digital minimalism 摘抄

Chapter 1 Introduction

1. smartphone have reshaped people's experience of the world by providing an always-present connection to a humming matrix of chatter and distraction.

Chapter 2 Digital minimalism

2. minimalists don't mind missing out on small things, what worries them much more is diminishing the large things they already know for sure make a good life.

3. This is why clutter is dangerous, It's easy to be seduced by the small amounts of profits offered by the latest app or service, but then forget its cost in terms of the most important resource we possess: the minutes of our life.

Chapter 3 The digital declutter

4. Finding useful new technologies is just the first step to improving your life. The real benefits come once you start experimenting with HOW best to use them.

5. For each technology you reintroduce, determine what value it serves in your life and how specifically you will use it so as to maximize this value.

6. You want to arrive at the end of the declutter having rediscovered the type of activities that generating real satisfaction, enabling you to confidently craft a better life-one in which technology serves only a supporting role for more meaningful ends.

7. For each technology that you're considering reintroducing into your life, you must first ask: Does this technology directly support something that I deeply value? This is the only condition on which you should let one of these tools into your life. The fact that it offers some value is irrelevant- the digital minimalist deploys technology to serve the things they find most important in their life, and is happy missing out on everything else.

Chapter 4 Spend time alone

8. solitude is about what’s happening in your brain, not the environment around you. Accordingly, they define it to be a subjective state in which your mind is free from input from other minds. 

Chapter 5 Don't click "like"

9. When given downtime, in other words, our brain defaults to thinking about our social life.

Chapter 6 Reclaim leisure

10. the value you receive from a pursuit is often proportional to the energy invested.

11. Prioritize demanding activities over passive consumption.

12. Craft makes us human, and in doing so, it can provide deep satisfactions that are hard to replicate in other less hands-on activities.

13.But maximizing personal and financial efficiency isn't the only relevant goal. Learning and applying new skills is an important source of high-quality leisure.

14. by cultivating a high-quality leisure first, it will become easier to minimize low-quality digital diversions later.

15. work out the specific time periods during which you will indulge in web surfing. social media checking and entertainment streaming.

16. Without a well-considered approach to your high-quality leisure, it is easy for your commitment to these pursuits to degrade due to the friction of everyday life.

17. Doing nothing is overrated.

18. investing energy into something hard but worthwhile almost always returns much richer rewards.

Chapter 7 Join the attention resistance

19. To foster the state of "full concentration" promoted by the SLOW media manifesto(宣言), I further recommend that you ritualize this consumption by choosing a location that will support you in giving your full attention to the reading. I also recommend that you care about the particular format in which you do this reading.

20. The key to embracing slow media is the general commitment to maximizing the quality of what you consume and the conditions under which you consume.

21. Digital minimalist see new technologies as tools to be used to support things they deeply valued- not as sources of value themselves.

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