
摘 要

近些年来在一线城市的房子需求量在逐步递增,其中租房子和出租房子的需求业务不断增加。那么租房对于我们一线二线城市来说是一个非常大,而且具有经济提升能力的业务场景。那么信息技术在此行业的加持早已是变得炉火纯青,能够让租房和出租房屋行业第一时间看到信息技术的使用,是这一行业的平常现象。软件和系统的产生,从表面上来看是方便了某一行业和某一行业的用户,其实是从本质上来说是提高了社会的进步。就拿我们常见的出行而言,滴滴出行看似是为了打车和出行的人方便,但其实通过另外一种程度上来说,可以通过软件应用的调度和发展来为社会、城市出行的发展做出巨大的贡献。我们国家从最早的中国制造业演变到现在的“智造”,就是因为有软件信息系统的价值,能够将一些智慧的因素加入到制造的过程当中,而这一点就是软件系统来改变生产和现实的需求。本次的设计就是针对房源出租信息管理系统进行的信息化建设,在语言技术选择上采用成熟稳定的JAVA语言,另外一方面为了能够使开发更接近目前主流技术还特意采用了Spring Boot框架来进行框架设计。前端页面框架方面还是选择了比较流行的JSP可以从不同角度来满足房源信息管理系统的页面需求。技术及房产行业的特有业务加持来共同完成信息化的建设。
关键字: Spring Boot,房源,管理系统

springboot housing rental information management system
In recent years, the demand for houses in first-tier cities is gradually increasing, among which the demand for rented houses and rented houses is constantly increasing. So renting is a very big business scenario with economic upgrading ability for our first-tier and second-tier cities. So information technology in this industry has already become a thriving, rental and rental housing industry can see the use of information technology at the first time, is a common phenomenon in this industry. The emergence of software and systems, from the surface of the convenience of a certain industry and a certain industry of users, in fact, is essentially to improve the progress of society. As for our common travel, Didi Chuxing seems to be for the convenience of taxi drivers and travelers, but in fact, in another way, it can make great contributions to the development of social and urban travel through the scheduling and development of software applications. Our country has evolved from the earliest manufacturing industry in China to the current “intelligent manufacturing” because of the value of software information system, which can add some intelligent factors into the manufacturing process, and this is the software system to change the production and realistic needs. This design is aimed at the information construction of the house rental information management system. In the choice of language technology, mature and stable JAVA language is adopted. On the other hand, in order to make the development closer to the current mainstream technology, Spring Boot framework is specially adopted to carry out the framework design. Front-end page framework or choose the more popular JSP can meet the page requirements of the store’s invoices-inventory service management system from different perspectives. Technology and the special business of food industry to jointly complete the construction of information.

Key words: Spring Boot, purchase-sale-stock, management system

目 录
Abstract 1
目 录 2
1 绪 论 3
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 3
1.2研究现状以及发展趋势 3
1.2.1研究现状 3
1.2.2发展趋势 1
1.3研究目标 1
2 相关技术介绍 2
2.1 Spring Boot介绍 2
2.2 IDEA简介 2
2.3 MySQL数据库 3
2.4 JAVA语言介绍 3
3 需求收集与分析 4
3.1 系统开发框架 4
3.2 系统功能需求分析 4
3.4 可行性分析 1
3.4.1 经济可行性 1
3.4.2 技术可行性 1
3.4.3 操作可行性 2
3.4.4 法律可行性 2
3.5 系统逻辑结构 2
4 数据库设计 1
4.1 E-R图 1
4.2 系统流程设计 1
4.3 数据库设计 2
5 系统功能实现 1
5.1 系统实现 1
5.1.1 首页 1
5.1.2 后台登录 2
5.1.3房源信息添加页面 1
5.1.4申请租房查询 2
5.2 代码实现 1
5.2.1 租房添加代码实现 1
5.2.2 查询信息代码实现 1
6 系统测试 2
6.1测试目的 2
6.2测试方法 1
6.3系统测试用例 1
致  谢 3
参考文献 4
