Set-up ESP-AT Environment on Windows using CMD

Before you start, the following environments need to be installed:

  1. Git Bash
  2. Python environment, suggest Python version: 3.8.7. Please ensure the installation of Python v3.8 version environment, and remember to select the option “add to PATH” during the installation process.

Using Windows CMD terminal:

Press Win + R, then enter cmd to open CMD terminal.

Enter a local disk,create an empty folder, enter the folder you just created:


mkdir esp-at

cd esp-at

Goto the new directory you just created and clone the esp-at repository.

You can clone the ESP-AT repository from Github or Gitee. Please note that you have to choose the right version for your board.

  • Option 1: Using ESP-AT Github

    git clone -b release/v2.2.0.0_esp32
    cd esp-at 
    git pull
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Option 2: Using ESP-AT Gitee

    • First , you need to open the Git bash CMD to clone the ESP-AT SDK

      git clone -b release/v2.2.0.0_esp32
    • Then need to clone esp-gitee-tools

      git clone
    • Next, goto the esp-gitee-tools directory and execute the following command:

      cd esp-gitee-tools
      export EGT_PATH=$(pwd)
    • Last,Go back to the esp-at directory and execute the following command to clone the submodules of esp-at:


Goto the esp-at directory and use the following command to install pip:

cd esp-at

python -m pip install pyyaml xlrd

python -m pip --version

Set-up ESP-AT Environment on Windows using CMD_第1张图片

In the esp-at directory, use the following command for module selection. This process will clone the esp-idf SDK in the esp-at directory:

python menuconfig

Set-up ESP-AT Environment on Windows using CMD_第2张图片


  • ESP-AT Environment require python version 3.8. If you didn’t success at this step, check your python environment. Switch your IDF python version to 3.8. Suggest Python version: 3.8.7
  • If your Windows is using Python 3.8, you can use your CMD go to esp-at/esp-idf directory and run install.bat and export.bat. Then continue from install pip step.

Goto the esp-idf directory and use the following command to set up ESP-IDF

cd esp-idf

set IDF_PATH=D:\esp-at\esp-at\esp-idf



Now, you can go back to esp-at directory and compile with the following command:

cd ..

python build


  • If you want to modify the factory config parameter of “esp-at” , Please modify the esp-at/components/customized_partitions/raw_data/factory_param/factory_param_data.csv file.
    Set-up ESP-AT Environment on Windows using CMD_第3张图片
  • If you want to enable the configuration of the " esp-at " command, you can enable the AT command support in " menuconfig ". As follows:

python menuconfig -> Component config -> AT

Set-up ESP-AT Environment on Windows using CMD_第4张图片
