Git commands

git config --global http.sslverify false

git status -s

git status --short

git mv file_from file_to 改文件名

git config --global gui.encoding utf-8

如果想要检查你的配置,可以使用 git config --list 命令来列出所有 Git 当时能找到的配置。

cancel git commit before git push

 git reset --soft HEAD^ (only cancel git commit)

git reset --mixed HEAD^ (cancel git commit and git add)

git reset --mixed HEAD~2 (cancel two commit)

cancel git push

git revert HEAD (撤销前一次(最近的一次)push)

git revert HEAD^ (撤销前前一次push)

git revert commit-id (撤销制定commit)

git tag

git tag -l 'v1.4.2.*'                                // show tag

git tag v1.0                                          // just create tag

git tag -a v1.4 -m 'my version 1.4'                        //create a tag with message

git show v1.4                                            // show tag detail

git push origin v1.5                             // push one tag

git push origin --tags                                 // push all tags

git tag v0.9 f52c633 ---- commit id                          // create tag by commit id



1.执行:git origin fetch 获得最新.

2.通过:git branch会根据tag创建新的分支.

例如:git branch newbranch ver1.0.0.1

会以tag ver1.0.0.1创建新的分支newbranch;

3.可以通过git checkout newbranch 切换到新的分支.

4.通过 git push origin newbranch 把本地创建的分支提交到远程仓库.

git log

git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit // show commit log

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