
  1. 学习Coursera课程

Coursera上面有很多优秀的教程,甚至比很多市面上的书籍有用(一些书籍还借鉴了Coursera上的教程)。购买了Coursera Plus, 你能上很多有Coursera Plus标签的课程。其中我觉得帝国理工学校的的几门专项课程挺好的,而且都是支持Coursera Plus的。

  • Tensorflow 2 for Deep Learning

  • Mathematics for Machine Learning


IBM推出的课程比较有含金量,旗下的课程都有和IBM Cloud进行结合使用。Coursera上热门的课程有:

  • IBM AI Engineering
  • IBM Data Science
  • IBM Applied AI
  • IBM Applied Data Science
  • IBM Machine Learning
  • IBM Full Stack Developer
  • IBM Data Analyst
  • IBM Cybersecurity Analyst
  • IBM Advanced Data Science
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Mining


  1. 参与Kaggle数据竞赛
    Kaggle相当于深度学习版本的Leetcode.。 上面有很多精心收集的数据集。还有很多数据科学竞赛。如果你的解决方案能够取得好的名次,在找深度学习工程师岗位很有势。数据竞赛最好是用jupyter notebook实现,尽管你也可以使用纯代码。不过jupyter notebook不仅能够实现代码效果,而且很好地展示你的思路。而且对于深度学习工程师或者数据科学家来说,良好的表达能力很重要。

  2. 深入学习计算机科学


  • Algorithms, Part I
  • Algorithms, Part II
  1. 考一个CQF证书



  • DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer
    • Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
    • Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
    • Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
    • Sequences, Time Series and Prediction
  • Deep Learning


  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques
  • Natural Language Processing
  • TensorFlow: Data and Deployment
  • AI for Medicine
  • IBM AI Engineering
    • Machine Learning with Python
    • Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data using Apache Spark
    • Introduction to Deep Learning & Neural Networks with Keras
    • Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch
    • Building Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow
    • AI Capstone Project with Deep Learning


  • Advanced Machine Learning
  • Mathematics for Data Science
  • Pratical Data Science
    • Analyze Datasets and Train ML Models using AutoML
    • Build, Train, and Deploy ML Pipelines using BERT
    • Optimize ML Models and Deploy Human-in-the-Loop Pipelines
  • IBM Data Science
    • What is Data Science
    • Tools for Data Science
    • Data Science Methodology
    • Python for Data Science, AI & Development
    • Python Project for Data Science
    • Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python
    • Data Analysis with Python
    • Data Visualization with Python
    • Machine Learning with Python
    • Applied Data Science Capstone
