
“You go through more iterations/ until you can simply deliver your message /in a very

concise way, /and that is true to the Apple brand/ and everything we do,” /recalled one

person/ who took the course.

in a very concise way,副词词组,表示“以非常简洁的方式”,比如:This

textbook is written in a very concise way.(这本书的编写方式十分紧凑。)



In “What Makes Apple, Apple”, /another course /that Nelson occasionally teaches,/ he

showed a slide of the remote control for the Google TV,/ said an employee/ who took

the class last year.

remote control,名词词组,表示“遥控器”,比如:Richard picked up the remote

control and turned on the television. (理查德拿起遥控器,打开了电视机。)

