流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 7·Unit 2·Part 2·Video 2·The Boiling River 2

The Boiling River 2

Telling this same story at a family dinner, my aunt tells me, "But no, Andrés, I've been there. I've swum in that river." 

Then my uncle jumps in. 

"No, Andrés, she's not kidding. You see, you can only swim in it after a very heavy rain, and it's protected by a powerful shaman. Your aunt, she's friends with his wife."

You know, despite all my scientific skepticism, I found myself hiking into the jungle, guided by my aunt, over 700 kilometers away from the nearest volcanic center, and well, honestly, mentally preparing myself to behold the legendary "warm stream of the Amazon."


You know你知道; 你知道的; 你知道吗

kilometers千米,公里; kilometer的复数

away from离开

nearest距离不远; 在附近; 不久以后; 几乎; 差不多; 距离近; 不远; 随后; 接近; near的最高级

volcanic火山的; 火山引起的; 火山产生的

honestly诚实地; 正当地; 真的; 确实; 表示不赞成并且生气

mentally精神上; 智力上; 思想上

behold看; 看见

legendary非常著名的; 享有盛名的; 传奇的; 传说的; 传说集; 圣徒传

But then ... I heard something, a low surge that got louder and louder as we came closer. It sounded like ocean waves constantly crashing, and as we got closer, I saw smoke, vapor, coming up through the trees. And then, I saw this.


surge涌; 汹涌; 涌动; 使强烈地感到; 急剧上升; 飞涨; 激增; 突发; 急剧上升,激增; 大量; 一大批; 奔涌向前; 突然的向上运动

louder喧闹地; 大声地; 响亮地; 喧闹的; 响亮的; 大声的; 说话太大声的; 吵闹的; 俗艳的; 花哨的; loud的比较级

closer接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地; 几乎; 可能; 亲密的; 密切的; close的比较级

sounded听起来好像; 让人听着好像; 听起来…的; 发出声音,响; sound的过去分词和过去式

waves海浪; 波浪; 波涛; 汹涌的行动态势; 心潮; 风潮; 涌现的人; 涌动的人; 挥手; 招手; 摆手; 挥臂; 挥手指引,挥手示意; 挥舞,挥动; wave的第三人称单数和复数

crashing碰撞; 撞击; 猛撞; 使发出巨响; crash的现在分词

smoke烟; 吸烟; 抽烟; 吸; 抽; 吸烟,抽烟; 冒烟

vapor蒸汽,水气; 蒸发

And then然后

I immediately grabbed for my thermometer, and the average temperatures in the river were 86 degrees C. 


immediately立即; 马上; 即刻; 接近; 紧接; 附近; 紧接地; 直接地; 一…就

grabbed抓住; 攫取; 抓住,夺得; 利用,抓住; grab的过去分词和过去式

thermometer温度计; 寒暑表; 体温计

average平均的; 典型的; 正常的; 普通的; 平常的; 一般的; 平均数; 平均水平; 一般水准; 平均为; 计算出…的平均数

temperatures温度; 气温; 体温; temperature的复数

river河; 江; 涌流

werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等

degrees度,度数; 度数; 程度; degree的复数

This is not quite the 100-degree C boiling but definitely close enough. The river flowed hot and fast. 


quite颇; 相当; 某种程度上; 完全; 十分; 非常; 彻底; 在很大程度上; 很; 的确

boiling炽热的; 很热的; 沸腾; 煮沸; 烧开; 里面的水烧开; 用沸水煮; 被煮; boil的现在分词; 一次烹煮量; <俚>一群; 全体

definitely肯定; 没问题; 当然; 确实; 确切地; 明确地; 清楚地

close关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; 关门,关闭; 不开放; 结束,终结,终了; 接近; 几乎; 可能; 亲密的; 密切的; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地; 一端不通的街道; 死胡同; 死巷道; 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物

enough足够的,充足的,充分的; 足够; 充分; 充足; 足够地; 充分地; 充足地; 相当; 尚; 十分; 很

river河; 江; 涌流

flowed流; 流动; 涌流; 流畅; flow的过去分词和过去式

hot温度高的; 热的; 觉得闷热; 使人感到热的; 热; 把……加温; 激动起来

fast快的; 迅速的; 敏捷的; 迅速发生的; 立即发生的; 动作迅速的; 头

I followed it upriver and was led by, actually, the shaman's apprentice to the most sacred site on the river. 


followed跟随; 跟着; 在…后发生,因…而发生; 在…后做; follow的过去分词和过去式

upriver往上游; 向上游; 在上游

actually的确,真实地,事实上; 居然,竟然; 实际上


apprentice to送给当学徒

most最多,最大; 大多数; 几乎所有; 最; 最大,最多,最高; 非常; 极其; 完全; many的最高级; much的最高级

sacred上帝的; 神的; 神圣的; 受尊重的; 受崇敬的

site地点,位置,建筑工地; 现场; 发生地; 场所; 网站; 站点; 使坐落

And this is what's bizarre -- It starts off as a cold stream. 


