LEONI BET III Lesson 1~7 Text

以下是LEONI基础英语培训第三期Lesson 1~7的课文,将其汇编整理成册,便于大家查阅。


Lesson 1

Incoming Quality Control 来料质量控制


Word Service Station 词语加油站

quality['kwɒliti] n. 质量 control[kən'trəʊl] n. 控制

procedure[prə'siːdʒə] n. 程序 director[daiˈrɛktɚ] n. 总监

headquarter[,hɛd'kwɔrtɚ] n. 总部 supervisor ['supɚvaɪzɚ] n. 主管

responsible [ri'spɑnsəb(ə)l] adj. 负责的 non-restriction [ri'strikʃ(ə)n] n. 非限制

antenna[æn'tɛnə] n. 天线 assembly[ə'sɛmbli] n. 组装件

instruction[in'strʌkʃən] n. 指导书 regulation[ˌrɛɡjəˈleiʃən] n. 规定


Conversion: Brief introduction of Incoming Inspection Procedure简要介绍来料检验程序

Scene: In the incoming inspection officeA = Tony, B = Jennifer, C= Mr. Acker

A: Mr. Acker. This is our Incoming Quality Control Department (质量控制部门). Jennifer, I’d like you to meet Mr. Acker. He is the Plant Director(工厂总监)from the headquarters (总部)in Nuremberg, Germany.

B: I’m very delighted to meet you, Mr.Acker. I am supervisor(主管) of incoming inspection team.

C: Nice to meet you, Miss Jennifer.How many inspectors in incoming quality team?

B: 3 inspectors, and they are responsible (负责) for incoming quality control of cable, cable harness (线束), trading goods (贸易商品) and so on.

C: Could you kindly introduce (介绍) your incoming inspection procedure(程序), Miss Jennifer?

B: Certainly. After receiving the raw material(原材料) by warehouse, the warehouse keeper(仓库管理员) will post it to inspection stock and mark label on it. Firstly, I check the free inspection list to see it needs inspection or not. I will post it to non-restriction stock(非限制库) in SAP when it is in the list.

A: Mr. Acker. The free inspection list is updated by our SQE monthly.

**C: ** Sounds good (看起来不错).

B: The next step, we inspect the material according to the incoming working instruction basing on different types. For instance, jumper cable, connector and antenna(天线).

C: How about your finding non-conformity material(不合格材料)?

B: It is the third step. We start the reviewing procedure(评审过程) after I send NCR report (不合格报告) via E-mail. The Production Engineer(产品工程师),Assembling Engineer(装配工程师) and Quality Engineer(质量工程师) will check this material after receiving the E-mail.

A: According to the regulation(规定) in company, they should make decision in 2 working days.

C: That’s fine. Miss Jennifer, thank you very much for your introduction today.

B: You are welcome.


Lesson 2

Process Quality Control 过程质量控制


Word Service Station 词语加油站

automatic [ˌɔ:tә’mætik] adj. 自动的 production [prә’dΛk∫n] n. 生产

introduce [ˌintrə'dju:s] v. 介绍 privilege [‘privәlid3] adj. 荣幸的

preparation [ˌprepә’rei∫n] n. 准备 acceptance [әk’septәns] n. 接受

criterion [krai’tiәriәn] n. 标准 approve [ə'pru:v] v. 批准

refund [‘ri:fΛnd] v. 退还 specifically [spә’sifikli] adv. 具体地

routing [‘ru:tiη] n. 路线 Furthermore [ˌfә:ðә’mɔ:] adv. 此外

impress [im’pres] v. 给...印象 approach [ә’prәut∫] n. 方法

facility [fә’cilәti] n. 设备 efficient [I’fi∫nt] adj. 高效率的

brochure [‘brәu∫ә] n. 手册 literature [‘litrәt∫ә] n. 资料

Conversion: Brief introduction of Process Quality Control简要介绍过程质量控制

Scene: In the Cable System workshopA = Peter, B = Mr. Thoma, C= Albert

A: Mr. Thoma, what you see now is our new automatic production line(自动生产线), for the products Elisonstack.

B: Is the production line fully automatic?

A: Well, not fully automatic.

**B: ** What kind of quality control do you have?

A: We set up the sampling(抽样) inspection procedure for the process control. Albert, could you introduce it to Mr. Thoma.

