(136条消息) screen-capture-recorder升级dxgi版本安装包(支持120帧高帧率,低CPU占有率)资源-CSDN文库
(8条消息) screen-capture-recorder升级dxgi版本演示.zip(支持120帧高帧率,低CPU占有率)-直播技术文档类资源-CSDN文库https://download.csdn.net/download/xjb2006/85683033
screen-capture-recorder.dll是一款很不错的录屏dshow filter。也可以叫虚拟摄像头,他可以把桌面虚拟为一个dshow 源filter,打开这个虚拟摄像头,就相当于捕获了桌面数据,但是因为其是XP下的产物,抓屏技术为GDI,已经不能满足win10下高帧率(DXGI)的需求。于是,我们找到源码(文章后面有链接),经过修改升级,screen-capture-dxgi-qq35744025.dll可以支持120帧,有无鼠标,捕获方式(GDI或DXGI),支持输出多种颜色空间(nv12,yv12,argb,yuv2)已经支持图像翻转等。
ffplay -window_title "test" -f dshow -i video=screen-capture-dxgi-qq35744025 -x 800
原始:ffplay -window_title "test" -f dshow -i video=screen-capture-recorder -x 800
枚举设备:ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy
枚举格式:ffmpeg -list_options true -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-dxgi-qq35744025"
采集并录像:ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-dxgi-qq35744025" -vcodec libx264 -t 10 -strict -2 "c:\meinv.ts"
硬件加速:ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-dxgi-qq35744025" -vcodec h264_qsv -t 10 "c:\meinv.ts"
#include "PushSource.h"
#include "PushGuids.h"
#include "DibHelper.h"
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) // danger! can evaluate "a" twice.
DWORD globalStart; // for some debug performance benchmarking
int countMissed = 0;
long fastestRoundMillis = 1000000; // random big number
long sumMillisTook = 0;
long g_useDXGI = 1;
long g_capture_monitor=0;
long g_Flip_upside_down = 0;//输出图像是否翻转
#ifdef _DEBUG
int show_performance = 1;
int show_performance = 0;
// the default child constructor...
CPushPinDesktop::CPushPinDesktop(HRESULT *phr, CPushSourceDesktop *pFilter)
: CSourceStream(NAME("Push Source CPushPinDesktop child/pin"), phr, pFilter, L"Capture"),
// Get the device context of the main display, just to get some metrics for it...
globalStart = GetTickCount();
g_Flip_upside_down= read_config_setting(TEXT("Flip_Screen_Data"), 0, false);
g_useDXGI= read_config_setting(TEXT("useDXGI"), 1, false);
g_capture_monitor = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_monitor"), 0, false);
m_iHwndToTrack = 0;// (HWND)read_config_setting(TEXT("hwnd_to_track"), NULL, false);
if(m_iHwndToTrack) {
LocalOutput("using specified hwnd no decoration: %d", m_iHwndToTrack);
hScrDc = GetDC(m_iHwndToTrack); // using GetDC here seemingly allows you to capture "just a window" without decoration
m_bHwndTrackDecoration = false;
} else {
m_iHwndToTrack = 0;// (HWND)read_config_setting(TEXT("hwnd_to_track_with_window_decoration"), NULL, false);
if(m_iHwndToTrack) {
LocalOutput("using specified hwnd with decoration: %d", m_iHwndToTrack);
hScrDc = GetWindowDC(m_iHwndToTrack);
m_bHwndTrackDecoration = true;
} else {
int useForeGroundWindow = 0;// read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_foreground_window_if_1"), 0, true);
if(useForeGroundWindow) {
LocalOutput("using foreground window %d", GetForegroundWindow());
hScrDc = GetDC(GetForegroundWindow());
} else {
// the default, just capture desktop
// hScrDc = CreateDC(TEXT("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); // possibly better than GetDC(0), supposed to be multi monitor?
// LocalOutput("using the dangerous CreateDC DISPLAY\n");
// danger, CreateDC DC is only good as long as this particular thread is still alive...hmm...is it better for directdraw
hScrDc = GetDC(NULL);
//m_iScreenBitDepth = GetTrueScreenDepth(hScrDc);
ASSERT_RAISE(hScrDc != 0); // 0 implies failure... [if using hwnd, can mean the window is gone!]