what什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太

bizarre极其怪诞的; 异乎寻常的

starts开始,着手,动手; 发生,开始进行; 开动; 发动; 启动; start的第三人称单数

off离开; 距,离; 用以表示除去了某物; 起跑; 从落下; 离,距; 偏离; 从…去掉; 从…移开; 不新鲜; 变质; 不礼貌; 不热情; 冷淡; 不能接受; 难以容忍; 不行; 杀死

cold寒冷的; 冷的; 未热过的; 已凉的; 冷却的; 冷漠的; 不友好的; 冷; 寒冷; 低气温; 感冒; 伤风; 着凉; 突然; 完全; 毫无准备地

stream小河; 溪; 流; 流动; 流出; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动; 飘动; 

And here, at this site, is the home of the Yacumama, mother of the waters, a giant serpent spirit who births hot and cold water. 


mother母亲; 妈妈; 对女修道院院长的尊称; 给以母亲的关爱; 像母亲般地照顾

waters水; 大片的水; 水域; 江,河,湖,海; 给…浇水; 灌溉; 充满眼泪; 流口水; water的第三人称单数和复数

giant巨人; 巨兽; 巨型植物; 大公司; 强大的组织; 巨大的; 特大的; 伟大的

serpent蛇; 大蛇

spirit精神; 心灵; 情绪; 心境; 人; 偷偷带走; 让人不可思议地弄走

births出生; 诞生; 分娩; 创始; 起源; 出身; 门第; birth的复数

hot and cold冷热

water水; 大片的水; 水域; 江,河,湖,海; 给…浇水; 灌溉; 充满眼

And here we find a hot spring, mixing with cold stream water underneath her protective motherly jaws and thus bringing their legends to life.


hot spring温泉

mixing混合,掺和,融合; 调配; 配制; 相容; 平安相处; mix的现在分词

stream小河; 溪; 流; 流动; 流出; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动; 飘动; 飘扬

underneath在…底下; 隐藏在下面; 在…表象之下; 下表面,底面,底部,下部

protective保护的; 防护的; 出于保护; 有贸易保护倾向的; 实行关税保护的

motherly慈母般的; 母亲的

jaws颌; 下巴; 下颌; 口部; 嘴; 唠唠叨叨; 喋喋不休; jaw的第三人称单数和复数

thus以此方式; 如此; 这样; 因此; 从而; 所以

bringing带…到某处; 带来; 取来; 提供; 供给; 导致; 引起; bring的现在分词

legends传说; 传奇故事; 传奇人物; 图例,说明,解释; legend的复

The next morning, I woke up and I asked for tea.

 I was handed a mug, a tea bag and, well, pointed towards the river. 

To my surprise, the water was clean and had a pleasant taste, which is a little weird for geothermal systems.


ise意想不到的事; 令人惊奇的事; 惊奇; 惊讶; 意外; 出人意表的做事方式; 出奇制胜的策略; 使惊奇; 使诧异; 使感到意外; 出其不意地攻击; 使措手不及; 无意中发现

water水; 大片的水; 水域; 江,河,湖,海; 给…浇水; 灌溉; 充满眼泪; 流口水

clean洁净的; 干净的; 爱干净的; 爱整洁的; 无有害物的; 无污染的; 除去…的灰尘; 使…干净; 打扫; 变干净; 清除内脏; 彻底地,完全地; 清扫

pleasant令人愉快的; 可喜的; 宜人的; 吸引人的; 友好的; 和善的; 文雅的

taste味道; 滋味; 味觉; 少许尝的东西; 一口; 一点儿; 有…味道; 有…味道的; 尝出,品出

which哪一个; 哪一些; …的那个,…的那些; 那个,那些

a little一点

weird奇异的; 不寻常的; 怪诞的; 离奇的; 诡异的; 命运; 宿命; 厄运; <古>命运女神


systems体系; 方法; 制度; 体制; 系统; 身体; system的复数

What was amazing is that the locals had always known about this place, and that I was by no means the first outsider to see it. 


amazing令人大为惊奇的; 令人惊喜的; 使惊奇; 使惊愕; 使惊诧; amaze的现在分词

locals当地人; 本地人; 住处附近的酒吧; 地方分会; local的复数

always总是; 每次都是; 一直; 一贯; 永远

known知名的; 出了名的; 已知的; 知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定; know的过去分词

and that而且,并且

by no means决不;丝毫不;一点儿也不

outsider外人; 局外人; 外部的人; 外来者; 不被看好的人

see看见; 见到; 看出; 看得见; 看; 有视力; 观看; 主教教区; 主教权限;

It was just part of their everyday life. 

