Yanni的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day71 20181217


Lesson71 A famous clock

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had hot been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down !

ˈlesən71 ə ˈfeɪməs klɑk

wen ju ˈvɪzət ˈlʌndən, wʌn ʌv ðə fɜrst θɪŋz ju wɪl si ɪz bɪg ben, ðə ˈfeɪməs klɑk wɪʧ kæn bi hɜrd ɔl ˈouvər ðə wɜrld ɑn ðə bi.bi.si. ɪf ðə ˈhausəz ʌv ˈpɑrləmənt hæd hɑt bɪn bɜrnd daun ɪn 1834, ðə greɪt klɑk wud ˈnevər hæv bɪn ɪˈrektəd. bɪg ben teɪks ɪts neɪm frʌm sɜr ˈbenʤəmən hɔl hu wʌz riˈspɑnsəbəl fɔr ðə ˈmeɪkɪŋ ʌv ðə klɑk wen ðə nu ˈhausəz ʌv ˈpɑrləmənt wɜr ˈbiɪŋ bɪlt. ɪt ɪz nɑt ˈounli ʌv ɪˈmens saɪz, bʌt ɪz ekˈstrimli ˈækjərət æz wel. əˈfɪʃəlz frʌm ˈgrenɪʧ əbˈzɜrvəˌtɔri hæv ðə klɑk ʧekt twaɪs ə deɪ. ɑn ðə bi.bi.si. ju kæn hir ðə klɑk wen ɪt ɪz ˈækʧuəli ˈstraɪkɪŋ bɪˈkɔz ˈmaɪkrouˌfounz ɑr kəˈnektəd tu ðə klɑk ˈtauər. bɪg ben hæz ˈrerli gɔn rɔŋ. wʌns, ˌhauˈevər, ɪt feɪld tu gɪv ðə kəˈrekt taɪm. ə ˈpeɪntər hu hæd bɪn ˈwɜrkɪŋ ɑn ðə ˈtauər hʌŋ ə pɑt ʌv peɪnt ɑn wʌn ʌv ðə hændz ænd sloud ɪt daun !



1.one of the first things you will see is

2.be responsible for

3.go wrong;failed to give correct time

4.slow it down



microphone,rarely,pot of,Parliament


你可能感兴趣的:(Yanni的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day71 20181217)