// Get the dimensions of the main desktop window as the default
m_rScreen.left = m_rScreen.top = 0;
m_rScreen.right = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDc, HORZRES); // NB this *fails* for dual monitor support currently... but we just get the wrong width by default, at least with aero windows 7 both can capture both monitors
m_rScreen.bottom = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDc, VERTRES);
// now read some custom settings...
if(!m_iHwndToTrack) {
} else {
LocalOutput("ignoring startx, starty since hwnd was specified");
int config_width = 0;// read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_width"), 0, false);
ASSERT_RAISE(config_width >= 0); // negatives not allowed...
int config_height = 0;// read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_height"), 0, false);
ASSERT_RAISE(config_height >= 0); // negatives not allowed, if it's set :)
if(config_width > 0) {
int desired = m_rScreen.left + config_width;
//int max_possible = m_rScreen.right; // disabled check until I get dual monitor working. or should I allow off screen captures anyway?
//if(desired < max_possible)
m_rScreen.right = desired;
// m_rScreen.right = max_possible;
} else {
// leave full screen
m_iCaptureConfigWidth = m_rScreen.right - m_rScreen.left;
ASSERT_RAISE(m_iCaptureConfigWidth > 0);
if(config_height > 0) {
int desired = m_rScreen.top + config_height;
//int max_possible = m_rScreen.bottom; // disabled, see above.
//if(desired < max_possible)
m_rScreen.bottom = desired;
// m_rScreen.bottom = max_possible;
} else {
// leave full screen
m_iCaptureConfigHeight = m_rScreen.bottom - m_rScreen.top;
ASSERT_RAISE(m_iCaptureConfigHeight > 0);
m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth = 0;// read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_to_width"), 0, false);
m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight = 0;// read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_to_height"), 0, false);
m_iStretchMode = 0;// read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_mode_high_quality_if_1"), 0, true); // guess it's either stretch mode 0 or 1
ASSERT_RAISE(m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth >= 0 && m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight >= 0 && m_iStretchMode >= 0); // sanity checks
m_bUseCaptureBlt = 0;// read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_transparent_windows_including_mouse_in_non_aero_if_1_causes_annoying_mouse_flicker"), 0, true) == 1;
m_bCaptureMouse = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_mouse_default_1"), 1, true) == 1;
// default 30 fps...hmm...
int config_max_fps = read_config_setting(TEXT("default_max_fps"), 120, false); // TODO allow floats [?] when ever requested
ASSERT_RAISE(config_max_fps > 0);
// m_rtFrameLength is also re-negotiated later...
m_rtFrameLength = UNITS / config_max_fps;
int bReRead = 0;// is_config_set_to_1(TEXT("track_new_x_y_coords_each_frame_if_1"));
if(bReRead) {
m_bReReadRegistry = 1; // takes 0.416880ms, but I thought it took more when I made it off by default :P
int bDe = 0;// is_config_set_to_1(TEXT("dedup_if_1"));
if(bDe) {
m_bDeDupe = 1; // takes 10 or 20ms...but useful to me! :)
m_millisToSleepBeforePollForChanges = read_config_setting(TEXT("millis_to_sleep_between_poll_for_dedupe_changes"), 10, true);
if (g_useDXGI)
BOOL bOK = m_dxgi.Init();
if (!bOK)
g_useDXGI = 0;
wchar_t out[10000];
swprintf(out, 10000, L"default/from reg read config as: %dx%d -> %dx%d (%d top %d bottom %d l %d r) %dfps, dedupe? %d, millis between dedupe polling %d, m_bReReadRegistry? %d hwnd:%d \n",
m_iCaptureConfigHeight, m_iCaptureConfigWidth, getCaptureDesiredFinalHeight(), getCaptureDesiredFinalWidth(), m_rScreen.top, m_rScreen.bottom, m_rScreen.left, m_rScreen.right, config_max_fps, m_bDeDupe, m_millisToSleepBeforePollForChanges, m_bReReadRegistry, m_iHwndToTrack);
// warmup the debugging message system
__int64 measureDebugOutputSpeed = StartCounter();
LocalOutput("writing a large-ish debug itself took: %.02Lf ms", GetCounterSinceStartMillis(measureDebugOutputSpeed));
//set_config_string_setting(L"last_init_config_was", out);
set_config_string_setting(L"my_qq35744025", L"曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,我没有珍惜,等到失去的时候才追悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事情莫过于此。如果上天能够给我一个重新来过的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:“我爱你”。如果非要给这份爱加上一个期限,我希望是,一万年。");
wchar_t out[1000];
bool ever_started = false;
HRESULT CPushPinDesktop::FillBuffer(IMediaSample *pSample)
LocalOutput("video frame requested");
__int64 startThisRound = StartCounter();
BYTE *pData;
CheckPointer(pSample, E_POINTER);
if(m_bReReadRegistry) {
// allow it to warmup until Run is called...so StreamTime can work right (ai ai) see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2469855/how-to-get-imediacontrol-run-to-start-a-file-playing-with-no-delay/2470548#2470548
CSourceStream::m_pFilter->GetState(INFINITE, &myState); // get parent filter state which is only set to Run "after pause" etc.
