

Figma prototypes have historically been limited to one interaction per object, but they recently* introduced the feature for multiple interactions. Using single interactions has been our bread and butter, but I’m sure some of you will be curious about what’s new designs are possible. I want to share how to get started with this new feature, one common use case for them, and a pitfall you might fall into.

从历史上看,Figma原型仅限于每个对象进行一次交互,但是最近它们*引入了用于多种交互的功能。 使用单一交互一直是我们的生计,但是我敢肯定,你们中的一些人会对新设计的可能性感到好奇。 我想分享如何开始使用此新功能,它们的一个常见用例以及您可能会遇到的陷阱。

* I noticed the multiple interactions update was first introduced around 7 August 2020 in the United Kingdom.


添加单个Figma交互的旧方法 (Old way to add a single Figma interaction)

First a quick refresh of how you used to add interactions. In your project, click on the object you want to add an interaction to and navigate to the top-right of the Figma window. You’ll see under the prototyping tab, you have a dropdown to add an interaction Trigger.

首先,快速回顾一下您过去如何添加互动。 在项目中,单击要向其添加交互的对象,然后导航到Figma窗口的右上角。 您会在“原型”选项卡下看到一个下拉菜单,以添加一个交互触发器。

What the prototype tab looked like before without an interaction. 没有交互之前,原型选项卡的外观如何。

After selecting an interaction Trigger, you can then configure a few options underneath it. These options configure the delay before triggering, what it does and how it should behave. Normally you’ll be navigating to a different Frame, or using a Frame as an Overlay.

选择交互触发器后,您可以在其下方配置一些选项。 这些选项可配置触发之前的延迟,延迟和行为。 通常,您将导航到其他框架,或将框架用作叠加层。

After adding an ‘On Click’ interaction, you can set what it does and how with more drop down menus. 添加“点击时”互动后,您可以通过更多下拉菜单设置其功能以及操作方式。

添加多个Figma交互的新方法 (New way to add multiple Figma interactions)

Since the multiple interactions feature was introduced, instead of a drop down menu to add an interaction to something you’ll see a plus ‘+’ symbol.

由于引入了多种交互功能,因此您会看到加号“ +”,而不是用于向某项添加交互的下拉菜单。
