QAC BET Unit 3- Logistics and Customs Clearance 物流报关

中质盟基础英语培训——课文Unit 3。


Lesson 5

Commodity Inspection 商品报关检验


Word Service Station 词语加油站

net weight 净重 gross weight 毛重

commodity [kə'mɑdəti] n. 商品 certificate [sər'tifikət] n. 证明

stipulate ['stipju.leit] v.规定 contract ['kɒntrækt] n. 合同

disqualification [disˌkwɑlifi'keiʃ(ə)n] adj. 不合格的 reinspect [ri'inspekt] n. 复检

reputation [ˌrepjə'teiʃ(ə)n] n. 声望 impartiality [ ˌimpɑrʃiˈæləti] n. 公正

discrepancy [di'skrepənsi] n. 差异 authentic [ɔ'θentik] adj. 可靠的

surveyor [sər'veɪər] n.(海关)检验员 conduct [kən'dʌkt] v. 执行

coincide [.koʊin'said] v. 相符合 seminar ['semi.nɑr] n. 研讨会

consultation [.kɑns(ə)l'teiʃ(ə)n] n. 协商 settlement ['set(ə)lmənt] n. 解决

arbitration [ˌɑː(r)biˈtreiʃ(ə)n] n. 仲裁 lodge [lɑdʒ] v. 正式提出


Conversation 1

A: Could you provide the net weight and gross weight of this batch of products as soon as possible?

B: Yes, I can. Why do you ask for this so urgently? It is just some data.

A: This data is for the inspection of commodity. The Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau will issue the certificate after its making commodity inspection.

B: You mean the customs in Shanghai will issue inspection certification, right?

A: Sometimes by any of its branches.

Conversation 2

A: This is another point which should be discussed and cleared up. That’s the commodity inspection. How will the clause of inspection be stipulated in the contract?

**B: ** The goods under the contract will be inspected by the Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of loading before they are shipped. And the certificate of quality and quantity/weight issued by the Bureau shall be regarded as final and binding upon parties.

A: Do you mean that you sell on shipped quality and quantity? But what about the case of disqualification or short weight on arrival?

B: I can assure you that is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the inspection bureau releases them. And as you may know, the Commodity Inspection Bureau enjoys international reputation for impartiality.

A: We have heard about the reputation of both CIB and your products and never doubt them. But what in case there is short weight or disqualification? Would you tell me whether the buyers have the right to reinspect the goods when goods arrive? Are we entitled to lodge claims?

B: Yes, of course. You have the right of reinspection. But for this particular item, we follow the international practice that the reinspection should be made within 7 days upon the arrival of the goods and if any discrepancies are found you may lodge claims with us within 30 days.

A: Well, I suppose I’m clear about this point. Thank you for being patient with me.

B: Don’t mention it. That’s what I’m here for.

Conversation 3

A: Shall we get down to the point of inspection?

B: OK. What do you have in mind?

A: Reinspection should be made within 5 days upon the arrival, and if any discrepancy is found, claim must be raised within 10 days. However, if the claims fall into the responsibility of shipping company, the underwriter shall not be entertained.

B: I see. But when reinspection is made, can we appoint any authentic surveyor without your approval?

A: It’s better to choose the inspection agency with both sides’ approval in the contract.

B: OK. Would you tell me how the inspection is conducted before shipment and by which agency?

A: Inspection is to be done by the Commodity Inspection and Testing Bureau. Usually the inspection is conducted within 5 days before each shipment.

B: How do they make testing and analysis of this item?

A: They always use the standard and method laid down in the contract.

B: What if the results from the two inspections do not coincide with each other?

A: Then a seminar of technical specialists including the surveyors from both sides will be held to clarify which result is correct.

B: After the conference, I suppose we can resolve the difference through friendly consultations.

A: Yes, in case no settlement is reached, either party can submit the case for arbitration.


Lesson 6

Word Service Station 词语加油站

Stevedore ['stivə.dɔr] n. 码头工人 dunnage ['dʌnidʒ] n. 衬板

Specialist [ˈspɛʃ(ə)list] n. 专员 proforma [ˌprɔˈfɔ:(r)mə] adj. 形式上的

Transit ['trænsit] n. 中转 obligation [.ɔbli'ɡeiʃ(ə)n] n. 义务

Destination [.desti'neiʃ(ə)n] n. 目的地 forwarder ['fɔːwədə] n. 货代

Freight [freit] n. 货运 dispatch [di'spætʃ] n. 发出

Upload [ˈʌpləʊd] v. 卸货 departure [di'pɑrtʃər] n. 离开

Clearance ['klirəns] n. 清理 comprehensive[.kɔmprə'hensiv] adj.详尽的

Credit ['kredit] n. 信用 appreciate [ə'priʃi.eit] v. 感激

Jolt [dʒɔlt] v. 颠簸 squeeze [skwiz] v. 挤压

Shockproof ['ʃɔk.pruf] adj. 防震的


Part 1: Make an Interview about Commodity Inspection 做商品检验的采访

Conversation 1

A: According to the stevedore’s report, damaged cargos have been found in No.1 Hold. We think the damage was due to poor dunnage.