while(myState != State_Running) {
LocalOutput("sleeping till graph running for video...");
Command com;
if(CheckRequest(&com)) { // from http://microsoft.public.multimedia.directx.dshow.programming.narkive.com/h8ZxbM9E/csourcestream-fillbuffer-timing
if(com == CMD_STOP) {
LocalOutput("exiting early from CMD_STOP thinger");
return S_FALSE;
m_pParent->GetState(INFINITE, &myState);
// Access the sample's data buffer
// Make sure that we're still using video format
ASSERT_RETURN(m_mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo);
boolean gotNew = false; // dedupe stuff
while(!gotNew) {
CopyScreenToDataBlock(hScrDc, pData, (BITMAPINFO *) &(pVih->bmiHeader), pSample);
if(m_bDeDupe) {
if(memcmp(pData, pOldData, pSample->GetSize())==0) { // took desktop: 10ms for 640x1152, still 100 fps uh guess...
} else {
gotNew = true;
memcpy( /* dest */ pOldData, pData, pSample->GetSize()); // took 4ms for 640x1152, but it's worth it LOL.
// LODO memcmp and memcpy in the same loop LOL.
} else {
// it's always new for everyone else (the typical case)
gotNew = true;
// capture some debug stats (how long it took) before we add in our own arbitrary delay to enforce fps...
long double millisThisRoundTook = GetCounterSinceStartMillis(startThisRound);
fastestRoundMillis = min(millisThisRoundTook, fastestRoundMillis); // keep stats :)
sumMillisTook += millisThisRoundTook;
CRefTime now;
CRefTime endFrame;
now = 0;
if((now > 0) && (now < previousFrameEndTime)) { // now > 0 to accomodate for if there is no reference graph clock at all...also at boot strap time to ignore it XXXX can negatives even ever happen anymore though?
while(now < previousFrameEndTime) { // guarantees monotonicity too :P
LocalOutput("sleeping because %llu < %llu", now, previousFrameEndTime);
// avoid a tidge of creep since we sleep until [typically] just past the previous end.
endFrame = previousFrameEndTime + m_rtFrameLength;
previousFrameEndTime = endFrame;
} else {
// if there's no reference clock, it will "always" think it missed a frame
if(show_performance) {
if(now == 0)
LocalOutput("probable no reference clock, streaming fastly");
LocalOutput("it missed a frame--can't keep up %d %llu %llu", countMissed++, now, previousFrameEndTime); // we don't miss time typically I don't think, unless de-dupe is turned on, or aero, or slow computer, buffering problems downstream, etc.
// have to add a bit here, or it will always be "it missed a frame" for the next round...forever!
endFrame = now + m_rtFrameLength;
// most of this stuff I just made up because it "sounded right"
//LocalOutput("checking to see if I can catch up again now: %llu previous end: %llu subtr: %llu %i", now, previousFrameEndTime, previousFrameEndTime - m_rtFrameLength, previousFrameEndTime - m_rtFrameLength);
if(now > (previousFrameEndTime - (long long) m_rtFrameLength)) { // do I even need a long long cast?
