【哈利波特精读】Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(Chapter 16)





Chapter Sixteen Through the Trapdoor 穿越活板门


It was sweltering hot, especially in the large classroom where they did their written papers.

sweltering /ˈsweltərɪŋ/ 

adj. 闷热的;热得难受的

One hour of answering questions about batty old wizards who'd invented selfstirring cauldrons and they'd be free, free for a whole wonderful week until their exam results came out.

batty  ['bætɪ]

adj. 古怪的;疯狂的

The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were tickling the tentacles of a giant squid, which was basking in the warm shallows.

tentacle  ['tentək(ə)l]

n. 触手,[动] 触须,[动] 触角

“I shouldn'ta told yeh that!” he blurted out. “Forget I said it! Hey — where're yeh goin'?”

blurt  [blɜːt]

vt. 未加思索地冲口说出;突然说出

The books she was carrying tumbled out of her arms, but she didn't pick them up.

tumble  ['tʌmb(ə)l]

vi. 摔倒;倒塌;滚动;打滚;仓惶地行动

vt. 使摔倒;使滚翻;弄乱

n. 跌倒;翻筋斗;跌跤

At the foot of the first set of stairs, they spotted Mrs. Norris skulking near the top.

skulk  [skʌlk]

vi. 潜伏;偷偷隐躲;逃避责任;偷偷摸摸地行走

n. 躲藏者;逃避责任者;潜行的人或动物

And he scooted off.

scoot  [skuːt]

vi. 溜走;快走;骑轻便摩托车

vt. 迅速跑开;猛冲

n. 疾走;轻便摩托车

Slowly, the dog's growls ceased — it tottered on its paws and fell to its knees, then it slumped to the ground, fast asleep.

totter  ['tɒtə]

vi. 蹒跚;踉跄

n. 蹒跚的步子

Ron followed right away. He landed, sprawled next to Harry.

sprawl  [sprɔːl]

vi. 蔓延;伸开手足躺;无计划地扩展

vt. 懒散地伸开;使蔓生

n. 蔓生;伸开手足躺卧姿势

She had to struggle because the moment she had landed, the plant had started to twist snakelike tendrils around her ankles.

tendril  ['tendrɪl]

n. 卷须;蔓;卷须状物

In a matter of seconds, the two boys felt it loosening its grip as it cringed away from the light and warmth.

cringe  [krɪn(d)ʒ]

vi. 畏缩;奉承;阿谀

n. 畏缩;奉承

Wriggling and flailing, it unraveled itself from their bodies, and they were able to pull free.

ravel  ['ræv(ə)l]

vt. 弄清;解开;使纠缠

vi. 散开;缠结

n. 纠结;错综复杂的一团

unravel  [ʌn'rævl]

vt. 解开;阐明;解决;拆散

vi. 解决;散开

Harry listened. A soft rustling and clinking seemed to be coming from up ahead.

clink  [klɪŋk]

n. 叮当声;[建] 劈楔;牢房

vi. 发叮当声

vt. 发出叮当声

“Probably,” said Harry. “They don't look very vicious, but I suppose if they all swooped down at once… well, there's no other choice… I'll run.”

vicious  ['vɪʃəs]

adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的

Not for nothing, though, was Harry the youngest Seeker in a century. He had a knack for spotting things other people didn't.

knack  [næk]

n. 诀窍;本领;熟练技术;巧妙手法

They landed quickly, and Harry ran to the door, the key struggling in his hand. He rammed it into the lock and turned - it worked.

ram  [ræm]

abbr. 随机存取存储器(random access memory的缩写)

n. 公羊;撞锤;撞击装置;有撞角的军舰;(水压机的)[机] 活塞

v. 撞击;填塞;强迫通过或接受

The moment the lock had clicked open, the key took flight again, looking very battered now that it had been caught twice.

batter  ['bætə]

n. 击球手;(用鸡蛋、牛奶、面粉等调成的)糊状物;墙面的倾斜

vt. 猛击;打坏;使向上倾斜

vi. 接连猛击;向上倾斜

A white pawn had moved forward two squares.

pawn [pɔːn]

n. 典当;抵押物;兵,卒;人质

vt. 当掉;以……担保

He stepped forward, and the white queen pounced.

pounce  [paʊns]

vi. 突袭,猛扑

vt. 扑过去抓住

n. 猛扑,爪


Hagrid was sitting in an armchair outside his house; his trousers and sleeves were rolled up, and he was shelling peas into a large bowl.


