第2个:加上一个careers 求职栏
在网站的联系栏,除了本身要加的这些服务条款、运货条款等等,还再加上一个careers 求职栏,表明你的公司正在发展,而且将会长期的存在。
这个小技巧也是针对消费者对你网站缺乏信任感,所以不下单这个问题的。像这些大的公司网站,大品牌下面都有一个careers 找工作的,或者还有一个news。
现在我们找到了,我们想要合作的艺人Stephanie Panisello,我们也可以要求和她合作,比如说可以用:感谢各位消费者对我们一个小众品牌的热爱,或者是last感谢大家,然后我们要发布一个新产品要做一个宣传或者是我们就一周年开店纪念、5周年开店经验等等。也可以找到20-50美金之间的这种网红,他们粉丝量其实也有几百万。
那请这些人拍出来的这些站台的视频。应该放到什么地方比较好呢?你可以把它放到就是你们网站品牌的price list公告上面,或者直接把它放到你某一个主页。
比如这个演员 Stephanie Panisello :审判法力的仙灵之声。在《生化危机2》中扮演偶像主角克莱尔·雷德菲尔德(Claire Redfield)而闻名-该游戏在TGA上获得了四项提名,并获得了Golden Joystick Awards “2019 GOTY”。
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第8个:Price Anchor 价格锚定
在亚马逊上可以看到,很多的商家用的都是这一招,它都会把 list price搞得比他的卖价高不少,这样大家看一下觉得赚了。
不用shopify官方自带checkout,而用一个优化的checkout。CheckoutX整个购买流程优化了页面,上一个比较好用的优化版的购买页面。shopify的购买流程是两步, CheckoutX变成一步,再加上还有更多的加购。
第10个:Trial Close
在你产品的销售页面,或者是描述页,在图片之间,描述之间加上Trial Close这样的语句。
Trial Close一种手法,就是在做进行大范围的营销,或者是大范围的宣讲的时候,在对你的听众用这些自问自答或者是涉及问题的办法,让这些听众自己得出一个结论。
Trial Close的问题就是说,你要自己得出结论:货好。这个货香,这个货便宜。大家可以根据自己的产品,把这些问题加到网站的详情页或文案里面去。
Trial Close 的话术套路实例100句:
Does this make sense to you?
Is this making sense so far?
Isn’t this awesome?
How fantastic is that?
Can you believe how amazing that is?
Isn’t she inspiring?
Isn’t that motivating?
Are you understanding what I’m saying so far?
Are you following what I’m saying?
I hope you’re grasping this?
Let me know if this is making sense so far?
Do you feel like you’re mastering this?
Do you catch my drift?
Is this registering?
Am I giving you something to latch on to?
Are you getting the hang of this?
Do you get the idea?
Are lightbulbs going off in your brain?
Can you believe this?
Can you feel how good this is?
Is this getting you thinking?
Is this getting your brain whirring?
Did you catch that?
Did you notice that?
Do you get the idea?
Are you soaking this all up?
Are you digging this?
Can you comprehend how good this is?
Do you recognize yourself in what I just shared?
Are you seeing the light?
Do you get the picture?
Do you get the point?
Can you identify with that?
Are you making sense of this?
Are you taking this in?
Do you get my meaning here?
Is this registering how good this is?
Did you take note of what I just said there?
Are you reading this right?
Is this all sinking in?
Are you taking the time to digest all of this?
Are you getting this so far?
I hope this is making sense so far?
I hope this is all clicking into place?
How does my explanation sound?
Could you see this working for you?
How is this going so far?
How does that sound?
Do you see how this can benefit you?
Does this sound useful to you?
What do you think?
Does this sound interesting to you?
How do you feel about this discussion?
Did my explanation answer your concerns?
Do you need more info to answer your concerns?
How did my presentation appeal to you?
What do you think about this?
How do you like this so far?
Based on what I’ve discussed so far, what questions do you still have?
Is there anything else you’d like me to discuss?
Do you think I missed a point regarding your concern?
How does this solution sound?
Which points do you think I’ve missed?
How does our talk sound to you?
Are there any details you think we need to discuss more?
What do you think would make this sound more interesting to you?
If you had it your way, how would you change this?
Does what I’ve discussed interest you?
Is that something you’re interested in learning about?
So are you looking to get started on this right away?
Is my solution something you could agree on?
Does this sound like a good deal to you?
Is this solution something you’re interested in?
Do you think this could be the answer to your concern?
What do you think of this?
When is the best time to email you more info regarding this?
Does this sound like something you’ll be interested in?
Does this sound good to you?
What are your thoughts about this?
Do you think it’s something we can give a go?
Do you see us working this thing out with you soon?
What steps would you like to take next?
Do you feel like this suits your needs?
Do you think this would work for you?
Do you think it is good?
How does this feature sound to you?
Is this something you’re going to need soon?
Do you feel like we can explain more about this?
How about I explain to you how this works to your advantage?
Is this something you think you can benefit from?
Do you feel ready to take this to the next step?
Which points do I need to give you more insights on?
Is this solution something you’ve been wanting to hear?
Are there any doubts you want me to clear up?
Do you want me to explain more about this?
Do you find this helpful?
Do you think this answered your questions?
Do you prefer this one from the last one you had?
Is this something that sparks your interest?
Would you mind if I give you a walk-through?
Trial Close 话术原文链接: