斯坦福大学SCI写作课程12 Manuscript —— Abstract

课程12 Abstract

1. Abstracts (ab=out, trahere=pull; "to pull out")

(1) Overview of the main story
(2) Gives highlights from each section of the paper
(3) Limited length (100-300 words, typically)
(4) Stands on its own (能独立存在)
(5) Most often, the only part people read (有时读者可能只读摘要)

2. 内容

(1) Background (一句话的背景)
(2) Question/aim/hypothesis
(3) Experiments

Quick summary of key materials and methods

(4) Results (关键结果和重要的实验数据)

Key results found
Minimal raw data (prefer summaries)

(5) Conclusion

The answer to the question asked/take-home message

(6) Implication, speculation, or recommendation

3. 格式 (根据杂志来定)

(1) Structured abstract (每个section都有sub-heading)
(2) 更自由的格式

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