// let it pretend and try to catch up, it's not quite a frame behind
previousFrameEndTime = previousFrameEndTime + m_rtFrameLength;
} else {
endFrame = now + m_rtFrameLength/2; // ?? seems to not hurt, at least...I guess
previousFrameEndTime = endFrame;
// accomodate for 0 to avoid startup negatives, which would kill our math on the next loop...
previousFrameEndTime = max(0, previousFrameEndTime);
pSample->SetTime((REFERENCE_TIME *) &now, (REFERENCE_TIME *) &endFrame);
//pSample->SetMediaTime((REFERENCE_TIME *)&now, (REFERENCE_TIME *) &endFrame);
LocalOutput("timestamping video packet as %lld -> %lld", now, endFrame);
// Set TRUE on every sample for uncompressed frames http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd407021%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
// only set discontinuous for the first...I think...
pSample->SetDiscontinuity(m_iFrameNumber <= 1);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// the swprintf costs like 0.04ms (25000 fps LOL)
double m_fFpsSinceBeginningOfTime = ((double) m_iFrameNumber)/(GetTickCount() - globalStart)*1000;
swprintf(out, L"done video frame! total frames: %d this one %dx%d -> (%dx%d) took: %.02Lfms, %.02f ave fps (%.02f is the theoretical max fps based on this round, ave. possible fps %.02f, fastest round fps %.02f, negotiated fps %.06f), frame missed %d",
m_iFrameNumber, m_iCaptureConfigHeight, m_iCaptureConfigWidth, getNegotiatedFinalWidth(), getNegotiatedFinalHeight(), millisThisRoundTook, m_fFpsSinceBeginningOfTime, 1.0*1000/millisThisRoundTook,
/* average */ 1.0*1000*m_iFrameNumber/sumMillisTook, 1.0*1000/fastestRoundMillis, GetFps(), countMissed);
//set_config_string_setting(L"frame_stats", out);
return S_OK;
float CPushPinDesktop::GetFps() {
return (float) (UNITS / m_rtFrameLength);
void CPushPinDesktop::reReadCurrentStartXY(int isReRead) {
__int64 start = StartCounter();
// assume 0 means not set...negative ignore :)
// TODO no overflows, that's a bad value too... they cause a crash, I think! [position youtube too far bottom right, track it...]
int old_x = m_rScreen.left;
int old_y = m_rScreen.top;
int config_start_x = m_rScreen.left;// read_config_setting(TEXT("start_x"), m_rScreen.left, true);
m_rScreen.left = config_start_x;
// is there a better way to do this registry stuff?
int config_start_y = m_rScreen.top;// read_config_setting(TEXT("start_y"), m_rScreen.top, true);
m_rScreen.top = config_start_y;
if(old_x != m_rScreen.left || old_y != m_rScreen.top) {
if(isReRead) {
m_rScreen.right = m_rScreen.left + m_iCaptureConfigWidth;
m_rScreen.bottom = m_rScreen.top + m_iCaptureConfigHeight;
if(show_performance) {
wchar_t out[1000];
swprintf(out, 1000, L"new screen pos from reg: %d %d\n", config_start_x, config_start_y);
LocalOutput("[re]readCurrentPosition (including swprintf call) took %.02fms", GetCounterSinceStartMillis(start)); // takes 0.42ms (2000 fps)
// They *should* call this...VLC does at least, correctly.
// Release the device context stuff
::ReleaseDC(NULL, hScrDc);
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("Total no. Frames written %d"), m_iFrameNumber));
//set_config_string_setting(L"last_run_performance", out);
if (hRawBitmap)
DeleteObject(hRawBitmap); // don't need those bytes anymore -- I think we are supposed to delete just this and not hOldBitmap
if(pOldData) {
pOldData = NULL;
void CPushPinDesktop::CopyScreenToDataBlock(HDC hScrDC, BYTE *pData, BITMAPINFO *pHeader, IMediaSample *pSample)
HDC hMemDC; // screen DC and memory DC
HBITMAP hOldBitmap; // handles to device-dependent bitmaps
int nX, nY; // coordinates of rectangle to grab
int iFinalStretchHeight = getNegotiatedFinalHeight();
int iFinalStretchWidth = getNegotiatedFinalWidth();
ASSERT_RAISE(!IsRectEmpty(&m_rScreen)); // that would be unexpected
// create a DC for the screen and create
// a memory DC compatible to screen DC
hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hScrDC); // 0.02ms Anything else to reuse, this one's pretty fast...?
// determine points of where to grab from it, though I think we control these with m_rScreen
nX = m_rScreen.left;
nY = m_rScreen.top;
// sanity checks--except we don't want it apparently, to allow upstream to dynamically change the size? Can it do that?
