葡萄酒中的一些类型,有一些类型清酒也会添加少量的高度蒸馏酒精。(参见第十三章 酒精添加与过滤有更详细的讲解)



Like wine, sake is a fermented beverage. It has an alcoholic strength that is similar to wine. However, the use of rice as a raw material, rather than grapes, results in very different flavours and requires different production processes.


      Grapes contain high levels of acids and distinct aromas and flavours that are expressed in the final wine. Black grapes additionally contain colour pigments (to make the wine red) and preservative tannins (that give red wine a dry, mouth-drying texture rather like black tea). Colour and tannins are absent in polished (white) rice, and there is very little acidity and flavour. The production process usually adds little or none of these, so a 'typical' sake is almost colourless, lacks tannins, is only delicately acidic and its flavours are more delicate than those of wine.




Like sake, beer is made from starchy, solid, cereal grains but it differs in a number of ways.


      Comparing beer and sake, the starch-to-sugar conversion uses very different methods. In beer production, whole unpolished grains (usually barley) are encouraged to start germinating, and this makes the grains produce substances (called enzymes) that convert their densely stored starch into fermentable sugar. This process is called malting. Once the enzymes are released, the grains are heated to dry them out. This halts the conversion process and stops the grains growing into cereal plants, but leaves the chemicals available for the brewer to use to break starch down into fermentable sugar. These grains are called malt.

将啤酒与清酒比较,其淀粉转化为糖的过程使用的是完全不同的工艺。在啤酒的生产过程中,会将完整的没有经过研磨的谷物(通常是大麦)诱使其开始发芽,同时谷物会产生一种物质(我们称作酶),它可以将谷物中密集的储存的淀粉转化为可以发酵的糖。这个过程被称作发麦。一旦酶产生,谷物就需要被加热干燥。停止转化过程以便防止谷物生长成幼苗,但是此时留下的化学成分  却可以帮助酿酒师来分解淀粉成为可以用来发酵的糖分。      这些谷物被称作麦芽。

      Sake is made from polished rice. It is not possible to make polished rice grains germinate because the part that would grow into a plant is removed during the polishing process (see Chaper 8 Rice Preparation). Instead, a mould (called kōji mould) is encouraged to grow on steamed rice. In order for kōji mould to feed on the rice starch, it also needs to convert that starch into fermentable sugar and it releases its own enzymes to do this. The resulting mouldy rice is called kōji.

清酒使用精米酿制的,但它不可能使用精米去发芽。因为米粒中可以发芽的胚芽已经在抛光过程中被去除了(参见第八章 大米的预处理)。而取而代之的,用一种能够在蒸米上生长的真菌(称作酒麯菌)。为了酒麯菌以精米的淀粉为食,它需要将淀粉转化成发酵的糖而其自身产生的酶就是完成这个步骤的。我们将有霉菌的精米称作酒麯。

    In beer production, the starch-to-sugar conversion happens first by mixing the malt with hot water, and the sugar-to-alcohol fermentation follows when the conversion has finished. In sake, the kōji is added to the fermentation so that these two processes happen at the same time.


      Sake can only be made from rice, never from other cereal grains. Beer is most commonly made from barley, but many different grains (wheat, rye, maize and even rice) can be used separately or combined together. The use of whole unpolished cereal grains in beer production means many flavours can be extracted into the final product. The drying process of malting also makes it possible to toast, or char the grains, adding extra flavours. By contrast, sake uses polished rice that is then steamed (a process that avoids adding any flavours). The kōji also has very little flavour, other than a delicate sweetness.


      In addition to the flavours from the whole, unpolished and malted grains, almost all beers are flavoured with hops, which provide bitterness and aromas, and act as a preservative. Depending on local laws and traditions, some beers can be flavoured with other ingredients, such as fruits and spices. Flavoured drinks are sometimes made using sake, but once flavours are added, the drink is no longer legally sake.


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