Facelets step by step:
Need 3 JAR files in WEB-INF/lib
jsf-facelets.jar, el-api.jar, el-ri.jar
2.In web.mxl
Extension of faceletsfiles.
E.g., foo.xhtmlwill be accessed as foo.faces.
<param-name></param-name> javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX
<param-value></param-value> .xhtml
How often to check for changes
after initial deployment.
<param-name></param-name> facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD
<param-value></param-value> 2
Use debug/development output.
<param-name></param-name> facelets.DEVELOPMENT
<param-value></param-value> true
3. faces-config.xml Setting
4. ? Define template file
Common data for all pages goes directly in template file
Sections that will be changed marked with ui:insert
Content shared by all clients
? Define client file(s)
Specify template file with ui:composition
Give content for the sections with ui:define
Content to go in "body" section of template
5. Use xhtml