C: I am privileged(荣幸的) to do it. Mr. Thoma, 4 Quality Gates(质量关) are set up in the production line, Cable cutting(断线), End preparation(端部处理), Soldering (焊接) and Overmolding(注塑). In the 1st gate, acceptance criterion(接收标准) of cable after cutting is defined according to MIL-STD-1916, and also required(要求) and approved(通过) by the customer, Cisco.

B: How about the acceptance criteria?
C: 0 receive a refund(0收1退). From the 2nd gate, we make sampling check in each gate every 2 hours per shift. Specifically(具体来讲), we check the end preparing 3pcs, PCB soldering 3pcs and Overmolding 3pcs in every 2 hours.

B: Will you record the inspection result, in the routing inspection(巡检)?

**C: ** Yes, every inspector here writes it down as soon as they finish inspection.

**B: ** Will you make some measuring for the soldering inspection?

C: The distance from AL-foil to soldering pad, and we measure it with the microscope. Furthermore(此外), the measuring data is recorded in X-R chart, which will be analyzed(分析) by engineers every day.

**B: ** Excellent(极好的). I’m impressed by your approach to business. In addition(此外), you have fine facilities(设备)and efficient(有效率的) inspectors. The product gives you an edge over your competitors(竞争对手), I suppose.

C: Yes, No one can match us as far as quality is concerned.

B: Peter, could you give me some brochures for the products? And the price if possible.

A: Certainly. Here are our sale catalogue and literature.

B: Thank you. I think we may be able to work together in the future.


Lesson 3

Final Quality Control 成品质量控制


Word Service Station 词语加油站

Representative [ˌrɛprɪ'zɛntətɪv] n. 代表 complaint [kəm'pleint] n. 投诉

Comment ['kɔmɛnt] n. 评价 mount [maʊnt] v. 安装

Correspond [,kɔrə'spɔnd] v. 与...对应 lean [li:n] v. 倾斜

Cosmetic [kɔz'mɛtɪk] n. 外观的

Conversion: Brief introduction of Final Quality Control简要介绍成品质量控制

Scene: In the conference room 2, two persons are reviewing the final quality control procedure with customer

Dylan: Quality team leader in supplier
George: SQE in customer
Michelle: Sales representative in supplier

Dylan: Thank George for coming to this conference, to discuss about the complaint (抱怨) we received last week from Simens.

George: Dylan, could I have your comments(看法) on the issue we found in our production line that, a screw missing in your assembly?

Dylan: All right. The long screw which should be ***mounted (安装) *** in the backshell, was found missing in the assembly. After our analyzing, we consider the ***reason (原因) *** to cause the failure is, the tooth inside the backshell break, then the long screw cannot hold on inside.

Michelle: Then why the mistake escapes?

Dylan: First, no operator checked the tooth while mounting; Second, there is no check for the screw dropping after closing backshell; Third, the inspection fixtures cannot detect the failure.

Michelle: I see. Then how do we control the final quality now?

Dylan: Corresponding to (与…相对应) the root causes I listed above, we made improvements in the three following points. First, add the tooth inspection in backshell assembling to check the defects; Second, add the screw mounting check by shaking, after our Design of Experiments (实验设计); Third, change the angles of inspection fixtures by leaning(倾斜) it, like the picture now we see.

George: Do you have any visual check for the finished-goods?

Dylan: Yes. We set up the cosmetic inspection(外观检验) before packing.

**George: ** Well, increase it in your corrective actions. Furthermore, how to prevent the same mistake for other products?

Dylan: The evaluation we already carried on(开展) for the other 3 types of assemblies, and we will report to you in 3 days.

George: Great. Could I see the training record for the relevant in-service members? Training new members is also extremely necessary.

Dylan: I will call the colleagues in Training & Development department (培训与发展部门), to ask her to take the record here.

George: What’s your monthly output?

**Dylan: ** 10,000 sets per month.

George: What’s your usual percentage of rejects?

Dylan: Not more than one thousandth in normal operations.

George: That’s really good. Now can we have a look in line?

Dylan: Yes. Let’s go and take a look.


