懂你英语 | 学有所成笔记本 | 原内容+自笔记


\ 01 Names, Greetings and Introduction 优雅从打招呼开始
\ 02 He and She 男女有别
\ 03 Meeting New Friends 交朋友,我是认真的
\ 04 Imperative Sentences 小句型大用途之祈使句
\ 05 Small Talk about the Weather 闲聊天气
\ 06 Basic Phone Language 初级打电话攻略
\ 07 Where Are You From? 你是哪国人
\ 08 A Guide to Birthdays 生日攻略
\ 09 Describe It! 小词大用之形容词
\ 10 Body Parts 身体部位大揭秘
\ 11 What Time Is It? 做时间的朋友
\ 12 How to Be Polite 人在江湖飘,哪能不礼貌
\ 13 All About Numbers 心中有数
\ 14 See You Next Time 如何优雅地告别
\ 15 Talking about Your Education and Skills 手把手教你聊学习,谈技能
\ 16 Small Talk about Animals 动物世界多得是你不知道的事

\ 01 Names, Greetings and Introduction

1. 如何在正式场合打招呼?

  • 正式场合打招呼
    Good morning?
    Good afternoon!
    Good evening!

  • How are you?
    How are you doing?

How are you doing?

美口语(尤其是黑人口语)习惯把 are 省略成 How you doing?

相似: How do you do?

1. 同问 How do you do?
2. 用 How are you 的回答来应对:
I'm fine, and how are you?
Pretty good, and how do you do?
3. 直接回答 Nice to meet you.

2. 如何跟熟悉的朋友打招呼?

  • 非常熟悉的朋友
    Hey, what’s up?
    Hey, what’s new?

  • Not much.
    Nothing much.
    Nothing new.

  • 熟悉的朋友
    Hey, how’s it going?
    Good to see you.

What's up?

是美国年轻人每天说得最多的一个表达,但是会对自己比较熟悉的人说。对方可以回答 nothingNot much. ,甚至是 What's up,不过这是非常口语的表达,千万不要在正式场合中使用哦~

be up to 忙于

What have you been up to?What have you been up to lately?

3. 初次见面

  • STEP1: 打招呼
    Good morning.
    Good Afternoon.
    Good evening.

  • STEP2: 主动向他人介绍自己的名字
    My name is...
    I am.../I’m...

  • STEP3: 询问对方的姓名
    What is your name?

  • STEP4: 表示很高兴认识对方
    It’s nice to meet you.
    Nice to meet you.
    It’s nice to meet you Dan.

Nice to meet you

回答 Nice to meet you. 不是说 "Me too", 而是说 "You too" 惊不惊喜,意不意外?
其实,"you too" 是对 Nice to meet you, too. 的缩略 连 you, too 的逗号都省了

1. Niec to meet you, too. = you, too.
2. Likewise. 我也挺高兴见到你的。有“同上”“+1”的意思
3. Same here. 一样一样

\ 02 He and She

1. 英语中如何称呼“男”和“女”?

男孩 boy Ben is a boy.
男孩们 boys Boys will be Boys.
女孩 girl Lisa is a girl.
女孩们 girls Here are three people, two girls and a boy.
男人 man Dan is a man.
男人们 men Here are two men.
女人 woman Tina is a woman.
女人们 women Some women like it.

2. 如何称呼一群人(有男有女)?

  • boys and girls
    Good morning, boys and girls!

  • 非正式 guys
    Hey guys!

  • 正式
    Ladies and gentlemen!

3. 怎样询问和回答那个人的名字?

  • 询问
    Who is that?
    Who is he/she?

  • Who is this?
    What is his/her name?

  • 回答
    His/her name is XX.
    He/She is XX.

\ 03 Meeting New Friends

1. 交友之介绍篇

  • 介绍礼仪:先尊后卑 先主后客 先晚辈后长辈
    This is...
    These are...

  • Tina, this is Ken.
    Ken, this is Tina.
    These are my sisters.

  • Please meet...
    I’m happy to have ... here.

  • Tina, please meet Ken.
    I’m happy to have Tina here.

2. 交友之主动搭讪篇

  • 普通青年版
    Hello, my name is Dan.
    It’s nice to meet you.

  • 合理称赞版
    Nice shoes.
    Nice shirt.

  • 寻找共同点版
    Do you work here?
    Do you study here?

3. 交友之告别篇

  • 告别前提醒
    Nice meeting you.
    Nice talking to you.

  • 正式告别
    See you later.
    See ya later.

\ 04 Imperative Sentences

1. 祈使句的特点


2. 句型应用场景

  • 表示命令
    Open the book.
    Be quiet!
    Listen carefully.

  • Sit down.
    Stand up.
    Put up your hand.
    Put down your hand.

  • 表示请求
    Please pass the pen.
    Please tell me!

  • 禁止标语
    No parking!
    Don’t park here!

  • No smoking!
    Don’t smoke here!

  • 表示祝福或叮嘱
    Have fun!
    Take care!
    Have a good time/day/trip!

  • 指示方向
    Turn left.
    Turn right.

  • Go straight, then turn right.

\ 05 Small Talk about the Weather

1. 如何询问天气情况?

  • 基本句型
    How is the weather?
    What’s the weather like?

  • 句型拓展

  • 可在句末添加”there”
    How’s the weather there?

  • 可在句末添加”today”
    What’s the weather like today?

  • 可在句末添加”in + 地点”
    How’s the weather in Shanghai?

2. 如何描述不同的天气情况?

  • It’s + 描述天气的形容词.
    It’s sunny and warm.

  • It’s + 描述天气的形容词 + day.
    It’s a cloudy day.

