





1 概述

2 运行结果

3 参考文献

4 Matlab代码实现

1 概述

  • 对具有电动驱动的四足机器人进行建模可以涉及以下几个方面:

    1. 机械结构建模:对机器人的身体结构进行建模,包括身体的形状、大小和连接方式等。可以使用CAD软件进行三维建模,或者使用刚体模型进行简化建模。

    2. 运动学建模:根据机器人的身体结构和关节连接方式,建立运动学模型,描述机器人的运动学关系。这包括肢体的长度、关节的自由度和关节角度等。

    3. 步态规划:根据机器人的运动学模型和运动要求,设计合适的步态规划算法,确定机器人四条腿的运动轨迹。常见的步态包括小跑步态、奔跑步态等。

    4. 动力学建模:根据机器人的运动学模型和外部力矩,建立动力学模型,描述机器人的运动动力学关系。这包括机器人的质量、惯性矩阵和关节的扭矩等。

    5. 电气系统设计:根据机器人的电动驱动方式,设计电气系统,包括电机、电池、控制器等。需要考虑电机的功率、电池容量和控制器的算法等。



2 运行结果




set_param('sm_robot_run_4legs/Gait Phase','LinkStatus','none')
open_system('sm_robot_run_4legs/Gait Phase','force')

%% Contact Forces Between Feet and Floor
% Two methods are used for modeling the contact force between the foot and
% the floor.  One is used for the X-Y plane only, the other accommodates
% movement in any direction.  You can select the appropriate force for your
% test using a parameter in the leg subsystem mask.
% *Planar Contact Model*
% The planar variant of the contact force model assumes that the leg is
% moving in the positive global x direction and stays within the XY-plane.
% Simulink is used to model a spring-damper that connects the end of the
% leg to the floor at the exact location where it lands.  This
% spring-damper is deactivated when the foot leaves the floor.  This
% idealized form of a contact model is good for initial testing.

set_param('sm_robot_run_4legs/Leg RR/','popup_contact_model','Planar');
set_param('sm_robot_run_4legs/Leg RR','LinkStatus','none')
open_system('sm_robot_run_4legs/Leg RR/Contact Force Model/Planar','force')

% *Six Degree of Freedom Contact Model*
% This variant of the contact force model assumes the end of the leg is a
% sphere and detects collision between the sphere and the surface of the
% floor. It models contact and friction force between the sphere and the
% plane.  It is valid for all six degrees of freedom.

set_param('sm_robot_run_4legs/Leg RR/','popup_contact_model','Six DOF');
open_system('sm_robot_run_4legs/Leg RR/Contact Force Model/SixDOF','force')

%% Simulation Results from Simscape Logging
% The plot below shows the current drawn by the motor and supplied by the
% battery as the robot runs.
set_param('sm_robot_run_4legs/Leg RR/','popup_contact_model','Planar');
close_system('sm_robot_run_4legs/Leg RR/Contact Force Model/Planar')


3 参考文献


  1. 陈刚, 张晓东, & 陈晓宇. (2019). 四足机器人步态规划与控制. 机器人技术与应用, 38(2), 1-8.

  2. 王晓东, & 张晓东. (2018). 基于四足机器人的步态规划与控制研究. 机器人技术与应用, 37(6), 1-8.

  3. 张晓东, & 陈刚. (2017). 四足机器人步态规划与控制方法研究. 机器人技术与应用, 36(6), 1-8.

4 Matlab代码实现
