美式英语900句 初阶英语㈡


He's awful!他讨厌透了!

The way to King Street 到国王街的走法

Uncomfortable shoes 不舒适的鞋子

Terrible toothache 要命的牙痛

Carol's shopping list卡罗尔的购物单

Roast beef and potatoes 烤牛肉和土豆

Going on holiday 度假

Paris in the spring 巴黎之春

A car crash 车祸

For sale 待售

Poor lan!可怜的伊恩!

Our new neighbour我们的新邻居


A small blue case一只蓝色的小箱子

A card from Jimmy吉米的明信片

The French test 法语考试

Full of mistakes 错误百出

It's too small.太小了。

A good idea好主意

The most expensive model最昂贵的型号

Small change零钱


Tommy's breakfast汤米的早餐

Atrue story一个真实的故事

The man in a hat戴帽子的男士

A trip to Australia 澳大利亚之行

Tea for two两个人一起喝茶

A famous actress 著名的女演员

Seventy miles an hour时速70英里

Don't be so sure!别那么肯定!

Sensational news!爆炸性新闻!

The latest report最新消息

A pleasant dream美好的梦

is that you,John?是你吗,约翰?

Sally's first train ride萨莉第一次乘火


A walk through the woods 林中散步

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