
But is philosophy stagnant? Science seems always advance, while philosophy seemsalways to lose ground. Yet this is only because philosophy accepts the hard and hazardous task of dealing with problems not yet open to the methods of science -- problems like good and evil, beauty and ugliness, order and freedom, life and dath; so soon as a field of inquiry yields knowledge susceptible of exact formulation it is called science. 

但哲学是否停滞不前?科学似乎总是在进步,而哲学似乎总是在失势。然而这只是因为哲学所接受的,是艰巨而危险的任务,即那些处理尚未有科学方法去解决的问题 —— 善与恶、美与丑、秩序与自由、生命与死亡等问题;而一旦一个研究领域产生了易于精确表述的知识,它就被称为科学。
