〖美剧英语笔记〗6. In funerals 在葬礼上

1. Expressing Condolences 悼念

1-1. High Maintenance 众口难调 / Season 3 / Episode 1 (10:30-13:10)

Anyway, I don't actually think that he was lonely. That man had a very rich interior life and world. He kept his cup very full, and I feel like one of the lucky people he gave a drink to. To Berg.

Thanks for coming everyone. It's really awesome to be with a bunch of people who loved Berg. Uh, I'm Cori. I was his friend, and I was his neighbor for the last couple of years. I live upstairs. And we had this weekly ritual of Well, it was more like a daily ritual of getting stoned. And we would watch old episodes of Doctor Who together. And I would bring over a nice beer, and he would order a pizza from Emiliano's an onion pizza, just onions. But I'm rambling now. Um You know, like, Berg didn't have much in the way of blood family, and he and I had that in common, but he was, like, better than any family. Better than any family that I've ever known. And the thing that I appreciate about him is that he never judged me for anything. He didn't judge anyone, did he? No. He just, like, would let you be exactly the kind of person that you needed to be. Like, you didn't have to clean up your place for him. He just was easy. And he was my friend, so To Berg.

Words and expressions:
1)关于与逝者的关系:良师益友 He kept his cup very full, and I feel like one of the lucky people he gave a drink to. 亲友 It's really awesome to be with a bunch of people who loved Berg. 胜似亲人 Berg didn't have much in the way of blood family, and he and I had that in common, but he was, like, better than any family. 
2)关于对逝者的肯定与赞扬:精神世界丰富 That man had a very rich interior life and world. 不随意评价别人 the thing that I appreciate about him is that he never judged me for anything. He didn't judge anyone. 平易近人 He just was easy. 
3)I'm rambling now 我语无伦次了

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