Metal 框架从入门到精通-介绍

Render advanced 3D graphics and perform data-parallel computations using graphics processors.


Graphics processors (GPUs) are designed to quickly render graphics and perform data-parallel calculations. Use the Metal framework when you need to communicate directly with the GPUs available on a device. Apps that render complex scenes or that perform advanced scientific calculations can use this power to achieve maximum performance. Such apps include:

  • Games that render sophisticated 3D environments

  • Video processing apps, like Final Cut Pro

  • Data-crunching apps, such as those used to perform scientific research

GPU 被设计用来快速的提供图像信息和用于数据并行计算。使用 Metal 框架在设备上直接和 GPU 进行沟通。应用可以使用 Metal 更有效的去显示复杂的场景或者更高效的科学计算。
3D 游戏,视频剪辑软件,科研软件。

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