ASSERT_RAISE(m_rScreen.bottom - m_rScreen.top == iFinalStretchHeight);
ASSERT_RAISE(m_rScreen.right - m_rScreen.left == iFinalStretchWidth);
HBITMAP hRawBitmap2 = 0;
if (g_useDXGI == 0)
// select new bitmap into memory DC
hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hRawBitmap);
doJustBitBltOrScaling(hMemDC, m_iCaptureConfigWidth, m_iCaptureConfigHeight, iFinalStretchWidth, iFinalStretchHeight, hScrDC, nX, nY);
if (m_bCaptureMouse)
AddMouse(hMemDC, &m_rScreen, hScrDC, m_iHwndToTrack);
// select old bitmap back into memory DC and get handle to
// bitmap of the capture...whatever this even means...
hRawBitmap2 = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap);
BITMAPINFO tweakableHeader;
memcpy(&tweakableHeader, pHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight = -tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight;
if(m_bHasConvert) {
tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
//tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight = -tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight; // prevent upside down conversion from i420...
tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetBitmapSize(&tweakableHeader.bmiHeader);
if(m_bHasConvert) {
// copy it to a temporary buffer first
if (g_useDXGI==0)
doDIBits(hScrDC, hRawBitmap2, iFinalStretchHeight, pOldData, &tweakableHeader);
int nSize = 0;
BYTE *pDxGiData=m_dxgi.QueryFrame2(nSize,g_Flip_upside_down);
if(pDxGiData&& nSize)
memcpy(pOldData, pDxGiData, nSize);
RGBA_2_YUV420(pOldData, pData, iFinalStretchWidth, iFinalStretchHeight);
if (m_bConvertType == WMMEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2)
RGBA_2_YUV2(pOldData, pData, iFinalStretchWidth, iFinalStretchHeight);
if (m_bConvertType == MEDIASUBTYPE_NV12)
RGBAToNV12(pOldData, pData, iFinalStretchWidth, iFinalStretchHeight);
//rgb32_to_i420(iFinalStretchWidth, iFinalStretchHeight, (const char *) pOldData, (char *) pData);// took 36.8ms for 1920x1080 desktop
if (g_useDXGI == 0)
doDIBits(hScrDC, hRawBitmap2, iFinalStretchHeight, pData, &tweakableHeader);
int nSize = 0;
BYTE* pDxGiData = m_dxgi.QueryFrame2(nSize, g_Flip_upside_down);
if (pDxGiData && nSize)
memcpy(pData, pDxGiData, nSize);
// if we're on vlc work around for odd pixel widths and 24 bit..., like a width of 134 breaks vlc with 24bit. wow. see also GetMediaType comments
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; // on the stack
GetModuleFileName(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH);
if(wcsstr(buffer, L"vlc.exe") > 0) {
int bitCount = tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount;
int stride = (iFinalStretchWidth * (bitCount / 8)) % 4; // see if lines have some padding at the end...
//int stride2 = (tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth * (tweakableHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount / 8) + 3) & ~3; // ??
if(stride > 0) {
stride = 4 - stride; // they round up to 4 word boundary
// don't need to copy the first line :P
int lineSizeBytes = iFinalStretchWidth*(bitCount/8);
int lineSizeTotal = lineSizeBytes + stride;
for(int line = 1; line < iFinalStretchHeight; line++) {
//*dst, *src, size
// memmove required since these overlap...
memmove(&pData[line*lineSizeBytes], &pData[line*lineSizeTotal], lineSizeBytes);
// clean up
void CPushPinDesktop::doJustBitBltOrScaling(HDC hMemDC, int nWidth, int nHeight, int iFinalWidth, int iFinalHeight, HDC hScrDC, int nX, int nY) {
__int64 start = StartCounter();
boolean notNeedStretching = (iFinalWidth == nWidth) && (iFinalHeight == nHeight);
if(m_iHwndToTrack != NULL)
ASSERT_RAISE(notNeedStretching); // we don't support HWND plus scaling...hmm... LODO move assertion LODO implement this (low prio since they probably are just needing that window, not with scaling too [?])
