
1、It is illegal to identify a gender. Everyone should know this, but why do some people have a life boy, and some have a life girl? Many women also often consult relevant experts: Is diet related to boys and girls? In response to this question, the expert's answer is still affirmative. The diet does have a certain relationship with the boys and girls, but the probability is not 100% correct. What are the factors? The experts made the following brief introduction for us.


2、 1. If women eat more high-calorie foods, they will be more likely to have boys.


3、 According to scientists, the sex of the baby may be related to the mother's eating habits before pregnancy. But some experts say the findings need to be tested for further research.


4、 Scientists surveyed more than 700 first-time pregnant women in the UK and asked them to provide a pre-pregnancy diet. It was found that 56% of pregnant women who took high-calorie foods before pregnancy had boys, and only 45% of pregnant women who consumed lower-calorie foods had cereals. Among pregnant women, the proportion of boys born is 59%, and only 43% of boys who give birth to breakfast or rarely eat premature birth.


5、 2, in theory, women eat more cockroaches are also more likely to have boys


6、 Many people love to eat cockroaches, but many people do not know is that the tail of the cockroach is rich in male hormone levels, Female gonad axis has a certain stimulation and adjustment effect, but at the same time, it may also increase female ovulation. If a woman is pregnant during taking sputum, the fetus is prone to twins or multiple births.


7、 3, there are studies also show that women often eat alkaline foods are more likely to be born boys


8、 food is acidic, some are alkaline, if a couple in the process of family planning, really I really want to have a boy, so in order to increase the chances of giving birth to a boy, women should eat more alkaline foods, because this kind of food can balance the body's pH, make the body appear alkaline, increase Y sperm. The opportunity to successfully fertilize and combine with the egg. Bananas, milk, and kelp are all alkaline foods.


9、 4, the salty male sweet girl also has a certain relationship


10、 South African scientists believe that eating red meat and salty snacks will give birth to boys, while eating chocolate will help to give birth to girls. A recent experiment conducted by scientists at the University of Pretoria in South Africa on animals found that when eating polysaccharide foods, the young cubs produced were younger and younger; When the blood sugar is kept at a normal level, the proportion of males and females in the young is about half. Research host Professor Eliza Cameron said that the test results are equally applicable to humans.

南非科学家认为,吃红肉和咸味小吃会生男孩,而吃巧克力则有助于生育女孩。南非比勒陀利亚大学科学家最近对动物进行的一项实验发现,吃多糖食物时,幼崽的年龄越来越小; 当血糖保持在正常水平时,年轻人中男性和女性的比例约为一半。研究主持人Eliza Cameron教授表示,测试结果同样适用于人类。

11、 The chromosome can determine the sex of the child, the X chromosome is a girl, the Y chromosome is a boy, and the male diet changes the rate of carrying the X or Y chromosome. In addition, the diet also affects the uterine environment, making it more suitable for sperm carrying the X chromosome or sperm carrying the Y chromosome.


12、 The relationship between diet and boys and girls has been confirmed by many scientists, but it is not 100% correct. There are many factors related to the birth of boys and girls, and diet is only one of the factors. In fact, boys and girls are the same. As long as you ensure adequate nutrition during pregnancy, it is most important to have a healthy and intelligent child. Gender is not important.



