
作者:Eileen Caddy



To live a spiritual life does not mean you are deprived of all those worldly goods you have need of and that make life easier. It simply means that you have the use of every single thing you need to use for the benefit of the whole and to My honour and glory. When you have finished with it, whatever it may be, it is returned to Me with love and gratitude, because you recognize that all you have is Mine. You will find the more you give away, the more room there is for more to enter. Accept all that you need, but never try to possess it. The more possessive you are of anything, the more likely you are to lose it .My store-houses are full to overflowing. As you get your values right, you will lack absolutely nothing. But always remember to put Me first in everything, to give thanks for everything, and to return to Me that which you have finished with.


