
Daily Routine

Plan performance

yestoday's plan is:

1. 3 signal principle experiment
2. network experiment 3
3. compiler-principle PA3
4. watch at least 1 css188 class
5. read and run tensorflow mnist tutorial
6. english vocabulary work book 2 chapter

what I did today:

1. 3 signal principle experiment, read the doc and algorithm but not finish yet
2. network principle homework 5
3. 2 vocabulary workbook
4. listen 2 chapter of trumpet voluntary
5. went to the first building to record video (but this one is meaningless)

next day plan

1. compiler-principle homework
2. finish signal process principle experiment
3. 2 vocabulary work book chapter
4. listen 1 or 2 chapter of trumpet voluntary
5. read and run tensorflow mnist tutorial
6. just start compiler-principle PA3