B: Sorry, poor dunnage? No, I can’t agree. I think the damage was caused by the stevedores.

A: I don’t think so. You may rest assured that we will not make you shoulder the responsibility of others.

B: I can prove that the cargo damage was caused at the loading port or here.

A: No need to argue about it. The facts should speak for themselves. Let’s make a careful examination.

B: Well, maybe this is pre-shipment damage.

A: Did you make any remarks?

B: No. I’m unable to inspect all the cargo piece by piece or case by case.

A: But it’s your duty.

B: Anyhow, I stick to my point. What’s your reason for it?

A: By inspection, we found the dunnage in No. 5 Hold was properly laid, but that of No. 1 was poorly placed, and there was no damage in No. 5 Hold but too much in No. 1 Hold. That’s the reason I believe that the damage is due to improper dunnage.

B: It seems to me that you’re right, but I will have to discuss it with our captain.

A: If anything happens, please call us.

B: All right. Thank you.


Conversation 2

A: Shall we get down to the delivery procedure from the headquarters in Friesoythe to plant in Changzhou?

B: OK. The logistics specialist will prepare the documents for the products or raw material, including the packing list, proforma invoice and delivery note.

A: In this case, they can arrange shipment to Changzhou by air freight when the documents are ready, right?

B: Absolutely not. In the delivery contract, we follow the Ex-works procedure, rather than Delivery Duty Paid. The headquarters in Germany, or the seller, only need to deliver the goods to the specified transit warehouse. Then it performs its obligation.

A: Whose responsibility in the shipment after this?

B: The buyer is responsible for shipping cost and risk for delivery from transit warehouse to destination. On the contrary, in the procedure of Delivery Duty Paid, the seller shall take charge of shipment to customer, including the tax and other cost, as well as the risk.

A: How to get the delivery in Germany?

B: The forwarders, such as DHL, UPS and Panapina, provide the delivery services. We will discuss the time and mode of shipment with forwarder. Most of our goods is delivered by air freight. It is certainly becoming more and more popular, because of its speed.

A: So the forwarder will take charge of whole shipment from port of dispatch to port of arrival?

B: Or you can say departure port and uploading port. That’s right. The forwarder will inform the logistics specialist in our plant to prepare the customs clearance documents after the goods arrives at the airport in Shanghai, sometimes Nanjing. The surveyor in Commodity Inspection and Testing Bureau conducts the selective reinspection according to forwarder’s credit record and documents above. Generally, Commodity Inspection Bureau will issue certificate when customs clearance document is complete.

A: It seems that there is exception?

B: If the reinspection after arrival do not coincide that before shipment, the forwarder will inform us, and we must declare to CIB and provide more comprehensive documents. And spot check ratio in reinspection will be a little higher in some festivals. You know that.

A: Agreed. Then the forwarder will deliver our goods from Shanghai or Nanjing to the plant. At the same time, the logistics specialist will inform the warehouse keeper to receive the goods. Anything else?

B: You are exactly right. The warehouse keeper checks the quantity and packaging before receiving.

A: Thank you very much. The information you offered to me is really helpful to me. I appreciate it.

B: It was my pleasure.


Part 2: Packing Requirement 包装要求


Conversation 3

A: As for the packing of the goods, I’d like to give you a little suggestion if you don’t mind.

B: Go ahead, please.

A: We’d like to use our own brand name and the packing material for inner packing.

B: No problem.

A: And can you pack the goods according to our specifications?

B: Sure, we can, but you have to pay a certain amount as a processing fee.

A: That is no big problem. How about the outer packing?

B: We use cartons for outer packing. Is that OK?

A: I’m concerned about the possible jolting and squeezing that may take place when these cases are moved about.

B: Well, we’ve got an excellent record of making deliveries to our customers. All our cartons are lined with shockproof cardboards, so they are shockproof.

A: In that case, I think it’s all right.

B: You know, the safely of packing is something we always attach great importance to, otherwise, it may cause us trouble too.

A: You’re right, but wouldn’t it be safer to use wooden cases?

B: We can use wooden cases if you insist, but the charge will be much higher.

A: It wouldn’t be worth the trouble, would it? Why not still use cartons?

B: Good.

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