

Barnes & Noble 是美国最大的实体书店,在全美拥有近800家店面。该公司也是仅次于Amazon(亚马逊)的全球第二大网上书店,曾一度占据着美国最大的书籍销售市场的地位。

然而今日 Barnes & Noble 发布的公司财季报告却不尽人意。虽然像 Barnes & Noble 这样大型图书零售商的业绩明显下滑,但是独立书店的数量却在不断的增长,而且其图书销量也在不断增加。大型图书零售商与独立书店的区别之处,就在于独立书店能够给读者提供大型图书零售商所不能提供的个性化购书指引以及有趣的社群活动。这些独立书店可以为大众提供一个充盈自己的公共空间,让读者真正享受购书以及读书的乐趣。


本篇课程首发于2018年9月27日,选自 The Economist Espresso APP



A humbled hegemon: Barnes & Noble

① America's largest retail bookseller reports quarterly results today.

② Expect yet another sorry show.

③ Analysts forecast a loss of nine cents per share, compared with 15 cents the same quarter last year, and a drop of 2% in same-store sales.

④ All this comes as independent bookshops are, remarkably, on the up after years of Amazon-induced pain.

⑤ Their number has grown by nearly 40% since 2009, with sales up 5% in the past year.

⑥ But B&N, with its soulless big-box stores, has failed to offer a colourful, curated experience.

⑦ Independent shops brim with tailored advice and community events, making browsing a pleasure.

⑧ Disarray among B&N's top brass has complicated matters.

⑨ In July it fired its CEO—the fourth in five years. (He is suing, accusing its founder of micromanagement.)

⑩ Those whose local indie shop has been killed by Amazon must now, in a twist of fate, pull for the former bricks-and-mortar behemoth to turn things around.


humble /ˈhʌmbəl/: vt. 击败 adj. 谦逊的

hegemon /ˈhedʒɪmɒn, ˈhedʒɪmɑːn/: n. 最高领袖

· hegemony: n. 霸权;支配权

sorry /ˈsɒri, ˈsɔːri/: adj. 遗憾的

(be) on the up: 持续增长

remarkably /rɪˈmɑːkəbli, rɪˈmɑːrkəbli/: adv. 令人惊奇地;给人留下深刻印象地

induce /ɪnˈdjuːs, ɪnˈduːs/: vt. 导致;劝说

· 近义词 cause/persuade

soulless /ˈsəʊlləs, ˈsəʊllɪs/: adj. 没有生气的;缺乏个性的

curate /kjʊəˈreɪt, ˈkjʊreɪt/: vt. 操持;筹办;组织 n. 助理牧师 (/ˈkjʊrət/)

· select, organize, and present (online content, merchandise, information, etc.), typically using professional or expert knowledge

brim with /brɪm/: 装满;充盈着

· brim: n. 帽檐;(容器的) 边

tailored /ˈteɪləd, ˈteɪlərd/: adj. 量身定制的

· tailor: n. 裁缝 vt. 专门制作;使适应特定需要

browse /braʊz/: vi. 浏览

· browser: n. 浏览器

disarray /ˌdɪsəˈreɪ/: n. 混乱

top brass /brɑːs, bræs/: 顶层;高级领导人员

micromanagement /ˈmaɪkrəʊˌmænɪdʒmənt/: n. 微观管理

indie /ˈɪndi/: adj. 独立的;非主流的

a twist of fate /twɪst/: 命运无常

pull for /pʊl/: 驱使

bricks-and-mortar / brick-and-mortar: adj. 传统行业的

· clicks and mortar: 虚实整合企业 (结合传统零售渠道和在线电子商务的运营方式)

behemoth /bɪˈhiːmɒθ, bɪˈhiːmɑːθ/: n. 巨头企业;巨兽


