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    .class1 {
      background: #7c1212;
      color: #0b5b98;

    /* 可以设置不同的进入和离开动画 */
    /* 设置持续时间和动画函数 */
    .fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active {
      transition: opacity 2s

    .fade-enter, .fade-leave-to /* .fade-leave-active, 2.1.8 版本以下 */
      opacity: 0

    /* 可以设置不同的进入和离开动画 */
    /* 设置持续时间和动画函数 */
    /*CSS 过渡*/
    .slide-fade-enter-active {
      transition: all .3s ease;

    .slide-fade-leave-active {
      transition: all .8s cubic-bezier(1.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0);

    .slide-fade-enter, .slide-fade-leave-to
      /* .slide-fade-leave-active 用于 2.1.8 以下版本 */
      transform: translateX(10px);
      opacity: 0;

    /*CSS 动画*/
    .bounce-enter-active {
      animation: bounce-in .5s;

    .bounce-leave-active {
      animation: bounce-in .5s reverse;

    @keyframes bounce-in {
      0% {
        transform: scale(0);
      50% {
        transform: scale(1.5);
      100% {
        transform: scale(1);
<div id="app">
  <p>{{ message }}</p>
  <p>{{ url }}</p>
  <p v-html="content"></p>
  <label for="r1">修改颜色</label><!--label标签为 input 元素定义标记,for属性与id相同-->
  <input id="r1" type="checkbox" v-model="use">
  <p v-bind:class="{'class1':use}">{{red}}</p>
  <template v-if="ok">
  <!--被包围在 pre 元素中的文本通常会保留空格和换行符-->
        <a :href="url">Runoob官网</a>
  <input v-model="message"><br>
  <button v-on:click="reverseMessage">反转字符串</button>
  <p v-if="number > 0.5">随机数大于0.5</p>
  <p v-else-if="number === 0.5">随机数等于0.5</p>
  <p v-else="number < 0.5">随机数小于0.5</p>
  <h1 v-show="ok">展示内容</h1>
    <li v-for="site in sites">{{}}{{site.age}}</li>
  <p style="font-size: 25px">计数器:{{counter}}</p>
  <button @click="counter++" style="font-size: 25px">点我</button>
  <p :style="{color:activeColor,fontSize:fontSize+'px'}">菜鸟教程</p>
  <button @click="say('Hello')">问候</button>
  <button @click.once="say('Hello')">问候只能点击一次</button>
  <input"say('Hello')" placeholder="选中输入框点击enter或者spce问候">
  <input id="java" type="radio" value="Java" v-model="radioName">
  <label for="java">Java</label>
  <input id="python" type="radio" value="Python" v-model="radioName">
  <label for="python">Python</label>
  <input id="c++" type="radio" value="C++" v-model="radioName">
  <label for="c++">C++</label><br>
  <input id="java1" type="checkbox" value="Java" v-model="checkboxName">
  <label for="java1">Java</label>
  <input id="python1" type="checkbox" value="Python" v-model="checkboxName">
  <label for="python1">Python</label>
  <input id="c++1" type="checkbox" value="C++" v-model="checkboxName">
  <label for="c++1">C++</label><br>
  <select name="webSite" v-model="selectedName">
    <option value="">请选择一个网站</option>
    <option value="">CSDN</option>
    <option value="">GitHub</option>
  <input v-focus>
  <p v-runoob="{color:'green',text:'菜鸟教程!'}"></p>
      <router-link to="/foo">Go to foo</router-link>
      <router-link to="/bar">Go to bar</router-link>
  <button v-on:click="show=!show">Velocity动画点我</button>
  <!--<transition name="fade">-->
  <!--CSS 过渡-->
  <!--<transition name="slide-fade">-->
  <!--CSS 动画-->
  <!--<transition name="bounce">-->
          enter-active-class="animated tada"
          leave-active-class="animated bounceOutRight"
    <p v-show="show" v-bind:style="styleobj">菜鸟教程 -- 学的不仅是技术,更是梦想!!!</p>
  <div v-for="site in info">
  <input type="button" @click="get()" value="点我异步获取数据(Get)">
  <p style="font-size: 25px">计数器:{{}}</p>
  <button @click="" style="font-size: 25px">set设值点我</button>
  Vue.directive('runoob', function (el, binding) {
    el.innerHTML = binding.value.text = binding.value.color
  /*注册一个全局自定义指令 v-focus*/
      /!*当绑定元素插入到 DOM 中*!/
      inserted:function (el) {
  Vue.component('runoob', {
    template: '


