



2. 麦子妈妈,发现生活中的美,童心未泯,认真观察孩子,找寻童年的快乐。

3. 4个月,参加两百多场会议,空杯才能谦卑。(也是转身派会员)。

4. 《千面英雄》同事,每个人都有自己的一面,找到自己的闪光面,你就是千面英雄。

5. 一位HR尽力挽留了一位目不识丁的保洁员,工作认真,月薪三千,有一片荒地就可以种出绿油油的蔬菜,养育了五个孩子,三个大学生。

6. 《未来可期》勇敢是看见恐惧,带着她一起克服。主持失利到再次勇敢地站上舞台,这个话题特别适合头马舞台。

7. 《勇敢》,加入头马不到一年。对的事害怕也要做,从高中时候不敢指认小偷,到工作以后犹犹豫豫但还是在遭遇做小偷的瞬间,不自觉加快了油门,骑电瓶车抓小偷的场景呈现得特别好,结尾抱起女儿那一刻,深刻体会昨天工作坊说的勇气来至父亲,这个女儿很幸运。讲感谢的时候也是顺嘴一个故事,超会讲故事。


Draft an outline to avoid trembling

My life is my message

1. PW from Taicang

2. HL Life: From HK,Love is for everyone

3. XL mental health counselor. My mother's message inspired me to learn English, now I bring my message to you, communication make things better.

4. JY what is your life like now? Good connection to the audience. listen to our innner message. (Many things change but the enthusiasm hasn't been changed in TM)

5. FG two important days, one is when you are Born, the other is when you find out why. Early found out  born to be a teacher. What you give to others. I believe in you, dream big

6. KM from failed speech messages given in the stage that doesn't resonate in the audiecne to Turnaround by Sherrie, when you go on the stage, share your life as your message. (Heathy relationship with TM for 8 years, maybe till 80s)

7. KHY Life meaning evolves. a musician to photographer, toastmaster, and other life missions.   

Table topic selection: Open ending, depth topic. 

We don't do table topic just for table topic, we do that to inspire people, to prepare for the interview that you will all encounter sooner or later.


1. JZ If you were... change your position, you will know why. touching story about be patient with your parents. 

Tag line: If you were me, you will know why?

2. HL Which zone are you in? Lockdown zone, control zone, comfort zone

Stretch is painful. Life is like a rubber ban, stretch to go further. 

3. AZ Chocolate Candy? Give yourself or others a second chance. When you see someone make mistake, don't blame but tell them how to correct. 

4. KHY How to win

5. JF Full-time Mum when you put them in your heart they put you in theirs. 

6. FG Message in a Bottle: are you find words from your heart, are your talking people through their heart

they don't care how much you know untill they know how much you care

they best way to get the best out of the people is to show them we care.

I got your back. 

7 JY The XL Jane restart for a new beginning, very vivid story telling. Accept XL size and not walk away from the stage. 
