1.monarch n.君主政治
1. Monarch(君主):
- 造句:
- The monarch of the country made an official proclamation.
- The monarch's reign lasted for over five decades.
- 固定搭配:
- Reigning monarch: 当今君主
- Monarch's authority: 君主的权威
- Monarch's prerogative: 君主的特权
- Monarch's coronation: 君主的加冕典礼
2. Monarch(蝴蝶):
- 造句:
- I saw a beautiful monarch butterfly fluttering in the garden.
- The monarch butterflies migrate to warmer regions during the winter.
- 固定搭配:
- Monarch butterfly migration: 帝王蝴蝶迁徙
- Monarch butterfly habitat: 帝王蝴蝶栖息地
- Monarch butterfly conservation: 帝王蝴蝶保护
- Monarch butterfly larvae: 帝王蝴蝶幼虫
"partisan" 是一个多义词,具有不同的含义和用法。以下是两个常见的意义及其相关的考点和用法:
1. Partisan(名词):指支持某个特定政治团体、政党或观点的人。这个词通常用来描述具有强烈政治倾向或对立的人。
- 造句:
- She has been a lifelong partisan of the Democratic Party.
- The newspaper is accused of being a partisan publication, biased towards one political ideology.
- 固定搭配:
- Political partisan: 政治上的党派支持者
- Partisan politics: 党派政治
- Partisan divide: 党派分歧
- Partisan loyalty: 党派忠诚
2. Partisan(形容词):指与特定政治团体或政党有关的、偏袒某一方的。这个形容词用来描述偏袒、不客观或与特定立场有关的事物。
- 造句:
- The media outlet has been accused of publishing partisan news articles.
- The debate became increasingly heated and partisan, with each side defending their own interests.
- 固定搭配:
- Partisan media: 党派媒体
- Partisan bias: 党派偏见
- Partisan rhetoric: 党派言论
- Partisan divide: 党派分裂
"Municipal" 是一个形容词,用来描述与城市或市政有关的事物。下面是关于"municipal"的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
1. Municipal(形容词):指与城市、市政或市政府有关的事物。这个词通常用于描述与城市管理、城市事务或城市规章制度相关的事项。
- 造句:
- The municipal government is responsible for maintaining public parks and roads.
- The city council passed a new municipal ordinance regarding waste disposal.
- 固定搭配:
- Municipal services: 市政服务
- Municipal infrastructure: 市政基础设施
- Municipal elections: 市政选举
- Municipal budget: 市政预算
2. Municipal(名词):在一些国家,"municipal"也可以作为名词使用,指的是一个地方政府的行政部门,负责城市事务的管理。
- 造句:
- I contacted the municipal to inquire about the building permit.
- The municipal is responsible for issuing business licenses.
"concession" 是一个常见的单词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
- 造句:
- The government made a concession by lowering taxes for small businesses.
- The company obtained a concession to operate a casino in the city.
- 固定搭配:
- Concession agreement: 让渡协议
- Concession stand: 食品摊位
- Concessionaire: 特许经营者
- Concession speech: 让步演讲
请注意,"concession" 一词通常用于描述在协商、交易或争议解决过程中做出的让步或特许权。
"ballot" 是一个常见的单词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
- 造句:
- Citizens cast their ballots to choose their representatives in the election.
- The ballot results will be announced tomorrow.
- 固定搭配:
- Secret ballot: 秘密投票
- Absentee ballot: 缺席选票
- Paper ballot: 纸质选票
- Ballot box: 投票箱
请注意,"ballot" 一词通常用于描述选票或投票过程。
"Hierarchy" 是一个常见的单词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
- 造句:
- The company has a strict hierarchy, with clear levels of authority.
- In many societies, there is a hierarchy of social classes.
- 固定搭配:
- Corporate hierarchy: 公司层级
- Hierarchical structure: 分层结构
- Hierarchy of needs: 需求层次结构
- Power hierarchy: 权力等级制度
请注意,"hierarchy" 一词通常用于描述等级制度、层次体系或组织结构。
"Immunity" 是一个常见的单词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
- 造句:
- Vaccination helps build immunity against certain diseases.
- Diplomats often enjoy diplomatic immunity in host countries.
- 固定搭配:
- Immune system: 免疫系统
- Immunity response: 免疫反应
- Immunity to disease: 对疾病的免疫力
- Legal immunity: 法律豁免权
请注意,"immunity" 一词可用于描述免疫力或豁免权。
"Senate" 是一个常见的名词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
- 造句:
- The Senate passed a new healthcare bill.
- The members of the Senate are elected by the citizens.
- 固定搭配:
- Senate chamber: 参议院议事厅
- Senate committee: 参议院委员会
- Senate majority: 参议院多数党
- Senate confirmation: 参议院确认
请注意,"Senate" 一词通常用于描述立法机构中的上议院。
"Regime" 是一个常见的名词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
Regime(名词):指政权、政体或统治体制。"Regime" 这个词通常用来描述一个国家或地区的政治、社会或经济体系,以及在该体系下的统治方式和规则。
- 造句:
- The new regime implemented sweeping reforms to address economic inequality.
- The authoritarian regime suppressed freedom of speech and dissent.
- 固定搭配:
- Authoritarian regime: 威权政权
- Totalitarian regime: 极权主义政权
- Regime change: 政权更迭
- Regime stability: 政权稳定
9.suppress 镇压
"Suppress" 是一个常见动词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
- 造句:
- The government suppressed the protest by using force.
- She tried to suppress her anger and remain calm.
- 固定搭配:
- Suppress information: 隐瞒信息
- Suppress dissent: 镇压异议
- Suppress emotions: 抑制情感
- Suppress a rebellion: 镇压叛乱
请注意,"suppress" 这个词常用于描述抑制或镇压某种行动、情感或信息。
"Nominate" 是一个常见的动词,以下是它的定义、相关考点和常见用法:
- 造句:
- They nominated John for the position of team captain.
- The committee nominated her for the prestigious award.
- 固定搭配:
- Nominated candidate: 被提名的候选人
- Nominated for an award: 被提名获奖
- Self-nomination: 自荐
- Nominating committee: 提名委员会
请注意,"nominate" 这个词常用于描述提名、推举或任命某人担任职务、参选或获得奖项。
12.Law enforcement(执法):
- The local police department is responsible for law enforcement in the community.
- The government has implemented stricter measures to enhance law enforcement.
- Law enforcement agency: 执法机构
- Law enforcement officer: 执法人员
- Law enforcement jurisdiction: 执法辖区
- Law enforcement procedures: 执法程序
- Law enforcement training: 执法培训
"Law enforcement" 是指执行法律、维护社会秩序以及处理违法行为的活动和机构。执法工作的目标是确保公民的安全和社会的正常运转。
- 造句:
- The opposition party is calling for the president to be impeached for alleged corruption.
- The judge was impeached for misconduct and violation of judicial ethics.
- 固定搭配:
- Impeachment proceedings: 弹劾程序
- Impeachment trial: 弹劾审判
- Articles of impeachment: 弹劾条款
- Impeachment inquiry: 弹劾调查
请注意,"impeach" 这个词通常用于描述对公职人员的弹劾、控告或指责,特别是高级政府官员。
- 当数字达到千位时,使用一个逗号来分隔,如 1,000。
- 当数字达到百万位时,使用两个逗号来分隔,如 1,000,000。
- 当数字达到十亿位时,使用三个逗号来分隔,如 1,000,000,000。