}) var myproduct = {"id": 1, name: "book", "price": "20.00"}; /*使用vm调用变量和直接调用变量一样,为了方便都是直接调用,不使用vm来调用*/ var data = { message: 'this a variable', url: '', content: '


, red: '我会变颜色', use: false, ok: true, number: Math.random(), sites: [ {name: 'Java', age: '8'}, {name: 'Python', age: '8'}, {name: 'C++', age: '8'}, {name: '.Net', age: '8'} ], counter: 1, activeColor: 'red', fontSize: 25, radioName: '', checkboxName: [], selectedName: '', show: true, styleobj: { fontSize: '30px', color: 'red' }, info: null, products: myproduct } var vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', /*给变量设置内容*/ data: data, computed: { reverseMessage3: function () { return 'reverseMessage3'; } }, methods: { detail: function () { return 'details'; }, reverseMessage() { this.message = this.message.split('').reverse().join(''); }, say(letter) { alert(letter) }, /*Velocity.js方法*/ beforeEnter: function (el) { = 0 = 'left' }, enter: function (el, done) { Velocity(el, {opacity: 1, fontSize: '1.4em'}, {duration: 300}) Velocity(el, {fontSize: '1em'}, {complete: done}) }, leave: function (el, done) { Velocity(el, {translateX: '15px', rotateZ: '50deg'}, {duration: 600}) Velocity(el, {rotateZ: '100deg'}, {loop: 2}) Velocity(el, { rotateZ: '45deg', translateX: '30px', translateY: '30px', opacity: 0 }, {complete: done}) }, get: function () { /*http://localhost:63342/try/ajax/ajax_info.txt*/ this.$http.get('/try/ajax/ajax_info.txt').then(function (res) { document.write(res.body); }, function () { console.log('请求失败处理'); }); } }, filters: { capitalize: function (value) { if (!value) return '' value = value.toString() return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1) } }, directives: { /*注册一个全局自定义指令 v-focus*/ focus: { /*当绑定元素插入到 DOM 中*/ inserted: function (el) { /*聚焦元素*/ el.focus() } } }, /*axios*/ /*axiosData() { return { info: null } },*/ mounted() { axios .get('') .then(response => ( = ).catch(function (error) { // 请求失败处理 console.log(error); }); } }) document.write(vm.url === data.url) // true document.write('
)//换行 /*$表示获取冒号前的内容*/ document.write(vm.$data === data) // true vm.$watch('counter', function (dest, source) { alert('原来的值:' + source + ',变为:' + dest); }); /*setTimeout 设置 10 秒后计算器的值加上 20*/ setTimeout(function () { vm.counter += 20; }, 10000); /*定义路由*/ /*const Foo={template:'
'} const Bar={template:'
'} /!*定义路由组件*!/ const routes=[ {path:'/foo',component:Foo}, {path:'/bar',component:Bar} ] const router=new VueRouter({ routes }) const app = new Vue({ router }).$mount('#app')*/
/*定义一个混入对象*/ var myMixin = { created: function () { this.startmixin() }, methods: { startmixin: function () { document.write('
+ '欢迎来到混入实例'); } } }; var Component = Vue.extend({ mixins: [myMixin] }) var component = new Component(); // vm.products.qty = '1'; /*set方式设置值*/ Vue.set(myproduct, 'name', 'xhy'); console.log(vm); Vue.delete(myproduct, 'price'); console.log(vm); vm.$watch('', function (nval, oval) { alert('计数器值的变化 :' + oval + ' 变为 ' + nval + '!'); }); </script> </body> </html>