Lesson 4~5

Supplier Quality Control 供应商质量控制


Word Service Station 词语加油站

Review /ri’vju:/ v. 回顾,检讨 discolor /dis’kʌlə/ v. 变色

Originate /ə’rid3neit/ v. 起源于 die cast 压铸件

Exceed /ik’si:d/ v. 超出 contamination /kən’tæminei∫n/ n. 污染

Condition / kən’di∫n/ n. 条件 evaporate /I’væpəreit/ v. 蒸发

Detect /di’tekt/ v. 探测 specified /spesə’faid/ adj. 指定的

Warranty /’wɔrənti/ n. 保质期 Consequence /’kɔnsikwəns/ n. 后果

Conversion: Brief introduction of Supplier Quality Control简要介绍供应商质量控制

Background: One batch of assemblies were found oxidization on the metal backshell, so metal part supplier in Taiwan made a review(检讨) of its product quality to Leoni via Webex meeting

Ice: Supplier Quality Engineer in Leoni
Terence: Sales in Taiwan supplier
Linda: Quality Team Leader

Terence: Good afternoon, Ice & Linda. This is Terence.

Ice & Linda: Good afternoon.

**Ice: ** Terence, so you already see the E-mail which I sent you the day before yesterday, about the oxidized(氧化的) backshell which we found in the stock. So, what is the root cause of this oxidization failure?

Terence: After our investigation(调查), we consider the oxidization or what we called discoloring(变色) mostly originated from(起源) acid remained the micro hole inside the backshell. The micro hole sourced from the unsuitable die casting(铸造) parameter which exceeded(超出) original setting value. Furthermore, some contamination(污染) came from the transit trays(周转盘) which are used for transition and recycling using.

Linda: In the case of two reasons above, what measures did you take to prevent it escaping from your factory site?

Terence: Bake the backshell before delivering to Leoni, in the conditions that 120 Celsius degree and half hour. Then acid will be evaporated(蒸发) out from the micro hole and we will make visual inspection.

Linda: If you can screen all the failures after baking, why didn’t these backshells detect in your final inspection working station?

Terence: In the end of last August, the capacity in main workshop cannot meet the fast-growing demand (快速增长的需求), so we arrange for some products to bake in the branch of company (分公司). Unfortunately (不幸的是), the set-up temperature in oven in branch is a little bit different from main workshop, 35 Celsius degree lower than specified(指定的) temperature. So the lower temperature didn’t work on the backshell baking.

Ice: Could you show us the whole image about the process including the baking?

Terrence: Absolutely (完全可以). It is the Zinc material incoming (锌原材进料), then go to the Die casting, then remove the runner (去飞边). Sand blasting (喷砂), and tapping automatic, plating, and heating, make 100% appearance checking (外观检查) and packing.

Linda: How long is the warranty(保质期) for the backshell oxidization? Are there any consequences(后果) for the oxidization for the parts which we have delivered to customer?

Terrence: After all (毕竟), the backshell is still one kind of metal, which could be oxidized in long term storing or saved in adverse(恶劣的) environment. For the oxidization resulting from our process, the warranty is 12 months. We would say, the risk is slight minor, and isolate case discussion.

Linda: Before shipping to Leoni, did you implement any reliable test for your products in the factory?

Terrence: We made 100% heating process, and it is one kind of reliable testing. And for each batch, we made 5pcs salt-spray test.

Linda: I remember that. Now let’s see your 8D report.


Lesson 6

Terminal crimping 端子压接


Word Service Station 词语加油站

Sequence ['sikwəns] n.顺序 Crimp [krimp] v. 压接

Shielding [‘ʃilding] n. 屏蔽 diagonal pliers [daɪ'æɡənəl] n. 斜口钳

Backward ['bækwərd] adv. 向后 terminal ['tɜrminəl] n. 端子

Article: Terminal crimping 端子压接

Process Step:
Cable cutting(断线), Preparing cable end (端部处理), Crimping power wire (压接电源线), Crimping and checking the signal wire (压接并检查信号线)

There are 3 process steps before signal wire crimping: they are the cable cutting, Preparing cable ends and Crimping power wire.

Process Step 1:
In the cable cutting, the operating sequence(操作顺序) is checking the type of raw cable, and broken, scratch and contamination on the jacket in unqualified (护套上的破损、划伤及脏污不可接受) and scrapping the first and last 1 meter in every drum. Choose the right cable cutting specification (断线标准), on the basis of the production order and relevant drawings (基于生产订单和相关图纸).