“It's not that unusual, yeh get a lot o’ funny folk in the Hog's Head — that's the pub down in the village. Mighta bin a dragon dealer, mightn’ he? I never saw his face, he kept his hood up.”


“SO WHAT” Harry shouted. “Don't you understand? If Snape gets hold of the Stone, Voldemort's coming back! Haven't you heard what it was like when he was trying to take over? There won't be any Hogwarts to get expelled from! He'll flatten it, or turn it into a school for the Dark Arts! Losing points doesn't matter anymore, can't you see? D'you think he'll leave you and your families alone if Gryffindor wins the house cup? If I get caught before I can get to the Stone, well, I'll have to go back to the Dursleys and wait for Voldemort to find me there, it's only dying a bit later than I would have, because I'm never going over to the Dark Side! I'm going through that trapdoor tonight and nothing you two say is going to stop me! Voldemort killed my parents, remember?”


“All — all three of us?”

“Oh, come off it, you don't think we'd let you go alone?”


Hermione was skimming through all her notes, hoping to come across one of the enchantments they were about to try to break. Harry and Ron didn't talk much. Both of them were thinking about what they were about to do.


“You can't go out,” said Neville, “you'll be caught again. Gryffindor will be in even more trouble.”

“You don't understand,” said Harry, “this is important.”

But Neville was clearly steeling himself to do something desperate.

“I won't let you do it,” he said, hurrying to stand in front of the portrait hole. “I'll — I'll fight you!”

“Neville, “Ron exploded, “get away from that hole and don't be an idiot—”

“Don't you call me an idiot!” said Neville. I don't think you should be breaking any more rules! And you were the one who told me to stand up to people!”

“Yes, but not to us,” said Ron in exasperation. “Neville, you don't know what you're doing.”

He took a step forward and Neville dropped Trevor the toad, who leapt out of sight.

“Go on then, try and hit me!” said Neville, raising his fists. “I'm ready!”

Harry turned to Hermione.

“Do something,” he said desperately.

Hermione stepped forward.

“Neville,” she said, “I'm really, really sorry about this.”

She raised her wand.

“Petrificus Totalus!” she cried, pointing it at Neville.

Neville's arms snapped to his sides. His legs sprang together. His whole body rigid, he swayed where he stood and then fell flat on his face, stiff as a board.

Hermione ran to turn him over. Neville's jaws were jammed together so he couldn't speak. Only his eyes were moving, looking at them in horror.

“What've you done to him?” Harry whispered.

“It's the full Body-Bind,” said Hermione miserably. “Oh, Neville, I'm so sorry.”

“We had to, Neville, no time to explain,” said Harry.

“You'll understand later, Neville,” said Ron as they stepped over him and pulled on the invisibility cloak.


In their nervous state, every statue's shadow looked like Filch, every distant breath of wind sounded like Peeves swooping down on them.


He rose up in the air and floated there, squinting at them.

“Should call Filch, I should, if something's a-creeping around unseen.”

Harry had a sudden idea.

“Peeves,” he said, in a hoarse whisper, “the Bloody Baron has his own reasons for being invisible.”

Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs.

“So sorry, your bloodiness, Mr. Baron, Sir,” he said greasily. “My mistake, my mistake — I didn't see you — of course I didn't, you're invisible — forgive old Peevsie his little joke, sir.”

“I have business here, Peeves,” croaked Harry. “Stay away from this place tonight.”

“I will, sir, I most certainly will,” said Peeves, rising up in the air again. “Hope your business goes well, Baron, I'll not bother you.”


“Look!” Hermione seized a roll of paper lying next to the bottles. Harry looked over her shoulder to read it:

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,

Two of us will help you, which ever you would find,

One among us seven will let you move ahead,

Another will transport the drinker back instead,

Two among our number hold only nettle wine,

Three of us are killers, waiting bidden in line.

Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore,

To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide

You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;

Second, different are those who stand at either end,

But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;

Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,

Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right

Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.


“Harry — you're a great wizard, you know.”

“I'm not as good as you,” said Harry, very embarrassed, as she let go of him.

“Me!” said Hermione. “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery and — oh Harry — be careful!”


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