JedisCluster 是 jedis 连接 redis 集群操作的一个类,封装了很多操作方法和具体的类,我们先来看 JedisCluster 体系关系图:
其实从这里就可以看出整个体系结构根据是否为二进制分为两类。BinaryJedisCluster 实现了集群的二进制操作,而 JedisCluster 直接继承了 BinaryJedisCluster 方法,实现了各种封装类型的方法操作。
下面我们先看下 JedisCluster 构造方法:
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node) {
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, int timeout) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), timeout);
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, int timeout, int maxAttempts) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), timeout, maxAttempts);
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, int timeout, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), timeout, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, int timeout, int maxAttempts,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), timeout, maxAttempts, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
int maxAttempts, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), connectionTimeout, soTimeout, maxAttempts, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
int maxAttempts, String password, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), connectionTimeout, soTimeout, maxAttempts, password, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(HostAndPort node, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
int maxAttempts, String password, String clientName, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this(Collections.singleton(node), connectionTimeout, soTimeout, maxAttempts, password, clientName, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(Set nodes) {
this(nodes, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
public JedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout) {
this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS);
public JedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout, int maxAttempts) {
this(nodes, timeout, maxAttempts, new GenericObjectPoolConfig());
public JedisCluster(Set nodes, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
public JedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxAttempts,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
super(jedisClusterNode, timeout, maxAttempts, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
int maxAttempts, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
super(jedisClusterNode, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, maxAttempts, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
int maxAttempts, String password, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
super(jedisClusterNode, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, maxAttempts, password, poolConfig);
public JedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout,
int maxAttempts, String password, String clientName, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
super(jedisClusterNode, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, maxAttempts, password, clientName, poolConfig);
会看到其实也没有什么就是集群信息,然后就直接调用父类的构造方法传递这些信息,下面看下父类 BinaryJedisCluster 的构造方法:
public static final short HASHSLOTS = 16384;
protected static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
protected static final int DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS = 5;
protected int maxAttempts;
protected JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler;
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set nodes, int timeout) {
this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS, new GenericObjectPoolConfig());
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set nodes) {
this(nodes, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxAttempts,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout,
int soTimeout, int maxAttempts, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
connectionTimeout, soTimeout);
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout, int maxAttempts, String password, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
connectionTimeout, soTimeout, password);
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
public BinaryJedisCluster(Set jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout, int maxAttempts, String password, String clientName, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig,
connectionTimeout, soTimeout, password, clientName);
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
可以看到连接管理是通过 JedisClusterConnectionHandler 来进行处理,这里看下内部处理:
public class JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler extends JedisClusterConnectionHandler {
public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int timeout) {
this(nodes, poolConfig, timeout, timeout);
public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes,
final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout) {
super(nodes, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, null);
public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout, String password) {
super(nodes, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, password);
public JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(Set nodes, GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout, String password, String clientName) {
super(nodes, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout, password, clientName);
public Jedis getConnection() {
// In antirez's redis-rb-cluster implementation,
// getRandomConnection always return valid connection (able to
// ping-pong)
// or exception if all connections are invalid
List pools = cache.getShuffledNodesPool();
for (JedisPool pool : pools) {
Jedis jedis = null;
try {
jedis = pool.getResource();
if (jedis == null) {
String result =;
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("pong")) return jedis;
} catch (JedisException ex) {
if (jedis != null) {
throw new JedisNoReachableClusterNodeException("No reachable node in cluster");
public Jedis getConnectionFromSlot(int slot) {
JedisPool connectionPool = cache.getSlotPool(slot);
if (connectionPool != null) {
// It can't guaranteed to get valid connection because of node
// assignment
return connectionPool.getResource();
} else {
renewSlotCache(); //It's abnormal situation for cluster mode, that we have just nothing for slot, try to rediscover state
connectionPool = cache.getSlotPool(slot);
if (connectionPool != null) {
return connectionPool.getResource();
} else {
//no choice, fallback to new connection to random node
return getConnection();
接下来看下 JedisCluster 中操作数据的方法,就以 set 为例,其它的方法和这个类似:
public String set(final String key, final String value) {
return new JedisClusterCommand(connectionHandler, maxAttempts) {
public String execute(Jedis connection) {
return connection.set(key, value);
可以看到直接创建 JedisClusterCommand 实现类调用 run() 方法,执行操作。看下 JedisClusterCommand 类的方法:
public abstract class JedisClusterCommand {
private final JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler;
private final int maxAttempts;
private final ThreadLocal askConnection = new ThreadLocal();
public JedisClusterCommand(JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler, int maxAttempts) {
this.connectionHandler = connectionHandler;
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
public abstract T execute(Jedis connection);
public T run(String key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");
return runWithRetries(JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(key), this.maxAttempts, false, false);
public T run(int keyCount, String... keys) {
if (keys == null || keys.length == 0) {
throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");
// For multiple keys, only execute if they all share the same connection slot.