  • It’s + 描述天气的形容词 + weather.
    It’s hot weather.

  • It’s + 动词ing.
    It’s raining.

\ 06 Basic Phone Language

1. 怎样说电话号码?

  • My number is + 电话号码,或直接报电话号码
    My number is 408-905-7771.

  • 逐个读数字 131-4567-8910
    one three one-four five six seven-eight nine one zero

  • 两个数字重复用 double
    one double five-two three four six-seven eight double nine

  • 零可以读成“oh”
    four-oh-eight, nine-oh-five, oh-five-oh-one

2. 怎样在电话上交谈?

  • 打招呼

  • 表明身份
    This is Tina.
    It’s Tina.


Hello, John? 喂,是约翰吗?
Is this Mr. Dennis Smith? 喂,请问是丹尼斯·史密斯先生吗?
Is this the finance department? 请问是财务科吗?
May I speak to Mr. Sato? 我想找佐藤先生。

  • 对方回答Ta是谁
    Yes, this is Tina.
    Tina speaking.


Speaking. 对我是,你说。
ABC Business College, may I help you? ABC商务学员,有啥能帮你的?
Who’s calling, please? 您哪位呀?


May I take a message? 您要给他留言吗?
Can I leave a message? 能留个口信吗?
Please tell him to call me. 请转告他,让他给我回个电话。
OK. I’ll tell him that you called. 好的,我转告他您来电话了。
I’ll have him call yo back. 我让他给您回电话。
Shall I have him call you back? 需要让他给您回电话吗?
Hold on, please. 请稍等
Please call me back in ten minutes. 请10分钟后再打。
Would you like to hold? 您能稍等会儿吗?
Would you mind calling back later? 您能过会儿再打吗?

  • 确认对方是否方便通话
    Are you busy (now) ?
    Are you free to talk (now) ?

  • 告诉对方你想找谁
    Is this Tina?
    Is Tina there, please?

  • 没有听清对方的话
    Sorry, I can’t hear you very well.
    I’m sorry. The connection is bad.


I’m sorry for calling you this late. 真对不起,这么晚打给您
I hope I’m not disturbing you. 我希望我没打扰到您。
I hope I didn’t wake you up. 但愿我没吵醒您。
Please speak a little more slowly. 您能说慢一点吗?
Could you speak up, please? 您能再大点儿声吗?
I’m sorry to have you kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。

  • 结束对话
    Nice talking to you.


Thanks for calling. 谢谢您打来电话。
Please call again anytime. 请随时来电。
I’d better get off the phone. 我得挂电话了。
I have to go now.
I guess I’d better get going.
Please hang up the phone. 请挂电话吧。

\ 07 Where Are You From?

1. 介绍自己的国籍

  • I come from + 国家
    I come from China.

  • I’m from + 国家
    I’m from China.

  • I’m + 国籍
    I’m Chinese.

2. 介绍自己在哪里生活,工作,学习

  • I live in + 地方
    I live in Shanghai.

  • I work in + 地方
    I work in Shanghai.

  • I study in + 地方
    I study in Shanghai.

3. 询问对方是哪里人

  • Where are you from?
    Where do you come from?

  • Are you from + 地方
    Are you from the US?

  • Do you come from + 地方
    Do you come from the US?

\ 08
A Guide to Birthdays

1. 生日祝福及回复生日祝福

  • 如何介绍自己的生日

  • 实际生活中
    It’s my birthday today.
    Today is my birthday.

  • 社交媒体上
    Having for on my B-Day!

2. 送礼的正确姿势

  • 西方不受欢迎的礼物
    带有 “This will make you better” 暗示含义的礼物
    a gym card, self-help books
  • 关系不够亲近不宜送 cash, red envelope

3. 礼物的正确打开方式

  • 当面打开
    Can I open it now?

  • 称赞礼物
    Oh my god! I love it!

  • 感谢
    Thank you for the sweet gift.
    You know me so well!

\ 09 Describe It!

1. 形容词的位置

  • 放在 a/an 之后,名词之前:
    This is a long pencil.

  • 放在 be 动词之后:
    This pencil is long.

2. 多个形容词排列规则

  • 诀窍:美小圆旧黄,中国木书房

  • :观点类形容词 —— beautiful
    :大小,长短,高低,胖瘦类形容词 —— small
    :形状类形容词 —— round
    :新旧,年龄形容词 —— old
    :颜色类形容词 —— yellow

  • 中国:来源,国籍,地区,出处类形容词 —— Chinese
    :物质,材料,质地类形容词 —— wooden
    :用途,类别,功能,作用类形容词 —— study
    :中心名词 —— table

  • a beautiful small round old yellow Chinese wooden study table

\ 10 Body Parts

1. 面部五官及习语

  • eyes
    We see with our eyes.
    I see.
    the apple of one’s eye

the apple of one’s eye


  • ears
    We hear with our ears.
    be all ears

be all ears


I can hear you.

  • nose
    We smell with our nose.
    You smell lovely.
    This cake smells good.

  • mouth
    We eat with our mouth.
    a big mouth

a big mouth


eat like a bird/horse

eat like a bird


eat like a horse

虽然 horse 是马,但是这里译为食量大如牛,狼吞虎咽

2. 其他身体部位及习语

  • foot
    Here are/is + 句型.
    Here are two feet.
    不规则复数形式 feet
    We walk with our feet.
    I get cold feet.

I get cold feet.


  • hand
    We touch things with our hands.
    iPod touch
    Please give me a hand.
    Could you give me a hand?

give me a hand


\ 11 What Time Is It?

1. 询问现在的时间


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