

The bamboos have been immigrated from their distant hometown to decorate certain corners releasing enormous energy.In the deep memory bamboos originate from the south where the temperature remains generally above 10 degrees.Whereas they are accustomed to the latter local environment to tolerate the chilly air and even the affection of the white snowflakes.


The aloe has settled in my home for two years and has grown up which remained a tiny one when it was originally cultivated in the jar.In spite of the fact that it has bent its branches it grew high unexpectedly. It is the second time it has bloomed.It stretches a stem from the top branch advancing the direction of the sunlight.

The colors of the flowers are melted by the greenish edges,gradually leaking slightly yellow,whose bases are dyed red. The wholly shape appears resembling a torch consisting of endless pistils lining like  closely corporate partners. The most splendid moment releases the attraction of the setting off the fireworks. The annual invitation presents the regularly flourishing season ,loosely at the end of November and the beginning of December.Though it doesn’t give off the fragrance ,its view amazement impresses your inner heart. The mere decoration is superior to the conventionally gathering of bunches of flowers.

The majority of people rarely witness the attraction of the aloe merely knowing their common as well as ordinary style in place of the fantastic gesture.Due to the fact that they have not matured and furthermore missed the opportunity of blooming flowers.What a precious present it has delivered to my family.

Once at the corner of the balcony towards the splendid sun,more guests rested here.As the time went,gone were the fantastic flowers which possessed the shining brightness.Kaffir lily was presented by a workmate nearly 20 years ago when we lived in the neighborhood .We built our own bungalows near our company which is convenient to work on foot.What impressed me deeply was that my husband who was devoted to inspecting  the whole affairs of it and appeared to be a peasant after completing it.It reminds me that if you revenge someone you encourage him to construct the house which contains the truth.Efforts paid off the moment a four-year-old girl merrily ran around the sitting-room .You could feel the appreciation for the newly-constructed home from a lovely kid with brilliant smiles on her face.

Someday when we were leisure, we were invited to visit the warm-hearted fellow, attracted by the blooming elegance of Clivia ,who generously presented the baby one to me Instantly. At that moment the flowerpot was made of pottery whose appearance was slightly ordinary but beneficial to the quality of the plants because its feature was ventilate . The experienced flower expert selflessly informed me of the skill that it should be cultivated in the soil of soft with a bit of fertilizer.Originally it wouldn’t produce the flowers but the next year when its leaves reached eight it probably bore the flavor.

We acquainted with each other’s characters and it absorbed the carbon dioxide willingly while I treated it heartedly as the reward for its efforts.Anually it bloomed once lasting the beauty two months.From then on we have appreciated its noble style for two decades.Unfortunately it came to its life end and its roots began to rot until it died completely,which finished its performance from the tiny bud,its powerful youth to the elderly,that’s to say,from the prosperity to the vanishing point.This is the exploring travel of creatures including animals and plants .

We may sigh with emotion that how time flies but time and tides wait for no man. The individual life consists of 36500 days if you survive long enough.When a baby was born in the world with the loud cries announcing that he has arrived at the earth,his unique journey to explore the unexpected world began.

His eyes observe the magical place and receive varieties of information.Gradually he listens to the sound and recognizes his relatives’ extinguishing ones altering vague languages to express his requests.In months he calls evidently “mom or dad ”which are repeated by parents.His ability to imitate strengths as he grows up.At two or three he can communicate with others normally. The next schooling periods from kindergarten to college store the plentiful knowledge for him to choose a suitable job to feed himself and survive in the changeable society.

The opportunity is for those who have proven to be prepared well. The modern technology and science require the individuals who possess the quality of professional. In the process of accumulating knowledge,you should be determined to develop your potential involved with basic subjects,especially the advanced and complicated professional training for the futural work.

Furthermore cooperation is essential .Consequently how to cooperate with the surrounding people to complete the common project is the necessary skill.You melt the team taking advantage of your characteristics to enhance the power and harmonious atmosphere.Hence you find a means to live freely not only in your career like a fish in the vast ocean but also appreciate the marvelous view advancing the enormous world.Remember to stop your steps to observe the surroundings on the way.Continuous occupied life style lacks the warmth and flavor of the colorful nature. The temperature is reflecting the distinctive colors as well as the blooming flowers with the various time.
