Meshlet cone cull





1. 计算Axis


// Calculate the normal cone
// 1. Normalized center point of minimum bounding sphere of unit normals == conic axis
XMVECTOR normalBounds = MinimumBoundingSphere(normals, m.PrimCount);

// 2. Calculate dot product of all normals to conic axis, selecting minimum
XMVECTOR axis = XMVectorSetW(XMVector3Normalize(normalBounds), 0);
2. 去掉退化圆锥


XMVECTOR minDot = g_XMOne;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m.PrimCount; ++i)
    XMVECTOR dot = XMVector3Dot(axis, XMLoadFloat3(&normals[i]));
    minDot = XMVectorMin(minDot, dot);

if (XMVector4Less(minDot, XMVectorReplicate(0.1f)))
    // Degenerate cone
    c.NormalCone[0] = 127;
    c.NormalCone[1] = 127;
    c.NormalCone[2] = 127;
    c.NormalCone[3] = 255;

  在后续的Amplification Shader中,会拿取到当前数据,并判断假如w分享是0xff,则判断为退化圆椎:

bool IsConeDegenerate(CullData c)
    return (c.NormalCone >> 24) == 0xff;
3. 偏移顶点





// Find the point on center-t*axis ray that lies in negative half-space of all triangles
float maxt = 0;

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m.PrimCount; ++i)
    auto primitive = primitiveIndices[m.PrimOffset + i];

    uint32_t indices[3]

    XMVECTOR triangle[3]

    XMVECTOR c = positionBounds - triangle[0];

    XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat3(&normals[i]);
    float dc = XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(c, n));
    float dn = XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(axis, n));

    // dn should be larger than mindp cutoff above
    assert(dn > 0.0f);
    float t = dc / dn;

    maxt = (t > maxt) ? t : maxt;
4. 预计算cutoff阈值



// cos(a) for normal cone is minDot; we need to add 90 degrees on both sides and invert the cone
// which gives us -cos(a+90) = -(-sin(a)) = sin(a) = sqrt(1 - cos^2(a))
XMVECTOR coneCutoff = XMVectorSqrt(g_XMOne - minDot * minDot);

  在Amplification Shader中直接比较:

//bool IsVisible(CullData c, float4x4 world, float scale, float3 viewPos)

float4 center = mul(float4(, 1), world);

// Transform axis to world space
float3 axis = normalize(mul(float4(, 0), world)).xyz;

// Offset the normal cone axis from the meshlet center-point - make sure to account for world scaling
float3 apex = - axis * c.ApexOffset * scale;
float3 view = normalize(viewPos - apex);

// The normal cone w-component stores -cos(angle + 90 deg)
// This is the min dot product along the inverted axis from which all the meshlet's triangles are backface
if (dot(view, -axis) > normalCone.w)
    return false;

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