流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 6·Unit 2·Part 2·Listening Talking about Modals 1

Listening--- Talking about Modals 1

Now that you're studying English at a high level, let's get a better understanding of modals.

PS: modals英 [ˈməʊdlz] 美 [ˈmoʊdəlz] n.情态动词(如can、may或will等,和实义动词连用表示可能、许可、意图等)modal的复数

By now, you should already have a good understanding of what they mean.

Here're the modals which are used to express degrees of certainty.

Will, shall, may, can.

These modals are used for making predictions, judgements and speculations.

PS: 这些模态被用来做预测、判断和推测。

speculations英 [ˌspɛkjʊˈleɪʃənz] 美 [ˌspɛkjəˈleɪʃənz] n.推测;猜测;推断;投机买卖;炒股speculation的复数

They indicate how much a speaker knows about the likelihood of an event.

PS: 它们表示演讲者对事件可能性的了解程度。

likelihood英 [ˈlaɪklihʊd] 美 [ˈlaɪklihʊd] n.可能;可能性

First, the modal "will" expresses certainty, as in "If you heat water, it will boil".

PS: certainty确实的事; 必然的事; 确信; 确实; 确定性

Based on what is known, the speaker is certain it will happen.

The modal "may" expresses possibility, as in "It may rain this evening, but I'm not sure.".

Based on what is known, the speaker asserts that the event is possible, rather than certain or impossible.

PS: 据已知的情况,说话者断言事件是可能的,而不是确定的或不可能的。

asserts英 [əˈsɜːts] 美 [əˈsɜːrts] v.明确肯定;断言;坚持自己的主张;表现坚定;维护自己的权利(或权威)assert的第三人称单数

The modal "can" expresses potentiality or ability, as in "He can afford it, but he may decide not to buy".

PS: potentiality潜力; 潜在的可能性


1.Which modal predict something with certainty?


2.Which sentence express possibility but not certainty?

He may be here a bit late.

The modal "shall" is a bit different from the others.

"Tina shall be there." means the speaker is determined that Tina will be there.

PS: “蒂娜会在那儿。”意思是演讲者决定蒂娜会在那儿。

determined决心; 决定; 决意; 坚定的; 坚决的; 果断的; 查明; 测定; 准确算出; 

In other words, the speaker is determined to get her to come and will try to influence events to make it happen.

We would never say:" It shall rain."

Nobody can make it rain, so whether or not it rains is beyond anyone's control.

If someone were to say that, it would seem as if they were claiming the power to control or influence nature.

PS: 如果有人这么说,那就好像他们在宣称控制或影响自然的力量。

Note that the question "Shall I open the door?" invites the person who is asked to make the decision.

Whether or not the door is opened depends on the person's answer.

In contrast, "Will I open the door?" ask for a prediction rather than a decision.

PS: 相反,“我能开门吗?”要求一个预测而不是一个决定。


1. Which question is asking about her possibility to come to the party?

can she come to the party?

2. Which sentence is expressing determination?

we shall overcome all obstacles.

3.Nobody can make it rain, so whether or not it rains is beyond anyone's control.

4.The modal "may" shows that the speaker thinks something is possible.

5.She has something else planned for that evening, so she can’t come to the party.

Note that these modals can be weakened or removed from reality by the use of their past tense form.

PS: 这些情态动词可以通过使用过去式形式来减弱或从现实中移除。


We would go if we had more money but we don't.

This sentence expresses the speaker's certainty of going if they had more money, which they don't.

So the certain prediction exists but in an imaginary or unreal situation.

The modal "might" expresses less possibility than "may", so "might go" is less likely than "may go".

The modal "could" expresses less potential than "can", and is often used in conditionals.

PS:   conditionals英 [kənˈdɪʃənlz] 美 [kənˈdɪʃənəlz] n.条件句,条件从句(由if或unless引起的);动词的条件式(如should用在If I should die...)conditional的复数

"If he could come..." expresses less potential than "If he can come...".

The sentence "If he could come, we would all be happier." expresses the feeling that in fact, he can't come.


1. They are going to finish working at 5:00 unless the boss gave them more work to do, which is unlikely.Which is the best choice?

they should finish at 5:00.

2.he left an hour ago, so he should be there by now ,since he has plenty of time to get there.what do agree with certainly he is there by now?

it is probable

ps: probable很可能发生的; 可能获胜的人; 可能入选者

3."If he could come..." expresses less potential than "If he can come...".

4.We would go if we had more money but we don't.

5. We don’t know for sure, but there is still a probability that they can leave on Friday.

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