int captureType = SRCCOPY;
captureType = captureType | CAPTUREBLT; // CAPTUREBLT here [last param] is for layered (transparent) windows in non-aero I guess (which happens to include the mouse, but we do that elsewhere)
if (notNeedStretching) {
if(m_iHwndToTrack != NULL) {
// make sure we only capture 'not too much' i.e. not past the border of this HWND, for the case of Aero being turned off, it shows other windows that we don't want
// a bit confusing...
if (m_bHwndTrackDecoration)
GetWindowRectIncludingAero(m_iHwndToTrack, &p); // 0.05 ms
GetClientRect(m_iHwndToTrack, &p); // 0.005 ms
//GetWindowRect(m_iHwndToTrack, &p); // 0.005 ms
nWidth = min(p.right-p.left, nWidth);
nHeight = min(p.bottom-p.top, nHeight);
// Bit block transfer from screen our compatible memory DC. Apparently this is faster than stretching.
BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hScrDC, nX, nY, captureType);
// 9.3 ms 1920x1080 -> 1920x1080 (100 fps) (11 ms? 14? random?)
else {
if (m_iStretchMode == 0)
// low quality scaling -- looks terrible
SetStretchBltMode (hMemDC, COLORONCOLOR); // the SetStretchBltMode call itself takes 0.003ms
// COLORONCOLOR took 92ms for 1920x1080 -> 1000x1000, 69ms/80ms for 1920x1080 -> 500x500 aero
// 20 ms 1920x1080 -> 500x500 without aero
// LODO can we get better results with good speed? it is sooo ugly!
SetStretchBltMode (hMemDC, HALFTONE);
// high quality stretching
// HALFTONE took 160ms for 1920x1080 -> 1000x1000, 107ms/120ms for 1920x1080 -> 1000x1000
// 50 ms 1920x1080 -> 500x500 without aero
SetBrushOrgEx(hMemDC, 0, 0, 0); // MSDN says I should call this after using HALFTONE
StretchBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, iFinalWidth, iFinalHeight, hScrDC, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, captureType);
LocalOutput("%s took %.02f ms", notNeedStretching ? "bitblt" : "stretchblt", GetCounterSinceStartMillis(start));
int CPushPinDesktop::getNegotiatedFinalWidth() {
int iImageWidth = m_rScreen.right - m_rScreen.left;
ASSERT_RAISE(iImageWidth > 0);
return iImageWidth;
int CPushPinDesktop::getNegotiatedFinalHeight() {
// might be smaller than the "getCaptureDesiredFinalWidth" if they tell us to give them an even smaller setting...
int iImageHeight = (int) m_rScreen.bottom - m_rScreen.top;
ASSERT_RAISE(iImageHeight > 0);
return iImageHeight;
int CPushPinDesktop::getCaptureDesiredFinalWidth() {
if(m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth > 0) {
return m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth;
} else {
return m_iCaptureConfigWidth; // full/config setting, static
int CPushPinDesktop::getCaptureDesiredFinalHeight(){
if(m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight > 0) {
return m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight;
} else {
return m_iCaptureConfigHeight; // defaults to full/config static
void CPushPinDesktop::doDIBits(HDC hScrDC, HBITMAP hRawBitmap, int nHeightScanLines, BYTE *pData, BITMAPINFO *pHeader) {
__int64 start = StartCounter();
// Copy the bitmap data into the provided BYTE buffer, in the right format I guess.
GetDIBits(hScrDC, hRawBitmap, 0, nHeightScanLines, pData, pHeader, DIB_RGB_COLORS); // just copies raw bits to pData, I guess, from an HBITMAP handle. "like" GetObject, but also does conversions [?]
LocalOutput("doDiBits took %.02fms", GetCounterSinceStartMillis(start)); // took 1.1/3.8ms total, so this brings us down to 80fps compared to max 251...but for larger things might make more difference...
// DecideBufferSize
// This will always be called after the format has been sucessfully
// negotiated (this is negotiatebuffersize). So we have a look at m_mt to see what size image we agreed.
// Then we can ask for buffers of the correct size to contain them.