int slot = JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(keys[0]);
if (keys.length > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < keyCount; i++) {
int nextSlot = JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(keys[i]);
if (slot != nextSlot) {
throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster "
+ "because keys have different slots.");
return runWithRetries(slot, this.maxAttempts, false, false);
public T runBinary(byte[] key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");
return runWithRetries(JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(key), this.maxAttempts, false, false);
public T runBinary(int keyCount, byte[]... keys) {
if (keys == null || keys.length == 0) {
throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster.");
// For multiple keys, only execute if they all share the same connection slot.
int slot = JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(keys[0]);
if (keys.length > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < keyCount; i++) {
int nextSlot = JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(keys[i]);
if (slot != nextSlot) {
throw new JedisClusterException("No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster "
+ "because keys have different slots.");
return runWithRetries(slot, this.maxAttempts, false, false);
public T runWithAnyNode() {
Jedis connection = null;
try {
connection = connectionHandler.getConnection();
return execute(connection);
} catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
private T runWithRetries(final int slot, int attempts, boolean tryRandomNode, boolean asking) {
if (attempts <= 0) {
throw new JedisClusterMaxRedirectionsException("Too many Cluster redirections?");
Jedis connection = null;
try {
if (asking) {
// TODO: Pipeline asking with the original command to make it
// faster....
connection = askConnection.get();
// if asking success, reset asking flag
asking = false;
} else {
if (tryRandomNode) {
connection = connectionHandler.getConnection();
} else {
connection = connectionHandler.getConnectionFromSlot(slot);
return execute(connection);
} catch (JedisNoReachableClusterNodeException jnrcne) {
throw jnrcne;
} catch (JedisConnectionException jce) {
// release current connection before recursion
connection = null;
if (attempts <= 1) {
//We need this because if node is not reachable anymore - we need to finally initiate slots renewing,
//or we can stuck with cluster state without one node in opposite case.
//But now if maxAttempts = 1 or 2 we will do it too often. For each time-outed request.
//TODO make tracking of successful/unsuccessful operations for node - do renewing only
//if there were no successful responses from this node last few seconds
return runWithRetries(slot, attempts - 1, tryRandomNode, asking);
} catch (JedisRedirectionException jre) {
// if MOVED redirection occurred,
if (jre instanceof JedisMovedDataException) {
// it rebuilds cluster's slot cache
// recommended by Redis cluster specification
// release current connection before recursion or renewing
connection = null;
if (jre instanceof JedisAskDataException) {
asking = true;
} else if (jre instanceof JedisMovedDataException) {
} else {
throw new JedisClusterException(jre);
return runWithRetries(slot, attempts - 1, false, asking);
} finally {
private void releaseConnection(Jedis connection) {
if (connection != null) {
从上面的执行可以看到,其实这里执行就是先获取到 jedis 后,调用 execut() 方法执行,最终还是使用的 jedis 里面封装的方法执行。