They drink its water. They take in its vapor. They cook with it, clean with it, even make their medicines with it.


water水; 大片的水; 水域; 江,河,湖,海; 给…浇水; 灌溉; 充满眼泪; 流口水

take in收留,收容; 带走,抓走; 欺骗; 使上当; 理解; 领会; 领悟; 看清,看明白; 观看; 欣赏; 参观; 摄入,吸收; 将改小; 收入,进账

vapor蒸汽,水气; 蒸发

cook烹饪; 烹调; 煮; 密谋; 秘密策划; 做饭的人; 炊事员; 厨师

with it时髦的,新派的; 警觉的;敏锐的;机敏的

clean洁净的; 干净的; 爱干净的; 爱整洁的; 无有害物的; 无污染的; 除去…的灰尘; 使…干净; 打扫; 变干净; 清除内脏; 彻底地,完全地; 清扫

even甚至,连,即使; 甚至更,愈加,还; 甚至可以说,其实,实际上; 平滑的; 平的; 平坦的; 变化不大的,均匀的,平稳的; 相等的; 均等的; 平; 相等; 变平

make制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; 品牌,型号

medicines医学; 药; 药水; medicine的复数

I met the shaman, and he seemed like an extension of the river and his jungle. 

He asked for my intentions and listened carefully. 


asked问; 询问; 要求; 请求; 恳求; 征求; ask的过去分词和过去式

intentions打算; 计划; 意图; 目的; intention的复数

listened听; 倾听; 听信; 听从; 听着,注意听; listen的过去分词和过去式

carefully仔细地; 小心翼翼的; 诚惶诚恐地; 颇有分寸地

Then, to my tremendous relief -- I was freaking out, to be honest with you -- a smile began to snake across his face, and he just laughed.


tremendous巨大的; 极大的; 极好的; 精彩的; 了不起的

relief宽慰,轻松; 解脱; 减轻,消除,缓和; 救济,救援物品

freaking(加强语气,用以替代 fucking)该死的,他妈的; 强烈反应,震惊,畏惧; freak的现在分词

smile微笑; 笑; 微笑着说; 微笑地表示; 现出; 笑容

began开始; 启动; 起始; 开始存在; 起初是; 本来是; begin的过去式

snake蛇; 曲折前行; 蛇行; 蜿蜒伸展

across从一边到另一边; 横过; 宽; 从…的一边向…; 在对面; 在对过; 从…一边到另一边; 在…对面; 在…对过; 在上

face脸; 面孔; 面部表情; 有…面容的; 有…表情的; 面对; 面向; 正对; 面临,必须对付; 承认,正视

laughed笑; 发笑; 处于有利地位; laugh的过去分词和过去式

I had received the shaman's blessing to study the river, on the condition that after I take the water samples and analyze them in my lab, wherever I was in the world, that I pour the waters back into the ground so that, as the shaman said, the waters could find their way back home.


blessing上帝的恩宠; 祝福; 祝颂; 赞同; 许可; 好事; 有益之事; 求上帝降福于; 祝圣; 称颂上帝; 赞美上帝; bless的现在分词

take the water下水; 上船


wherever在任何地方; 在…的各个地方; 各处; 处处; 在所有…的情况下; 究竟在哪里,究竟到哪儿

waters水; 大片的水; 水域; 江,河,湖,海; 给…浇水; 灌溉; 充满眼泪; 流口水; water的第三人称单数和复数

back into倒进…, 倒入;退入, 倒车撞上; 用臀部或背部与对方接触

so that因此; 以便

way back很久以前


1.what take ruzo find about the most secret side on the river?

The river starts off as a cold stream and then becomes hot.

2.what didi Ruzo promise to the shaman?

He would pour his water samples back into the ground after analyzing them.

3.What was the first thing Ruzo did when he reached the boiling river?

He measured the river's temperature.

4.When explaining his intentions to the shaman, Ruzo felt apprehensive.

5. To jump into a conversation means to suddenly join it.

6.what does ruzo suggest when he says he mentally prepared himself to behold the legendary "warm stream of the Amazon."

He was looking forward to seeing the boiling river.

7.what role does the boiling river play in the local's life?

It was just part of their everyday life. 

Fill in the blanks:

You know, despite all my scientific skepticism, I found myself hiking into the jungle, guided by my aunt, over 700 kilometers away from the nearest volcanic center, and well, honestly, mentally preparing myself to behold the legendary "warm stream of the Amazon."

Repeat and read the sentences:

1.he was freaking out when the shaman asked about his intentions.

2.despite all my scientific skepticism, I found myself hiking into the jungle.

3.He promised to pour the water samples back into the ground after analyzing them in his lab.

4.To my surprise, the water was clean and had a pleasant taste, which is a little weird for geothermal systems.

5.despite his skepticism,he was  still expecting to see the boiling river.

你可能感兴趣的:(流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 7·Unit 2·Part 2·Video 2·The Boiling River 2)