Process Step 2:
In the preparing cable ends, strip the cable ends (剥去电缆端部), remove the jacket and fillings (除去护套和填充物), push the cable shielding wires backward (向后翻电缆屏蔽), cut shielding wire and wrap the copper foil around shielding wire as below (如下图用铜箔包裹屏蔽丝).

Push the plastic foil backward (向后翻塑料薄膜), remove the filling yarn, and fit the shrink tube(套上热缩套管). Remove the transparent foil with diagonal pliers (用斜口钳剪去透明薄膜), cut the aluminum foil (铝箔) into 10~15mm. Push aluminum foil and grounding wire backward (向后翻铝箔和地线). Cut the signal wire into 30mm.

Process Step 3:
Strip the power wire on the machine US 2300(用机器US2300来剥电源线), strip the cable insulation from the end of the power wire (从电源线根部开始剥电缆绝缘), and bend and fit the grounding wire between the power wires (弯曲并将地线塞入电源线之间). Wrap the power red & white wires with tape, and wrap the green, black and grounding wires with tape respectively (分别用胶带包裹红/白电源线,绿/黑电源线/地线).

Crimp terminal for Power wires and check the grounding wires, and then remove the tape after crimping terminal.

Process Step 4:
Strip the signal wire and crimp the signal terminal on machine SC200. Check the signal terminal with magnifier (用放大镜检查信号线).


Lesson 7

PCBA soldering 介绍PCBA焊接


attention for the correct stamp size选择正确的焊接头

attention for the correct solder program选择正确的焊接程序

place two PCB’s into the PCB holder在PCB 支撑架中装入2 个PCB

place the PCB holder into the jig将PCB 支撑架装在夹具底座上

push the pairs down to the PCB using the helping tool用压线工装将芯线压向PCB

put the jig into the machine将夹具放入机器中

adjust the wires onto the solder pads using the tweezers使用镊子将芯线导体调整在焊脚中间

Protruding wires have to be cutted carefully by using a side cutter.超出的导体用斜口钳小心的剪掉

Soldering parameters 焊接参数

Temperatures: Setting the temperatures for the pre-heating and heating phase 温度:设置预热温度和加热温度阶段

Pre-heating temperature: 预热温度

This is where a temperature, which should be reached before the actual heating temperature (这是一个在达到实际温度之前的温度) (see chart below, yellow chart), can be set for the soldering iron.

The pre-heating temperature is started in the soldering position (预热温度从焊接位置开始). This “pre-heating curve” is absolutely imperative for some soldering applicants. 对于一些焊接应用,预热曲线相当重要。

For example, a soldering point that was first covered with soldering paste cannot or should not be heated up immediately to the melting temperature (被焊锡膏所覆盖的第一个焊点,不能也不该被立即加热到熔化温度);

the flux content would evaporate immediately if the soldering iron was heated up very quickly (如果焊头加热过快,助焊剂将立即蒸发).

There is a danger that soldering balls are formed on the soldering point and/or the circuit board (可能会有在焊盘或者电路板上形成焊珠的危险).

Heating temperature:加热温度

This is where the temperature for the soldering iron, which should be reached after the pre-heating phase, can be set (see chart, red area).

If the process is programmed without preheating, the heating process starts directly from the respective temperature of the soldering iron.(如果过程中未设置预热,加热过程将直接从焊头的预期温度开始)The heating temperature is monitored (监控) during the soldering and/or heating process.

The curve shown above shows the temperature behaviour of the soldering iron and is not the same as the temperature curve measured on the product! (以上曲线展示了焊头的温度特性,它和产品上测得的温度不相同)。

Pre-heating time 预热时间

A time for the soldering iron, which should be pass before the actual heating starts (在实际加热开始前必须经过的), can be set here in seconds.

In this phase the soldering iron heats up to the pre-heating temperature set in the previous menu (在这个阶段,焊头加热至前一菜单所设置的预热温度).

The pre-heating time determines how long the soldering iron should be pre-heated and at what temperature (预热时间决定了焊头被加热多久以及在什么温度). The pre-heated time is started in the soldering position. Pre-heating time and heating time are added together.

Heating time 加热时间

This is where the heating time is set in seconds.
The heating time define the time in which the temperature controller heats the soldering iron to the defined heating temperature (加热时间决定了温度控制器加热至设定温度的时间) and holds the soldering iron to the defined heating temperature and holds the set temperature (以及保持焊头至设定温度和保持设定温度的时间).

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