What women really want!

by Robert Craven, Kiki Maurey and John Davis 

It is time to design products and marketing campaigns that actually appeal to the buying needs and habits of women. Women do buy differently from men - they like to research more and are less likely to be influenced by ads. So, one lesson is that less direct/ print/traditional advertising will be effective and subtler ways of 10 communicating, such as word-of-mouth marketing and viral marketing, might work.

In the States, women are dramatically changing how products are designed and marketed. It is only a question of time before this theme reaches across the Atlantic. In 2001, 3.6% of all new products were specifically tailored to women. That number more than doubled to 7.9% by

2005, according to Datamonitor's Productscan Online. Some were just a marketing hook to target women, but others fare better.

In 2006, 80% of women planned on doing some home-improvement project, and 75% of them did it themselves. Barbara K's 30-piece tool kit is designed to help. These tools are 30 not only better looking but are also made for a woman's hand and strength, and weigh a little less than regular tools.

Harley-Davidson, long a symbol of 35 male pride, has added a section on its website dedicated to women motorcyclists, with tips on how to ride a bike safely with the right gear. Women now buy 10% of all Harleys sold, which is a stark contrast to a mere 2% in 1985.

Barclays' market research suggests that the majority of women do not want woman-specific products. Female business owners have a continued desire to be treated as equals with their male contemporaries. Marketing Director at Barclays Local Business, John Davis, comments: “We know that women small business customers are less risky and more profitable for us, so it makes business sense to attract women to buy from us. We do put effort into communicating specifically with women. Examples are sponsoring "Women In Business Awards" and running marketing seminars. What we do not do is provide specific financial products aimed at women only; our range of products has been designed to be flexible enough to accommodate the individual requirements of each customer.'

from Critical Eye




在美国,女性正在显著改变产品的设计和营销方式。这个主题跨足大西洋只是时间问题。根据Datamonitor的Productscan Online数据,2001年,有3.6%的新产品是专门为女性量身定制的。到了2005年,这个数字翻了一番,达到了7.9%。其中一些只是用来吸引女性的营销噱头,但其他一些则效果更好。




摘自《Critical Eye》