HRESULT CPushPinDesktop::DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator *pAlloc,
CAutoLock cAutoLock(m_pFilter->pStateLock());
VIDEOINFO *pvi = (VIDEOINFO *) m_mt.Format();
BITMAPINFOHEADER header = pvi->bmiHeader;
ASSERT_RETURN(header.biPlanes == 1); // sanity check
// ASSERT_RAISE(header.biCompression == 0); // meaning "none" sanity check, unless we are allowing for BI_BITFIELDS [?] so leave commented out for now
// now try to avoid this crash [XP, VLC 1.1.11]: vlc -vvv dshow:// :dshow-vdev="screen-capture-recorder" :dshow-adev --sout "#transcode{venc=theora,vcodec=theo,vb=512,scale=0.7,acodec=vorb,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,audio-sync}:standard{access=file,mux=ogg,dst=test.ogv}" with 10x10 or 1000x1000
// LODO check if biClrUsed is passed in right for 16 bit [I'd guess it is...]
// pProperties->cbBuffer = pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage; // too small. Apparently *way* too small.
int bytesPerLine;
// there may be a windows method that would do this for us...GetBitmapSize(&header); but might be too small for VLC? LODO try it :)
// some pasted code...
int bytesPerPixel = (header.biBitCount/8);
if(m_bHasConvert) {
bytesPerPixel = 32/8; // we convert from a 32 bit to i420, so need more space in this case
bytesPerLine = header.biWidth * bytesPerPixel;
/* round up to a dword boundary for stride */
if (bytesPerLine & 0x0003)
bytesPerLine |= 0x0003;
ASSERT_RETURN(header.biHeight > 0); // sanity check
ASSERT_RETURN(header.biWidth > 0); // sanity check
// NB that we are adding in space for a final "pixel array" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format#DIB_Header_.28Bitmap_Information_Header.29) even though we typically don't need it, this seems to fix the segfaults
// maybe somehow down the line some VLC thing thinks it might be there...weirder than weird.. LODO debug it LOL.
int bitmapSize = 14 + header.biSize + (long)(bytesPerLine)*(header.biHeight) + bytesPerLine*header.biHeight;
pProperties->cbBuffer = bitmapSize;
//pProperties->cbBuffer = max(pProperties->cbBuffer, m_mt.GetSampleSize()); // didn't help anything
pProperties->cbBuffer = header.biHeight * header.biWidth* header.biBitCount / 8; // necessary to prevent an "out of memory" error for FMLE. Yikes. Oh wow yikes.
pProperties->cBuffers = 1; // 2 here doesn't seem to help the crashes...
// Ask the allocator to reserve us some sample memory. NOTE: the function
// can succeed (return NOERROR) but still not have allocated the
// memory that we requested, so we must check we got whatever we wanted.
hr = pAlloc->SetProperties(pProperties,&Actual);
return hr;
// Is this allocator unsuitable?
if(Actual.cbBuffer < pProperties->cbBuffer)
return E_FAIL;
// now some "once per run" setups
// LODO reset aer with each run...somehow...somehow...Stop method or something...
ZeroMemory(&version, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX));
version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX);
//if(version.dwMajorVersion >= 6) { // meaning vista +
// if(read_config_setting(TEXT("disable_aero_for_vista_plus_if_1"), 0, true) == 1) {
// printf("turning aero off/disabling aero");
// turnAeroOn(false);
// }
// else {
// printf("leaving aero on");
// turnAeroOn(true);
// }
if(pOldData) {
pOldData = NULL;
pOldData = (BYTE *) malloc(max(pProperties->cbBuffer*pProperties->cBuffers, bitmapSize)); // we convert from a 32 bit to i420, so need more space, hence max
memset(pOldData, 0, pProperties->cbBuffer*pProperties->cBuffers); // reset it just in case :P
// create a bitmap compatible with the screen DC
DeleteObject (hRawBitmap); // delete the old one in case it exists...
hRawBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hScrDc, getNegotiatedFinalWidth(), getNegotiatedFinalHeight());
previousFrameEndTime = 0; // reset
m_iFrameNumber = 0;
return NOERROR;
} // DecideBufferSize
HRESULT CPushPinDesktop::OnThreadCreate() {
LocalOutput("CPushPinDesktop OnThreadCreate");
previousFrameEndTime = 0; // reset dunno if this helps FME which sometimes had inconsistencies, or not
m_iFrameNumber = 0;
return S_OK;
(8条消息) screen-capture-recorder升级dxgi版本演示.zip(支持120帧高帧率,低CPU占有率)-直播技术文档类资源-CSDN文库